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India - A Country Profile


Sep 7, 2008
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India - A Country Profile

Official Name: Republic of India

Location: South Asia

Population: 1.15 billion

People Below Poverty Line: 456 million (highest in the world)

Deaths Due to Poverty: 20,000 per day, 270 million since 1990 (highest in the world)

Number of HIV/AIDS Infected People: 5.7 million (highest in the world)

Number of People Without Access to Toilets: 650 million (highest in the world)

Child Malnutrition Rate: 46% (highest in the world)

Forced Child Labor: 50 million (highest in the world)

Number of Prostitutes: 10 million (highest in the world)

Reported Rapes per Day: 48 approx.

Percentage of Rapes Reported: 1.42% (only 1 out of 70 rapes is reported)
Thank you for highlighting these points about India.

These points are being addressed by our Govt. and hopefully in a few years will be reduced considerably or eliminated.

Also please provide a link for this info.
People Below Poverty Line: 456 million
Number of people, in India, who are below poverty line :About 300 million (30 Cr.)
India Watch :: Poverty Line

That is a 10% decrease since 1991.
Number of People Without Access to Toilets: 650 million (highest in the world)

Where did you get this from ?

Well i do appreciate your concern for India and its poor people.But if you compare the figures of 1991 to 2001 you will find that the BPL people rate is decreasing and so is the malnutrition rate.
Progress is being made ,and at times it is as high as 10% in certain feilds
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People Below Poverty Line: 456 million (highest in the world)

Wrong. The number of people living beloew the poverty line is 27.5%


Number of HIV/AIDS Infected People: 5.7 million

Wrong. The number is 2.4 million.


Percentage of Rapes Reported: 1.42%

How the hell can such a thing be calculated?

Forced Child Labor: 50 million

Wrong again. You seem to making a habit of it.

According to the Labor Department of India the figure is four crores 96 lakh in 2001.

India and Child Labor India Culture, Business, Sports and Food. Get all the buzz in India now : @ Indiabuzzing.com

Number of Prostitutes: 10 million

Dare i say it? Wrong again. There are around 2.8 million prostitutes in the country.

Around 2.8 mn prostitutes in India

Reported Rapes per Day: 48 approx.

Perhaps, point being what? You do realise that India has the lowest rape rates in the world right? 48 rapes a day is unacceptable, but do realise that we live in a world where rapes happen very very frequently, i mean just look at this -

KARACHI: On average, 100 women are raped every 24 hours in Karachi city alone, and a majority of them are working women, said Additional Police Surgeon (APS) Dr Zulfiqar Siyal.

So your point was what exactly? To post a flame thread? Epic fail.
India - A Country Profile

Official Name: Republic of India

Location: South Asia

Population: 1.15 billion

People Below Poverty Line: 456 million (highest in the world)

Deaths Due to Poverty: 20,000 per day, 270 million since 1990 (highest in the world)

Number of HIV/AIDS Infected People: 5.7 million (highest in the world)

Number of People Without Access to Toilets: 650 million (highest in the world)

Child Malnutrition Rate: 46% (highest in the world)

Forced Child Labor: 50 million (highest in the world)

Number of Prostitutes: 10 million (highest in the world)

Reported Rapes per Day: 48 approx.

Percentage of Rapes Reported: 1.42% (only 1 out of 70 rapes is reported)

Thanks for telling us .Being a Pakistani u r so concerned about India. Its good for us. Hope u spend time to solve probelm in Pakistan who is the world 10th failed state ,rather then wasting time to discover India's so called facts.
**** 55 million indian pushed below the poverty line *****
Now this is one development that is likely to give the ruling UPA government sleepless nights especially when general elections are a sniffing distance away. Kolkata based Indian Statistical Institute has just come out with a results of a survey from about 124,000 households across the country. And the results of the survey have punched a big hole in the present government’s claim that it has been able to alleviate poverty in the country during its regime. Infact, if the results are to be believed, about a staggering 55 m people have been further pushed below the poverty line. This, at a time when the country recorded its best economic growth ever. A sorry state of affairs indeed as what the country needs is not lopsided economic growth where the rich get richer but a more equitable growth whereby the benefits of higher growth percolate down to the poorest sections of the society.

Is this India Shining? Best Investment Place? Read a related article below

Dancing with a bear is risky

M.J. Akbar Arab News

Instead of banning opinion polls during election time, the government should ban subversive academic organizations like Kolkata’s Indian Statistical Institute (ISI). Opinion polls and exit polls are way off the mark, so why bother? A ban only betrays the nervousness of a government anxious to come back to power, but uncertain about how this will happen.

It is true that the slightest shift in the electoral demographic could send a government from the heaven of office to the hell of irrelevance. But does the Cabinet of Dr. Manmohan Singh and the party of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi actually believe that the Indian voter sits biting his nails before a television set in order to make up his mind about how he will vote? The really accurate psephologist is not a pseudo-scientist available on hire, but the social scientist whose name you do not know.

