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In the event of war with india do we need a strong navy to attack all indian ports

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Jan 19, 2009
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I have this thinking that we need to have a strong navy we cant be defensive all the time
In case of war with india we should be able to attack on indian navel installment ( all of them )it will be difficult for us to only defend as they are huge in number and they have large number of miltary and civilian bases they can block us easily we should have stratgy and equipment to block their main ports
army can only do the damage near the border areas 100 or 200 miles( messiles does not give you the control) in side the enemy teritory but with strong navy we can send forces or deploy subs from arabian sea and bay of bangal and they can inflict greater damage
the defensive policy of the Pakistani armed forces is the best stance for pakistan.Building an effective and offensive navy is too cumbersome and would seriously drain out your coffers and the money needed for your much more effective missile program and the a/c acquisition programs.your navy believes in the power of the subs....which I take to be a clever move.Attacking the Indian ports would be highly unlikely...and wouldrequire a great amount of skill.

well if there is a war say tomorrow...pakistan would have a problem.The state of affairs have taken a nose dive in the armed forces.You need to strengthen your economy before going to war.It's not just about have nig more number of tanks /airplanes..or a larger army...in time of war...a contry gets more or less cut-off from the world...the stock exchanges stop running...and there is no trade....no revenue is generated...so even if say you do well in a war...you'd need to have the resources to sustain that war before the enemy agrees to surrender.the way things are going....that's not gonna happen in some time.Your economy is minuscule right now and your resources won't last long in an all-out war.So the way to being powerful is through a strong economy.
the defensive policy of the Pakistani armed forces is the best stance for pakistan.Building an effective and offensive navy is too cumbersome and would seriously drain out your coffers and the money needed for your much more effective missile program and the a/c acquisition programs.your navy believes in the power of the subs....which I take to be a clever move.Attacking the Indian ports would be highly unlikely...and wouldrequire a great amount of skill.

well if there is a war say tomorrow...pakistan would have a problem.The state of affairs have taken a nose dive in the armed forces.You need to strengthen your economy before going to war.It's not just about have nig more number of tanks /airplanes..or a larger army...in time of war...a contry gets more or less cut-off from the world...the stock exchanges stop running...and there is no trade....no revenue is generated...so even if say you do well in a war...you'd need to have the resources to sustain that war before the enemy agrees to surrender.the way things are going....that's not gonna happen in some time.Your economy is minuscule right now and your resources won't last long in an all-out war.So the way to being powerful is through a strong economy.

I am not in favour of war but one should prepairs for it i am just questioning our nevel capabilities in event of war and boss pakistan will not be the first one to to start the war specially in these conditions
I am not in favour of war but one should prepairs for it i am just questioning our nevel capabilities in event of war and boss pakistan will not be the first one to to start the war specially in these conditions

Pakistan's naval capabilities when compared to India's are next to nil. The IN's overwhelming naval capabilities leave Pakistan very exposed to a Naval blockade from the sea's. But there is not much that Pakistan can do about it, as building a Navy to match Indian capabilities takes money and Pakistan has hardly got any finances for that.

So if a Naval conflict broke out tomorrow the odds will be heavily stacked in India's favor.
Yes we should not just to hit the Indian ports but also to defence a possible blockade placed by the Indian navy. The focus has been on the army for too long and both the airforce and the navy specially has been neglected. Airforce is finally getting some attention but the navy is still in a poor state of readiness which is pathetic on the part of GOP which promisied to provide all resources to make sure Pakistan armed forces are fully capable to defend the mother land in case of a attack.
So a big yes navy should be given ut most importence and the priority followed on the airforce and then the army.
The biggest and most military powers always have large naval fleets. Not just USA today but histrically Japan & Britain.

Generally those that enjoy big powerful economies needs to protect their sea routes to maintain trade. Its also apparent that the big nations have massive coastlines.

Of all 3 services Indian Navy is developing the fastests particularly thru it own massive naval ship building programmes. The Navy has led the way for over decade with indengious indian destroyers frigates and land shipping.

This reflects india importance to trade and large economic needsin the coming decade

In contrast Pakistani Navy is its weakest military arm. I actually think the only way Pakistan could prevent blockade is to use its AIR FORCE to challenge the indian Navy. But this wud divert resources from defending pakistani air space.
Yes we should not just to hit the Indian ports but also to defence a possible blockade placed by the Indian navy. The focus has been on the army for too long and both the airforce and the navy specially has been neglected. Airforce is finally getting some attention but the navy is still in a poor state of readiness which is pathetic on the part of GOP which promisied to provide all resources to make sure Pakistan armed forces are fully capable to defend the mother land in case of a attack.
So a big yes navy should be given ut most importence and the priority followed on the airforce and then the army.

