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India a dangerous place to live in

When peoples mention word india, first thing comes in mind of western is poor peoples and beggars on the road. Over crowded places, trains, buses, road accidents every day, poor Health systems, cheap prostitutions

And when west think about pakistan what do they say??? you know it so pls explain that also.. i dont want to take those words

Atleast they think better about us... otherwise millions of foreign tourists would not visit India on regular basis... and some foreign tourists already shifted to India on permenant basis ....
When peoples mention word india, first thing comes in mind of western is poor peoples and beggars on the road. Over crowded places, trains, buses, road accidents every day, poor Health systems, cheap prostitutions

the first thing that comes in their mind is how we steal their jobs :rofl:
Zeluva , I did this to bring you out from illusion that you are living in heaven. We have problems of terrorism after war on terror but all others problems exist in boht countries and in many other things India is worse than pak. Indian haters blame Pakistan for terrorism in other countries while they bring terrorism in Pakistan as plus point to show how great is India. Whom you blame for terrorism in Pakistan?

When did I say that living in India is akin to living in Heaven? Please direct me to the post where I said that. There are myriads of problems that India faces and there is no hiding or denying that. But if a person (especially a person like Hafizz, who is known to make such troll threads against India) creates a thread with the sole purpose of trolling and flaming, it would be unfair to expect Indians to not give an appropriate response.

In regards to terrorism in Pakistan, it has been discussed in much details elsewhere. Most of the terrorism in Pakistan comes from within Pakistan, not from other countries.

When peoples mention word india, first thing comes in mind of western is poor peoples and beggars on the road. Over crowded places, trains, buses, road accidents every day, poor Health systems, cheap prostitutions

And how would you know this? Did you conduct an experiment or can you read their minds or did they make you their spokesperson? You do not even live in a western country!!!

I do and let me tell you that the first thing that comes in their mind is Indian Food, Bollywood, Outsourcing and Indian Culture. Unfortunately what comes into their mind at the mention on Pakistan these days is not pretty.
When peoples mention word india, first thing comes in mind of western is poor peoples and beggars on the road. Over crowded places, trains, buses, road accidents every day, poor Health systems, cheap prostitutions

go home safely. later in dreams think about pakistani zillion $ economy and comparison of poor india(in dreams).dont woke up early else ur dream will remain a dream.
Looks like we have a bharati head buried in sand here.

Yes, you know about issues in Bharat. Canadians know about issues in Canada, Americans know about issues in America. Yet I can talk to people from those countries, with them knowing I am from Pakistan, about the issues they face their country in a civil way.

How does 2 or 3 people wanting to change the currency means the whole country wants to do that?

Now you talk about how Pakistanis obsess with India's issues. Yet I see bharatis doing that with Pakistan, not giving a sh*t about bharati issues and worrying 100% about Pakistan.

What it means is that quite being a hypocritical and insecure. Just because someone else discusses your issue you don't need to become all insecure and divert to issues that their country faces.

Looks like we have a bharati head buried in sand here.

Why should we. Was osama found in India?

And for the "obsession" part. Ask the member who started this thread and argue whatever you want about obsession.
Yes these all abortion , aids, poverty , prostitutions, beggars, drugs addict are because of ISI haha why you are so helpless about ISI haha

But luckily no terrorists (Osama, zawahiri, omar, etc). So no drone attacks and special forces operation.

What? Did you say beggars? Damn this IMF is favoring a particular set of beggars.
Yes India is improving as great numbers of Indians are leaving countries for better future in middle east and western countries

That is because we are allowed to enter. Unlike, people from certain countries who are looked upon like terrorists.

Meanwhile, till when the Kuwaitis have banned you guys from entering their country. :P
You live in Pakistan mate,seriously!:lol:

Pakistan is ranked 146/153 countries!

Rankings & Results « Vision of Humanity
Hey roy_gourav leave them yaar

At time of load shedding they get light from fuel tanker fire , started by suicide bomb blast ... and they point towards India..
Wah you guys really know how to break world records of stupidity ... even in such a tough time when your country is branded as safe heaven for terrorist and one of the most dangerous place to live on earth (I am sure only on Earth .. now don't compare it with Mars ) .....
I think it was not right for Hafiz to start this topic and criticise India when ranking of Pakistan is even lower than India and its actually useless to bash each others. We should put our energy in constructive debate and to say that one country is better than other will not solve any problems. It is also right that peoples who live abroad have this perception that Pakistan is very dangerous place to live where you get bomb blast after every second in all major cities of Pakistan which is wrong as most of the times this battle is between army and terrorists. when you sit infront of TV, all their news revolve around one suicide attack but when i was in Pakistan , i did realized that local peoples don't care much about these attacks and they are busy in their daily routine and they are enjoying life without any worries
the first impression about India that any illeducated foreigner would be "land of snake charmers" and "land of kamasutra"
. and first impression of Pakistan would be mullas with turban and long beard with ak47 in their hands.
When peoples mention word india, first thing comes in mind of western is poor peoples and beggars on the road. Over crowded places, trains, buses, road accidents every day, poor Health systems, cheap prostitutions

yeah pakistan is having only copters flights ufo's. prostitution is better than terrorism. go home safely 1st.

upto now i thot gals only do fingering but u r using all fingers
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