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Incredible Bangladesh

nice pics b'desh has alot of unspoilt landscapes considering it's so densely populated
well...we hav to be prepared 4 such reactions u know my bro...!
all we gotta do is just ignore them and thats how they could be taught a lesson...

my humble msg to these kinda ppl:
dont u ever feel shame on yourselves ridiculing other's country...?
i expected some positive replies but u indian ruined my hope and also my mood...:eek:

Its not Indians who ruined your posts, It was derailed by your friend from Bangladesh. Can you notice his absence here ?

Anyway I donot want to derail this thread, I have never been to Bangladesh
If you could show some scenic beauty and unique images of Bangladesh that will sure help others in promoting Bangladesh.
damn man, gotta watch yourself, with the way things are around here, if we ever went out drinking, we'd throw punches faster than Munshi can post articles about India screwing up!

oh yeah, cool pics man. any matches yet btw?
You should visit Cox' Bazar which happens to be worlds longest beach and Chittagong Hills and see the Sun go down in Bay of Bengal. Its really breathtaking.

seems like you've already been to Bangladesh Neo...:)

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