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In praise of Zia

Incorrect, Liaqat Ali Khan delivered the religion through the Objectives Resolution.

This was after Jinnah's death and there were growing tensions between the two in regards to the on-going violence against the Hindus of Pakistan.

Zia just sealed the ambiguous role of religion in Pakistan. But, you must remember that Zia wasn't alone in this, he had the backing and support of all to do this.

Zia did give Pakistani's what they wanted and the country is better off as a result.
Wrong about what?
second part or the first part of my statement?
There is no doubt about Jinnah delivering the Pakistan(state).
As for religion, as Akar patel himself talked about the evolving process of it from Liaqat Ali khan onward.but then i will stretch it bit more in past .according to me the process of religion deliverance started right from the day when first time demand for Pakistan was raised based on religion.Its only that zia did deliver the biggest dose of religion to pakistani awam.
Zia was responsible of making Pakistan backward by 100 years of evolution. He encouraged Islamic extremism and intolerence. This guy also converted school Sylabus from English to Urdu.

I have no respect for this backward fool.

Atleast he was better than Zardari and co
salman108;3329646]Would you like to debate the cons of having the national language as medium of education versus an international language ?

What are you trying to say could you please repeat it in language that can be understood by more then just you

Do you know who / how was Mohammad Ali Jinnah's Jinazah prayer was established ?

Read up on history, and you will understand what we are saying.[/QUOTE]

Can some one that speaks his language explain what is he trying to say?
I was never a fan of Zia or his policies but this makes for a good read in retrospect. I am one of Zia's biggest critics but even I have to admit that if Pakistan wanted to really get rid of some of his laws they would have done it by now. I wouldn't say Pakistanis are bigots they are just uneducated. The writer of this article however should not have compared Jinnah to Zia as it was in bad taste. Jinnah did not live long enough to model Pakistan the way he wanted so it always pisses me off when people try and talk about what he wanted for Pakistan instead of focusing on what Pakistan needs today.
Atleast he was better than Zardari and co

Zardari was voted in by the people like it or not his taking bribes didn't kill 1000s and more then likely will be voted out on the other hand Zia killed people and took advantage of his uniform to appoint himself cause of Zia s policies millions are suffering and 1000s are dead.

which part of that do you think is better ?
if pakistan gets another zia ul haq,there will be no women left in pakistan and profession for every single man will be only terrorism in the name of islam....currently Pakistan is 50% NaPakistan.....if there is another zia pakistan will become 100% NaPakistan

Dumbest comment I have ever read. Please log off.
I was never a fan of Zia or his policies but this makes for a good read in retrospect. I am one of Zia's biggest critics but even I have to admit that if Pakistan wanted to really get rid of some of his laws they would have done it by now. I wouldn't say Pakistanis are bigots they are just uneducated. The writer of this article however should not have compared Jinnah to Zia as it was in bad taste. Jinnah did not live long enough to model Pakistan the way he wanted so it always pisses me off when people try and talk about what he wanted for Pakistan instead of focusing on what Pakistan needs today.

Governor of Punjab wanted to do that and he ended up paying for it with his life . Do you really thing corrupt politicians that are in the Government to steal and fill up their pockets as much as they can will risk it. They don't care what happens to pakistan do you really think they care what this law does to its citizens No.

But that don't means people with in pakistan don't want to change problem is as of now we are still trying to dig our self out of the wholes Zia and his Terrorist dug for us it takes time.
if pakistan gets another zia ul haq,there will be no women left in pakistan and profession for every single man will be only terrorism in the name of islam....currently Pakistan is 50% NaPakistan.....if there is another Zia..... pakistan will become 100% NaPakistan

Well i hope After Bhutto Pakistani politicians and Military have learned their lessons and believe me or Not only 2% of Pakistanis were his followers not 50.
Well i hope After Bhutto Pakistani politicians and Military have learned their lessons -
The lesson learned by Z.A.B.'s execution was that Pakistani politicians must always fear assassination at the hands of the military and that the military need not fear for itself because they can get away with it.

Yeah, I know the refrain: "Bad things happened, but let's move forward -" yet without resolving this matter Pakistanis will never live in a true democracy. You've experienced some parliamentary democracy as a few dribbles down from on high; it's long past time you built it from the ground up, in the streets. (see John Wilkes.)
The lesson learned by Z.A.B.'s execution was that Pakistani politicians must always fear assassination at the hands of the military and that the military need not fear for itself because they can get away with it.

Yeah, I know the refrain: "Bad things happened, but let's move forward -" yet without resolving this matter Pakistanis will never live in a true democracy. You've experienced some parliamentary democracy as a few dribbles down from on high; it's long past time you built it from the ground up, in the streets. (see John Wilkes.)
Dont act dumb, illetrate poor pakistanis are hating the military for all their problems, and media and politicians are making a rift between them
Dont act dumb, illetrate poor pakistanis are hating the military for all their problems, and media and politicians are making a rift between them
Don't you think Pakistani leaders respond to street power more than media and politicians?
I heard many arguments declaring that Zia only brought what the Pakistani's wanted, now I have a question.

How many times people have effectively elected the representatives who made laws according to the wishes of the people?
=samantk;3330564]I heard many arguments declaring that Zia only brought what the Pakistani's wanted, now I have a question.

Zia was a dictator not a elected official and he governed pakistan with Marshal law after over throwing the elected government the one people voted for.

He didn't represent people of pakistan he worked with House of Saud and promoted extremism in Pakistan.How do u and other can come up with this baloney that he did what people wanted him to do.

How many times people have effectively elected the representatives who made laws according to the wishes of the people?

We had Bhutto who inherited economy in mess plus extremist running around unchecked after her Nawaz Zia Right hand Man who went on to continue Zias policies as he Got Millions from House of saud and now this elected Government again inherits a Mess left by dictators and corruption.
Zia was a dictator not a elected official and he governed pakistan with Marshal law after over throwing the elected government the one people voted for.

He didn't represent people of pakistan he worked with House of Saud and promoted extremism in Pakistan.How do u and other can come up with this baloney that he did what people wanted him to do.
I was questioning the same thing dude, you got me completely wrong.. if any can answer the second question, the answer would range from unstable democratic govt to military rule, which discredits the whole argument of making laws according to the wishes of people..

He bred the Mujaheddin for USSR and then tried the same tactic for Kashmir apart from introducing religion into some services where only being professional matters..

We had Bhutto who inherited economy in mess plus extremist running around unchecked after her Nawaz Zia Right hand Man who went on to continue Zias policies as he Got Millions from House of saud and now this elected Government again inherits a Mess left by dictators and corruption.

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