The facts that are molding the mood of the voter have been gathered by the ISI, based on data collated by the National Sample Survey Organization from about 124,000 households across the country. Get ready for a sharp crack in your first illusion. The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government, through its economic spokesman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, has sold us the bait that poverty has gone down under its watch. Fact: The number of people living below the poverty line has actually increased by a horrifying 20 percent. India had some 270 million people below the poverty line in 2004-5, when the present government took office. That number has gone up by 55 million, or 20 percent, after five years of policies named after the “aam aadmi” (common man) but shaped for the “khaas aadmi” (vested interests).

The economic map of India has shifted the axis of tension. The old notional north-south line that divided the country into broad politico-cultural halves is passe. There is a new poverty diagonal that separates the nation on a north-west to south-east arc. The India to the east is sinking toward Bangladesh and Burma; India to the west is rising, and becoming the stuff of popular aspiration and fantasy.

If you want to know why Mamata Banerjee could undermine the ramparts of the red fortress in Bengal, pore over the ISI report. A stunning 14 out of Bengal’s 18 districts are among the 100 poorest in India, after three decades of Marxist rule. The most indigent district in the country is not in Bihar, Orissa or Jharkhand, but in Bengal, Murshidabad, capital of a principality that once included the whole of Bengal, Orissa and a significant part of Bihar. When Robert Clive stepped into Murshidabad in 1757 after victory in the Battle of Plassey, he looked around in wonder and exclaimed that it was richer than London. Today he would look around and find women slaving away, making bidis at the rate of 41 rupees for a thousand, out of which the middleman keeps six rupees. In percentage terms, the rich pay far less to their middlemen.

Muslim-majority Murshidabad has a population density of 1,102 per square km against a national average of 590. Among its constituencies is Jangipur. Its member of Parliament is Pranab Mukherjee, the current finance minister. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Marxists were pushed back in Bengal but won Jangipur, as the law of accountability began to extract its price? The job losses that could cross over a hundred million by March are going to have significant impact on voter mood. January saw a fall of 24 percent in exports from last year. Realists consider the Reserve Bank of India’s projection of 7 percent growth optimistic. Rising India might be under a cloud for the last six months, but Stagnant India has been in gloom for years. There is little coverage of this gloom since media are driven by advertising; advertising is interested in consumption, and the hungry do not even consume food.

It is extraordinary how political parties shy away from decisive facts, and chase ephemeral ones. The extended BJP family is sending vigilantes to check on what the young are doing in their leisure time, but displays little interest in what the young really want — someone to worry about their workplace. It is understandable when a ruling party shies away from the economy because it has no answers. Why should an opposition party be averse? All it has to do is ask questions.

The political discourse, on all sides, is consumed not by issues that are relevant to the voter, but by posturing and negotiations for partnerships of convenience. The parties do not even pretend to have any ideology in common, or even a purpose that is vaguely similar.

Everyone knows that the negotiations for office after the results will have little to do with the manifestos that will be printed before the elections. There is only one weight that will be placed on the scales of judgment, the weight of numbers. (The scales of justice have no place in politics.) One is often reminded, while watching the pantomime, that when you dance with a bear you don’t stop. Those who stop get mauled before they can walk off.

A friend reminded me of an even more appropriate aphorism, and was kind enough to add that this had become relevant to the whole of South Asia. The quotation was from Alice in Wonderland. If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.
MOD ban Mr ali 009 or close this thread before it goes out of hand than don't blame the Indians
yes exactly what is the point of such a thread?
a lot of pakistanis would probably say.."you should know of the evils of your superpower"...or "we should bring to light the undeveloped india for all to see"
everybody in the world who equates the rise of india to china...talks about these difficult issues in the same breath...but it being raised on THIS forum is pointless because the only thing that's gonna happen is that everyone is gonna take turns to leave no stone unturned to curse India...
the prospect of a healthy discussion vaporises there and then.
this thread can be amazingly contributory if we have the right approach...and not just curse India.
India has all these evils...but it's like an economic locomotive that once set in motion is gonna churn and churn and pick up speed...it's upto the leadership to be able to allocate the growing wealth to resolve these century old issues plaguing us.
I am relatively new member and i want to write how really feel about this forum.

One thing i observed in this forum, we both indian and pakistani try our best to de-grade or meline each other.
can we be contructive and have postive approach which i am sure benificial of both of us.

why can'nt we use our brain to

-find solutions to reduce powerty instead of proving who is more poor
-discover ways to reduce diseases intead of counting numbers of sick people

in my own observation, some of the indian brothers are more active in such activities, for instance, almost all of anti-pakistan threads are created by indian friends. please just be realistic, you guys are at pakistani forum (defence.pk) so for us (pakistanis), the reaction to anti-pakitani stuff is quite natural

i really dont want to offend any one but i feel we can be more usefull for each other if we try to be more creative and progressive if we try to avoid beating each other in useless debates
India - A Country Profile

Number of People Without Access to Toilets: 650 million (highest in the world)

Percentage of Rapes Reported: 1.42% (only 1 out of 70 rapes is reported)

GOI needs to start thinking about their poor and needy people......India's poor dont have to go through this while remaining delusional by watching spineless indian movies and soaps........