see it totally depends on how you view it.I don't consider myself an expert on the Pakistani armed forces..but I have noticed that over the years...even though the economy has fared badly...some superbly intelligent moves have almost countered a definite downfall.
The PN hasn't got the funding to start expanding it's surface fleet in a big way to counter ours.the experience of '65 and '71 have taught that submarines can effectively counter the many potent ships of the IN.So with the limited resources that the PN had...the Pakistani focus has been to get a substantial(both in numbers and capability) submarine fleet at the expense of expanding/upgrading the surface fleet.There is no way Pakistan is going to draw out funds allocated for the army and the airforce(which conventionally would bear the maximum and immediate brunt of an armed conflict) to procure the navy.
besides...even on the imposition of a naval blockade on karachi...supply routes from China would most probably be functional...and that is why China is so important for you.So the way I see it...a smaller but effective navy is what Pakistan would want and would have and even then it would be considered expendable.
As far as the priorities are concerned.It would be totally foolish and suicidal for Pakistan to invest more in the navy than the airforce and the army....for we share a border and if the resistance offered is compromised...every effort to enhance the navy would turn out to be futile.
It would be similar to the French case in WWII when their army collapsed facing the German juggernaut...and their massive navy was rendered useless.
India have large sea front to defend its easy to sneak in if you have good submarines and attack ships I am not saying that we should match india in term of quantity they have other priorities like china and even poor Bangladesh ( some time they cross over there water to show that they are uncle sam of this area)
Pakistan on the other hand have single priority to defend its self While defending you also need to attack and to attack we need to set our periority we need to build large number of small submarines and attack boats for surprise attacks that will create fear in the enemy mind.
As its difficult for Pakistan to fought conventional navel war with India its batter for us to go for the above formula along with the conventional fleet
IN isnt much capable.... how secure are the sea routes was proven when mumbai was attacked by a bunch of thugs ... Pak can create a havoc on the western border ...so there is no need of having a big navy ... PA can just walk thru the border!
The IN has a much larger coastline to patrol, therefore they have a huge navy. We only have a small coastline, therefore, for defensive purposes, we only need a small navy. We have uptil now not been very offensive as far a naval ops go, so we should just focus on establishing a mobile, stealthy navy which can monitor incoming enemies and strike safely, from a distance. What we need are submarines. Attacking India is a useless though from a naval perpective because we just can't afford it, therefore what we should do is expand our subfleet, to keep the IN at bay, as it's almost impossible to successfully trace subs over a large distance, meaning they may be cautious in their approach to us. If we get a stealthy navy, then we can keep the IN at bay. They have superior forces, but they have to stretch those over a large area, so in all likelihood we will not see an assault from India's full naval might. A stealthy, advanced and sub-centric navy is key to Pakistan.
btw, attacking all their ports is suicide. We don't have the resources or even enough ports to buy & maintain a fleet big enough to do that. Even the US navy would have to take some time doing this. Our best hope is to limit sea warfare by using tactics such as mining and occasional trips by submarines to hunt for lone ships to attack, just to remind them that naval warfare could be potentially costly. If that doesn't work, airforce is the only option.
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Pakistan has 2 Naval Ports may be 3. With a small coastline.

That means a potential enemy will not need to much planning and too many assets to strike at just 2 or 3 targets.. " I mean the actually ports" especially if they are so close together.

Having 7 or 8 naval bases stretched out over 2 massive coastl;ines and numerous smaller islands gives India big strategic depth. It makes it very difficult to strike a single blow thru air or sea to knock out the indian Navy.

Where as 1 or 2 massive air and naval strikes combined on 2 ports fairly close to each other wud cause a huge gap in Pakistani navy operations.

Pakistans lack of land mass and coatline is a strategic disadvantage not advantage..
well this is not 65 or 71...the NAVAL warfare of the modern time doesn't revolve around big ships facing each other and canons blowing.....in the modern age of missile system all you need is a good naval missile defense shield and blockade is taken care off!!!

naval warfare of the modern time has evolved alot and a blockade by either forces is impossible over long period of time!!

but the way the GERMANS used there U-BOATS i guess pakistanis are planning along the same lines and are investing in submarines!!
i dont think that IF a war breakout we will be using our navy to attack indian land!
i have said it earlier that for me the naval attack is not a wise option because all the indian territory is well within our reach of our missiles and planes flyink from Pakisani soil!
Yes the navy will play a very important role but it wont be offensive. navy will have to keep our trade routs open and safe and this can be acheived with a good fleet of missile boats, supported by some frigates! we wont require them in large numbers but surely it will help if the have a qualitative edge. if however at ome point of time we require to adopt an offensive defence stance and need to destroy some key indian shis approaching us then it will be a job for our sub fleet so we must concentrate on the submarines more then getting second hand frigates just to increase the number of ships!

that is my point of view regarding the topic!

the naval theater is one area which India can exploit in an armed conflict.
the aircraft carrier can open a new theater for the PAF.The PAF's effectiveness would seriously be hampered if the IN does not meet stiff resistance.Going offensive would be suicide.
Well this is nothing, Indian navy gonna get 2 more (probably 3) Aircraft carriers soon and several frigates and distroyers. right now, Its better Not to think about catching up with IN with current economic status.
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