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In Pakistan, men make decisions and women make dinner

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Where did i even compare India vs Pakistan?

You are from India, to learn something it is batter to compare the nation which you are familiar with and it help you to understand batter. I use India as an tool and not criticizing her. First woman PM is from India. As you said earlier that you are not familiar with Pakistan that is why i refer India for logic. No hard feeling:enjoy:
You are from India, to learn something it is batter to compare the nation which you are familiar with and it help you to understand batter. I use India as an tool and not criticizing her. First woman PM is from India. As you said earlier that you are not familiar with Pakistan that is why i refer India for logic. No hard feeling:enjoy:

My take is that all subcontinent nations have the same culture and have similar challenges to deal with.
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I am not a flag waver, in fact quite the opposite. I consider Pakistanis the one of the most self-delusional people in the world. In my last visit I was heart broken at the state of the country.

However, where ever I went, I found the food I was given as absolutely mind blowing. I have never been to a country where the cuisine was of such a consistently high standard. The average cuisine in West pales in to insignificance.

I guess because Pakistani women spend more time cooking and less making decisions.

Living in the UK, you know that people have different cultures and values around the world. This doesn't necessarily make them deluded. They just see things differently or were brought up differently. You can't hate people for that
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Why is that even after massive feminist drives equality shit most women still prefer to be house wives in america atleast after birth of children and thier growth phase, Allah has made men and women for different roles, contrary to what the media and the feminists would have us believe most women seek security and protection of a man, its in their nature, and making dinner and managing homes and specially child rearing are extremely honourable jobs, the satanic media makes child rearing something backwards and lowend because they want moral less drones in society, to me the most important job in the entire world is what a mother does for her children, the job Allah put her up to, the job that ensures that humanity suvives, my mother owned a private educational institution yet she drove it into the dust economically cause she choose her children over it time and again and i will remain eternally gratefull to her for choosing us cause my father didnt stop her from running that institution hse on her own refused to go there for weeks at a time, the respect that mothers here in pakistan command in thier families is unparralled, 99% of the time children side up with her over fathers, and who says they dont make decisions, when it comes to children women's opinions are valued above all in cases of arranging marraiges women single handedly run the show lol..
It's all about the way they've been raised, yes Men are stronger than females physically. But emotionally Women are strong. We keep a lot of things inside us, and only when you really push our button too far does one explode.

Ultimately the best solution is to meet middle ground and have an understanding. Maybe this guy just had bad experience but in some households women and men both make decisions together. Of course that differs based on the task for e.g. A man might want to get his car tyres renewed he doesn't need to seek permission for that, the woman might want to buy new bed sheets - she doesn't need to seek permission for that. Seriously.

There are traditionalists or should I say 'backward' people in Western Countries too. I knew a colleague who was white but her Marriage broke down because her Husband didn't like the fact she moved furniture around! It's stupid and pathetic and currently the Polish gov elect believes women shouldn't have equal pay. Which again, reflects they're also no short of honouring women how they claim to be.
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But your statement didn't show that :-) Now you are on my watchlist
He just another troller:lol:
I don't know about India but in urban Pakistan women are more in decision making, from renting to buying house making house, keep eyes on Husbands:p: men are just a working machine^_^ but part a side with men women also participating in social activities and in jobs as well. We had femal PM etc.
in rural areas! Well, they are more stuck on cultural things rather than decesion making and almost they ( women ) are happy with that.
I would say if a brother can indulge in smoking, alcohol, and brothels why is the same not acceptable for you in case of a sister?

I would rather have both not indulge in any but if these are acceptable for one then it should be acceptable for the other too.
If one do wrong, we should not stop other to do wrong.
If brother murder someone then sister has right to murder also.
In our society, alcohol club dance brothel drugs are haram for both genders.we should stop them both.
but if one do this doesn't mean other should do also.we should stop the one doing and don't let other go same way.
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