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In Seemandhra, cries for a separate Telugu nation

TDP has taken really wrong stand ...and BJP has to make its mind and decide against alliance with this anti national TDP stance ...
what shocks me that such statements are coming from not some lower level goons but sitting MPs ...!

Don't read too much. TDP is one of the best party you can come cross in entire country. These arguments they just brought to bring the topic back on to state division. They are trying to argue, if you go and divide the state when majority opposes( Seemandhra makes 6 cr and Telangana makes 4 cr population), will you divide the country also in future? They are trying to bring the discussion of division in a fearful way. that's all.
this is how congress works....Divide and rule ...unfortunately Congress has managed to create only animosity within India ...during its 6 decades rule using that tactic

It has placed power above country ...

TDP has taken really wrong stand ...and BJP has to make its mind and decide against alliance with this anti national TDP stance ...

what shocks me that such statements are coming from not some lower level goons but sitting MPs ...!

I am sorry ....I didn't mean to insult you ....but I was extremely offended by your post !
Everything else is secondary when it comes opportunistic vote bank politics. TDP itself was for Telqngana when there was no YSRC. Now that the political dynamics has changed in AP since the emergence of YSRC, these ungrateful power hungry leaders are going for broke. This will infact give more credence to Jaganmohan Reddy in AP rather than Chandrababu Naidu.

Then again...politics in India has changed for good as regional parties are emerging as more powerful. Once they have tasted the power they wouldn't want to let it go & will go to any length to keep their grip as it's the only constituency they have as they are nothing but sidekicks in national politics.

I blame Congress & Congress alone for cultivating this culture. After all we have classic example set by Nehru as he duly sponsored the partition to grab power in India. Parties emerged afterwords are only following the benchmark set by grand old party.
Don't read too much. TDP is one of the best party you can come cross in entire country. These arguments they just brought to bring the topic back on to state division. They are trying to argue, if you go and divide the state when majority opposes( Seemandhra makes 6 cr and Telangana makes 4 cr population), will you divide the country also in future? They are trying to bring the discussion of division in a fearful way. that's all.

TDP is the best party ???
based on what criteria ???

based on the fact that its MPs broke mike and used paper sprays ?

and they want to discuss the issue by demanding separate nationhood ?

Great . Congrats for your convincing skills ....I actually got convinced that TDP is a party of saints !!!
TDP is the best party ???
based on what criteria ???

based on the fact that its MPs broke mike and used paper sprays ?

and they want to discuss the issue by demanding separate nationhood ?

Great . Congrats for your convincing skills ....I actually got convinced that TDP is a party of saints !!!

I can't write much how best was it, if you have time go and read, lot available. Also MP who used pepper spray was Congress MP.
I can't write much how best was it, if you have time go and read, lot available. Also MP who used pepper spray was Congress MP.

Yes and TDP MPs were meditating in parliament during all that mayhem ...they had to ...because they are from party of Saints ....
well many times I feel what if we could be less emotional and less sensitive than we tend to be ...whether it will do good to us ?

This may sound rather out landish and tangential thought to your post ...But I do feel we are bit more than usual sensitive and emotional people ...
I am not sure if its advantageous or big burden ?

You cannot be blaise and cold and still be a nation, especially in a country like India. There is nothing that holds us together except the emotions we feel towards this country. Given the amount of poverty, destitution, and deprivation Indians went through, there was no reason to hold together. Tamils were not illogical when they asked for a separate state, nor the Kashmiris, or the Nagas or anyone. Rationalization can be brought to any viewpoint.

When only cold logic is applied, then there is no point to humanity either.

Words have power. Ideas have power. We were taught to be measured in our speech and circumspect in airing our views. Now a disease has taken hold of the country where nothing is sacred, nothing is holy. People take pride in saying there are no holy cows. Every emotion is trivialized. Any and all ideas are aired without a thought to its consequences. Small frictions are escalated to the level of serious pathology. It is not like India has problems, but India itself is a problem. Indians are themselves a problem.

No amount of armed forces in the world will hold together a people if a critical mass builds up and wishes to go its separate way. Most of our liberals are busy laying down the blue print for this.
Gear up for more such demands. Congress is trying to bulldoze a bill rejected by a State Assembly. And BJP is supporting such a bill. There is no effort to talk to the aggrieved party either. This is the recipe for separatism. All because these two parties are competing for 17 seats and gave up on the rest.
secession from india is illegal.
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No, I don't. Few months back, I read on Telangana Issue & it's only going to benefit the Politicians (especially, the Sickular Congress Party), not the people. Hence, I favour united Andhra.

at least you had understood this issue . Every politicians in playing their own game for united AP and to separate State hood.
This is the height of filthy politics ...
the politicians who do not even care about common people are ready to destroy our country in the name of aspirations of common people .
These TDP people need to be taught lesson for creating such propaganda .
and BJP wants to ally with these anti national elements ???

One can understand the reality of bjp and Modi.
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