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In Pictures: The Top Universities In Asia:Forbes


May 31, 2010
Reaction score
In Pictures: The Top Universities In Asia - No. 1 University of Hong Kong - Forbes.com :tup:
Overall rank: 21 Pokfulam, Hong Kong

In Pictures: The Top Universities In Asia - No. 2 University of Tokyo - Forbes.com

Overall rank: 26 Tokyo, Japan

In Pictures: The Top Universities In Asia - No. 3 Pohang University of Science and Technology - Forbes.com

Overall rank: 28 Pohang, South Korea

In Pictures: The Top Universities In Asia - No. 4 National University of Singapore - Forbes.com

Overall rank: 34 Kent Ridge, Singapore

In Pictures: The Top Universities In Asia - No. 5 University of Melbourne - Forbes.com

Overall rank: 36 Melbourne, Australia
tokyo uni is no 2, wow, it should be no one, its world ranking is maybe 3-4 or 5th

i dunno abt hong kong uni :blink:
It really saddens me that none of the Indian Universities are ranked high, in spite of some of best students they enrolls. This is not to say that the times ranking is at fault, but to say that Indian Universities and the government are at fault. Indian Universities have become graduate churning machines rather than do what a better education institute should do that is concentrate on fundamental research. China is doing extremely good in this space. It is time India does the same or the dream of becoming a power will always remain a dream
It really saddens me that none of the Indian Universities are ranked high, in spite of some of best students they enrolls. This is not to say that the times ranking is at fault, but to say that Indian Universities and the government are at fault. Indian Universities have become graduate churning machines rather than do what a better education institute should do that is concentrate on fundamental research. China is doing extremely good in this space. It is time India does the same or the dream of becoming a power will always remain a dream

Great students and profs alone do not make good universities, it's also the institutions and how they are support that make great universities.

Sad to say image is a lot of it. Even venerable old universities like Harvard, princeton etc spend obscene amounts of money on keeping up their reputation. It's the only way they can attract top talent to them.

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