How could 650 million people live without toilets.......once my friend visited india, he crossed on trian to delhi....i think it was for a cricket series ........and what he saw and told me was not very good........he said that he saw people taking dumps on the road early in the morning.....that too sitting in lines........now i certainly dont want to laugh at this ....cos poverty is miserable and its here in Pak too....but is my friend's observation correct??

And if it is, indias should seriously think about it...dreams of becoming a superpower is good but what about 650million people without toilets
GOI needs to start thinking about their poor and needy people......India's poor dont have to go through this while remaining delusional by watching spineless indian movies and soaps........

How could 650 million people live without toilets.......once my friend visited india, he crossed on trian to delhi....i think it was for a cricket series ........and what he saw and told me was not very good........he said that he saw people taking dumps on the road early in the morning.....that too sitting in lines........now i certainly dont want to laugh at this ....cos poverty is miserable and its here in Pak too....but is my friend's observation correct??

And if it is, indias should seriously think about it...dreams of becoming a superpower is good but what about 650million people without toilets

wat else we can expect from pakistani. ur mentality just stick to toilets only. if india can't provide toilets to 650 milion people than y dont india in top 10 failed state in the world. y pakistan is top 10 failed state. my love there r lot of issues in the world which r more important.

Example = Economic growth,millitary might, scientific growth,foriegn relation bla bla bla. I can't see pakistan near anywhere. so y dont u sit and answer other thread rather than wasting your time here.

we know our probelms we will fix it. you save ur country from talibans and Zaradri.:cheers::cheers::cheers:
Whats up with these flame type threads?

Although the guy does have a point, India does have a lot to work on and at times I don't think we are doing enough. The government obviously has a responsibility but I think most middle class/rich people are indifferent to the plight of the poor people, we are simply desensitized and this needs to change. We need community organizations across the country to help uplift the poor, we need to educate the educated people about helping out their brethren. There is only so much the GoI can do and nothing will be solved over night, but we need to mobilize as a community and do whatever we can locally. To all of you who are in India especially, make some time and get involved in some NGO and help out the community try and spread the message, don't put it off saying someone else will take care of it.

Of course, the guy who started the thread doesn't care about poverty alleviation or anything, he's just trying to feel better about the state of his country by projecting his insecurities on ours. Well, I for one will not let that happen, Ali009 have a look at the link below, Pakistan is going to be trapped fighting the Taliban for at least the next 5-6 years and that's a conservative estimate, while you do that, India will be improving and growing stronger, and to get things started, have a look at the link.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistani militants abandon deal

the fight is only just beginning. Good Luck, we'll be watching.
wat else we can expect from pakistani. ur mentality just stick to toilets only. if india can't provide toilets to 650 milion people than y dont india in top 10 failed state in the world. y pakistan is top 10 failed state. my love there r lot of issues in the world which r more important.

Example = Economic growth,millitary might, scientific growth,foriegn relation bla bla bla. I can't see pakistan near anywhere. so y dont u sit and answer other thread rather than wasting your time here.

we know our probelms we will fix it. you save ur country from talibans and Zaradri.:cheers::cheers::cheers:

buddy we dont need to take every discussion in a india vs pak perspective......yes this thread was opened by a certain ali, to make india look bad,but we must not too get down to his level......period.......summerwine,its good that you expressed your concern for the poor of india......then you also must learn that the goi has taken many steps to ensure access to toilet for the poor,which includes setting up numerous toilets accros the cities,and also in the villages ,'souchaloy's are set up for the public,people are lent money from the village panchayat for setting up toilets....this are certainly good signs.....yes we dream of being the best,but we still have a long way to go,and i believe we are going in the right direction
buddy we dont need to take every discussion in a india vs pak perspective......yes this thread was opened by a certain ali, to make india look bad,but we must not too get down to his level......period.......summerwine,its good that you expressed your concern for the poor of india......then you also must learn that the goi has taken many steps to ensure access to toilet for the poor,which includes setting up numerous toilets accros the cities,and also in the villages ,'souchaloy's are set up for the public,people are lent money from the village panchayat for setting up toilets....this are certainly good signs.....yes we dream of being the best,but we still have a long way to go,and i believe we are going in the right direction

true that wat i tried to say to my pak friend that we know our probelms and we r fixing it. they (pakistani)don't even tried to look in there probelms

Anyhow Insha Allaaah we will be superpower soon victory::victory::victory::victory:
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