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Incredible Indian betrayal

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Exactly. Who knows I'm not prepared for you to land on our shores and I might just kiss your pretty a$$ with my you-know-what.

As it is, you guys are all terrorists and hence pretty much used to a$$ games. (generalization intended)

...oh and say my hi to (your) chachajaan hafiz saeed.

...I hope you're not pi$$sed off at my not writing the name of your dear chachajaan in capital letters.

Oh are you? ;)

Accept my apologies...or not...seriously who cares?

...oh wait are you gonna blow up? How sad! :cry:

What? Still no chummah from Ummah? ;)

I dont know which language you speakin'- but its obvious you mofu naturaly hatin'-
who knows some blue day i might give you a chance- to kiss my stinky pretty A$$-
which tools ya'll chose- hope its not what you use for eatin'
if you lucky- i may present my d*** to what you use for shittin'-
btw- the chachas mun bola bhateja Kassab- is enjoyinh "gher jawai" status- that motivates more bhatejas-
I have a question to thread starter:
Would he have opened a thread with "Incredible pakistani betrayal" if those guy were pakistanis. I dont think so.

Basically he already have been exposed to "dont-trust-evil-hindus" sermon, and this incident just reinforced his belief.
Even though he could have met many good Indians before, one bad incident is enough to reinforce that.

Also, (with the risk of generalizing), pakistanis seem to take great pride in proving that they are simple, masoom people. They may as well be, but I wont take pride in such an attribute, and would rather call myself Idiot.
btw- the chachas mun bola bhateja Kassab- is enjoyinh "gher jawai" status- that motivates more bhatejas-


I only hope the next bhateeja is you.

...as does my bayonet, wait as it does eagerly for some p_a_k_i a$$. Can't wait to make the two lovers meet.

...the only ones not wishing so would be your poor parents or those of any other bhateeja who wishes to make the 'shahadat'.

... but seriously, who cares...as long as you can get your 72 hoories, right?

or at the very least, it won't be the one waiting to be our next ghar jamai.

Don't worry lad, you'll get'em. The hoories are a waiting...
If the OP was unbiased he shouldn't have mentioned the word 'Indian' in the title.This changes the nature of the thread into a India bashing one.
The title should have been:How I was betrayed?

Also how do you know that they aren't the same person.Many have multiple accounts due to infractions?

I only hope the next bhateeja is you.

...as does my bayonet, wait as it does eagerly for some p_a_k_i a$$. Can't wait to make the two lovers meet.

...the only ones not wishing so would be your poor parents or those of any other bhateeja who wishes to make the 'shahadat'.

... but seriously, who cares...as long as you can get your 72 hoories, right?

or at the very least, it won't be the one waiting to be our next ghar jamai.

As expected- you think your parents are worth my abuse- but this is where i generally stop- i may be interested in their feminine sibling :angel:-
or- wait a sec- i have some thing that rhymes with your parents- ya keep watching this space-
Superkaif, please, stop embarrassing me and other Pakistanis! Do excuse me for asking this question but are you Punjabi/Sindhi? I ask this because during the beginning of my course, a few Pakistani bros belonging to those provinces would never talk to me due to my general outspoken, disdain, for Indians and for a certain fact of me calling them out, for adopting this idiotic and alien Indian culture. All of them were clubbers and into the ‘bhangra’ scene.

My closest mate was a Pakistani Pashtun whom also agreed that these interactions with Indians are pretty much solely exclusive between these two provinces and Indians, as other Pakistanis, in general, mock and poke fun at Indians.

Suprisingly, we had more support from Pakistani girls who hated the fact that some people used to lump us with Indians, with time many British people on the course have realised, we are totally heterogeneous, although evident from our physical features most are pretty ignorant with regards to culture/heritage.

It was only when some of those Punjabi/sindhi lads got into trouble regarding their examination results did they realise that in both me and my Pashtun mate, they had brothers who would go to arduous lengths to help resolve their situation, although they still remain friendly with those Indians, over time those brothers have come to their senses and agree with us that we are totally heterogeneous to Indians. It’s about time other Pakistanis, realise the same, we have squat all in common with slumdogs, whether that be culture, ethnicity, heritage, physical appearance and even social values.

