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In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

Says a corrupted guy ths pockets full of stolen money, and now blaming people for leaving

You became rich thanks to the russians and the chinese, don't forget to thank them
Maybe you don't know but I'm a staunch supporter of exterminating/exporting certain undesirable genes/group of people out of Viet Nam's gene pool. We alrady

It's garbage that's why the Viet Minh downplay it If it's not garbage, why no one in Viet Nam believes in your crap?

Don't blame the communist for turning you guys into a stateless exiles. You deserted your comrade and hopped on the U.S carrier on April 30th, 1975. Your cowardice is the reason why you have crocodile tears for these traffic Viet women. These Viet women are thanking losers and cowards like you for not staying to fight for cheap democrappy instead of hopping on the U.S carrier LOL

MWAHAHAHAHA Your credibility to me is totally destroyed

No hobos in Vietnam, hear that?

Even most of the poor in Vietnam do not need to sleep on the street, but have a shelter or house. They have enough to eat, running water, electricity and heath care. The cost of living in Japan is extemely expensive, but cheap in Vietnam.

GDP number is mostly a subject for manipulation of the government.
What are you talking about? The new generation don't care
Only the NV retards still live in the Vietnam war as if they won that yesterday

Not my interest to return to Viet Nam and rebuild Viet Nam, none of my business whatsoever. More power to Viet Nam government if they can elevate their people and lift them out of poverty. Fact many Viet Kieu want to over thrown Viet Nam government and hope Viet Nam soon have some kind of revolusion with the backing of the US and the Western world. Lot of Viet Kieu Under CIA payroll and then go back to Viet Nam disenfranchise the population with Western progagranda, Viet Kieu will incite riot and protest if Viet Cong don't clamp down Viet Kieu on their activity on formenting social discontend and destabilized Viet Nam.

If SV rule Vietnam it would be like ROK
Too bad NV rule
You're a broken record with your cheap democrappy rant

You fought on the side of the french at Dien Bien Phu and now you and your kind rewrite history to slander the Viet Minh; no wonder why no Viet in Viet Nam believes in your shxit academic paperwork

You deserted your comrade and hopped on the U.S carrier on April 30th, 1975. Le Trung Tuong was just 8 years old when he joined the North Vietnamese Army. Your cowardice is the reason why you have crocodile tears for these traffic Viet women. These Viet women are thanking losers and cowards like you for not staying to fight for cheap democrappy instead of hopping on the U.S carrier. Thanks but we want no democrappy just look at the Phillipines.

You losers and cowards and now using these Viet women just to find an excuse to rant against those who turn you guys into a bunch of deserters and cowards LOL. Please, you guys don't give a shixt about anyone, you are just using these women and the economic status of Viet Nam as an excuse to hide how incompetent you guys are. Had you guys were competent and courages enough, you would have a democrappy to rule like the Phillipines today.
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