I, personally, don’t know how any human, let alone, a Pakistani could ever entertain the thought of inviting an Indian into their home. Indians, are sub-human, a cross breed, part-human and part-rat![/QUOTE]

Thanks mate So...?thats the best one from you...!! Thanks again .
The OP needs parental guidance on how to avoid divulging personal information on the internet.

...but then I guess it's the fault of us Indians if the parents of the OP didn't tell him/her about the things to do or not to do on the internet.

---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

Oh what you gonna blow yourself up, huh?

...tell me something I do not expect of Pakistanis...terrorists as you all are (generalization intended)

nope- this time it is some thing that you are not expecting- ' a suicide jacket (read condom ) wearing terrorist gona explode in your -u know what'-
Well well well. Interesting to see what some of you guys thought.

I would like to comment as follows on your comments:

1. Anyone who thinks I or SK are naïve is living on another planet. I could give you information to the contrary but would at this stage rely on my past posts. You can tell if someone’s naïve if you have access to thousands of posts which you have in both our cases. We did not release our emails to Indian A just after meeting him on the internet. Contrary to some who have asserted this we are neither stupid nor naïve.
2. The invite was not extended by us to Indian A. Indian A said he was coming to near where we live. We felt it would be discourteous not to offer hospitality. That has something to do with the way we have been brought up. It did not occur to us that we should be wary because he was Indian. It also shows that we bear no malice towards Indians generally. In any event we have nothing to hide and are more than able to handle the consequences of our actions
3. To those of you who have stated that internet is a place is a place that is devoid or separate from the real world. Get real people are meeting via the internet and getting married. There are good and bad in India, UK, Pakistan and on the internet. It’s no different to real life. In real life we have murderers and evil people. I could have met Indian A in a pub restaurant work etc.
4. For those that have been critical of me for associating this act with Indians I do have some sympathy. But this was done as I explained very early on and in the heat of the moment. But having had some time to think about it I think that I am guilty of what lots of Indians on this site are and that is to blame the actions of a few on an entire group or nation of people. A handful of nutters and psychos who it appears were of Pakistani origin created havoc in Bombay. Lots of you Indians and your govt immediately started pointing fingers at Pakistanis and the great nation of Pakistan. Let this be a lesson to you and to me. I won’t blame all Indians for the actions of a few idiots. I expect and hope that you will extend the same courtesy to me and my brethren and Pakistan (and the ISI lol). At times I feel that if fireworks go off in India we will get the blame.
5. The thing that upset me most was not A. he may have just been dim and stupid. It was the way that Indian C tried to suggest something sinister. He has in the past been rabidly anti Pakistani and he went on the forum onto SK’s message page and left a message pretending to be all innocent and disclosed his name. The inference to be drawn from this is not particularly pleasant. What if SK had been one of these people who really were bothered about the release of his name?
6. I am surprised that some of you Indians instead of doing what I would have done and that is point out hey guys this A B C do not represent all of us and yes they were wrong in the contrary have tried to blame the victims in a shabby affair. Bit like when a pretty girl in sexy clothes gets raped its her fault for being pretty and wearing sexy clothes.
7. Some of you have suggested all kinds of motives and conspiracy theories for me for putting this thread up ranging from Indian bashing to wanting thank your’s. On the contrary last week a Pakistani forum member wanted to put something very embarrassing about India and I told him that it was inappropriate in my opinion. As far as posts and thank yous go I think I have shown that if I want I can comfortably put 3000 plus posts with a high thank you rate per month. The reason for exposing this here in the manner that I did was to assist all members so that in future if they really wanted to protect and or hide their identities they should also create email addresses which are different to their names or at the very least they are forewarned. The second reason was that I wanted Indian A B & C to feel 2 inches tall and in particular to Indian C who was trying to show us that he worked for RAW etc with the sinister undertones that we didn’t give a damn. Remember if someone tries to blackmail you the best way to get them back is to expose them.
Well well well. Interesting to see what some of you guys thought.

I would like to comment as follows on your comments:

1. Anyone who thinks I or SK are naïve is living on another planet. I could give you information to the contrary but would at this stage rely on my past posts. You can tell if someone’s naïve if you have access to thousands of posts which you have in both our cases. We did not release our emails to Indian A just after meeting him on the internet. Contrary to some who have asserted this we are neither stupid nor naïve.
2. The invite was not extended by us to Indian A. Indian A said he was coming to near where we live. We felt it would be discourteous not to offer hospitality. That has something to do with the way we have been brought up. It did not occur to us that we should be wary because he was Indian. It also shows that we bear no malice towards Indians generally. In any event we have nothing to hide and are more than able to handle the consequences of our actions
3. To those of you who have stated that internet is a place is a place that is devoid or separate from the real world. Get real people are meeting via the internet and getting married. There are good and bad in India, UK, Pakistan and on the internet. It’s no different to real life. In real life we have murderers and evil people. I could have met Indian A in a pub restaurant work etc.
4. For those that have been critical of me for associating this act with Indians I do have some sympathy. But this was done as I explained very early on and in the heat of the moment. But having had some time to think about it I think that I am guilty of what lots of Indians on this site are and that is to blame the actions of a few on an entire group or nation of people. A handful of nutters and psychos who it appears were of Pakistani origin created havoc in Bombay. Lots of you Indians and your govt immediately started pointing fingers at Pakistanis and the great nation of Pakistan. Let this be a lesson to you and to me. I won’t blame all Indians for the actions of a few idiots. I expect and hope that you will extend the same courtesy to me and my brethren and Pakistan (and the ISI lol). At times I feel that if fireworks go off in India we will get the blame.
5. The thing that upset me most was not A. he may have just been dim and stupid. It was the way that Indian C tried to suggest something sinister. He has in the past been rabidly anti Pakistani and he went on the forum onto SK’s message page and left a message pretending to be all innocent and disclosed his name. The inference to be drawn from this is not particularly pleasant. What if SK had been one of these people who really were bothered about the release of his name?
6. I am surprised that some of you Indians instead of doing what I would have done and that is point out hey guys this A B C do not represent all of us and yes they were wrong in the contrary have tried to blame the victims in a shabby affair. Bit like when a pretty girl in sexy clothes gets raped its her fault for being pretty and wearing sexy clothes.
7. Some of you have suggested all kinds of motives and conspiracy theories for me for putting this thread up ranging from Indian bashing to wanting thank your’s. On the contrary last week a Pakistani forum member wanted to put something very embarrassing about India and I told him that it was inappropriate in my opinion. As far as posts and thank yous go I think I have shown that if I want I can comfortably put 3000 plus posts with a high thank you rate per month. The reason for exposing this here in the manner that I did was to assist all members so that in future if they really wanted to protect and or hide their identities they should also create email addresses which are different to their names or at the very least they are forewarned. The second reason was that I wanted Indian A B & C to feel 2 inches tall and in particular to Indian C who was trying to show us that he worked for RAW etc with the sinister undertones that we didn’t give a damn. Remember if someone tries to blackmail you the best way to get them back is to expose them.

Read this slowly:










^^^^^ yea thanks I ll come to you for advise on what i need
You are so naive to compare a personal tragedy with terror attack which requires careful planning and behind the scene orchastration.
You can compare it with any tell of Indian betrayed by pakistani, but I am not sure people will write such personal story in this forum.

BTW your story is completely believable, there are stories people getting killed after meeting a stranger and what not. I dont remember the nationality of all those victim and culprit though, they appear to be completely random people.
You are so naive to compare a personal tragedy with terror attack which requires careful planning and behind the scene orchastration.
You can compare it with any tell of Indian betrayed by pakistani, but I am not sure people will write such personal story in this forum.

BTW your story is completely believable, there are stories people getting killed after meeting a stranger and what not. I dont remember the nationality of all those victim and culprit though, they appear to be completely random people.

Yea maybe I shouldnt compare that tragedy and it was a tragedy but at times i do feel that some indians blame pakistanis and pakistan for all the evils in the world

---------- Post added at 10:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

Am I your parent?

well it looks like you like to extend insolicited advise. Why cant you see through your hatred for pakistanis and say these indians were wrong to behave in this uncivilised manner
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