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In Iran: “We will kill you like a dog, because you look like a dog.”

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Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Sunnis on a death row upon their religious identity

The situation of Sunnis in Iran is well known, with many living in secrecy due to fear of persecution for their beliefs. Sunni Muslims are a minority in Iran, and they live under continuous oppression from the Shia government. Preachers and well-known Sunnis are persecuted by the authorities, and are often charged with being a ‘Wahhabi’, a ‘crime’ that carries the death penalty in Iran.:cheesy: Although the Iranian Safavid Rafidite regime does suppress and has executed a number of ethnic Persian Sunnis (Larestanis, Khorasanis, Hormozganis like Shaykh Zia’ie etc.), yet the regime is known to be extra harsh towards any Sunni activity among the Iranian Kurds, this phenomena probably roots in the teachings of Shi’ism itself that portrays Kurds (similar like Arabs) in the worse way possible (we have covered this topic in THIS ARTICLE HERE>>>).

Sunni prisoners in Iran are subject to horrific levels of torture and neglect, and are discriminated against solely due to their beliefs. A source, who cannot be identified due to security reasons, testified about the shocking treatment of prisoners in an interview with the human rights group ‘International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran’ (ICHRI).

The Shia regime is brutal in its repression of prominent scholars and activists, with torture and execution a common occurence. Any ‘unpleasant’ (even if he’s a Sufi) found to be challenging the status quo in Iran or daring to openly propagate defend his belief (against Shia accusations) can be labelled a ‘Wahhabi’, a crime punishable by death in Iran.

The current case of over twenty prisoners is particularly worrying, given the fact that none of the prisoners have been charged with violence. Their convictions range from ‘crimes’ such as “acting against national security” to the equally vague charge of engaging in “religious activities”. Two of the prisoners are facing execution merely due to distributing CDs and materials about Sunnis. Many have been tortured repeatedly and forced to ‘confess’.

“When we are arrested, we are severely tortured.”

Left: Shahram Ahmadi. Right: Behram Ahmadi (executed 2012)

Describing the conditions at Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj, Iran, the source told the ICHRI that many prisoners were convicted based on dubious evidence. “Most of them accepted [the charges against them] under torture. When we are arrested, we are severely tortured,” he explained.Sunni prisoners endure hardships that are not faced by other prisoners. They do not have beds, and instead sleep side-by-side on the floor. Many face extended periods of solitary confinement and torture, on orders from the Intelligence Ministry.Prison forces abuse Sunni inmates on account of their religious beliefs, and prisoners are too scared to even seek medical attention due to the mistreatment they face. Shahram Ahmadi, a prisoner facing execution for ‘engaging in religious activities’, was beaten until he fell unconscious while being transferred to the prison hospital. He was insulted for issues pertaining to Sunni Islam, such as his beard and his beliefs regarding the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

“We will kill you like a dog, because you look like a dog.”


A prisoner, who was imprisoned for his religious activities, said that the treatment of Shahram Ahmadi was so brutal that it caused fellow prisoners to cry, simply by witnessing his condition. Mr Ahmadi, who is 28 years old, had been denied medical treatment for bleeding from the kidneys, until guards finally agreed to allow him to go to hospital.On the way there, he was beaten with batons and insulted. Prison guards threatened him, telling him: “We will kill you like a dog, because you look like a dog.” They referred to his dead brother, saying, “Just as we hanged your brother, Bahram Ahmadi, we will kill you, too.”

“[They confessed ] on camera for fear of further torture…”

Many prisoners were also forced to ‘confess’ to false charges on camera, with their statements later used as evidence against them. ICHRI described how prisoners refused to make false confessions, but intelligence agents threatened them, saying, “If you do not confess, it will end up working against you.” Agents also threatened the safety of their loved ones, saying, “This will be disadvantageous to your families.”

“Men face execution for ‘crime’ of distributing books and CDs”

The Dehghani brothers, to be executed for distributing books & CDs

Possibly one of the most worrying aspects of these cases is that all the men involved have not been charged with violence. In fact, many face vague charges such as ‘acting against national security’. It is clear that the Iranian government is using any excuse to silence Sunni Muslim voices in Iran.It is quite astonishing that the Iranian regime continues to get away with sentencing men to death for petty charges. Inmates can remain imprisoned for years without sentence, until they are told they are to be executed for the ambiguous charge of “acting against national security through contacts with regime enemy groups.” Some, like the brothers Jamshid and Jahangir Dehghani, are to be executed for the ‘crime’ of distributing books and CDs about Sunni Islam.
Currently, there are a total of 26 Sunni prisoners known to be facing execution in Iran, although the real figure could be much higher. At present, we have the details of over 20 of the prisoners, and links to petitions to demand the stop to their execution. These men could be executed at any moment. It is clear they are innocent of any crime, and are victims of persecution by the Iranian government.

The situation is serious, the latest news are that the fate of seven prisoners is looking increasingly unstable, as reports emerge that several prominent scholars have been forced to announce approval of their execution.

The scholars were arrested in recent days in the mainly Sunni town of Mahabad, Iran. They are being held in an unknown location, and have been forced to comply with the authorities in their campaign to execute the prisoners. Statements supporting the execution of seven prisoners were signed by the scholars, providing a political justification for the execution. The prisoners have been detained for the past five years, and the Shia-led government has recently stepped up it’s efforts to sentence them to death.

Petitions for over 20 Iranian Kurdish Sunni political prisoners in Iran sentenced to death | SONS OF SUNNAH
It is very important to reduce the differences rather then increase it. If it has been said in the Holy Book "Lakum Din o Kum" (words to that effect) then who are we to impose our version on others. Let everyone live in peace mind our own businesses. For us bonding factor should be One God, One Belief, One Prophet ( well there are 124,000), One Book. Beyond that let people do what they want. Then it is between them and God. Lets not judge others on our parameters.
They have been holding key positions in Pakistani Govt.
In fact Bhutto family of Larkana and former president Zardari is shia
Nusrat Bhutto was from Iran

They are so powerful in Pakistan that in month of muharram, they close all the major roads of cities.
So being a Sunni is a crime

I think we are a lot better then Iran. It is because minorities have full right to perform religious rites.

Pakistan Zindabad

They may have legal rights, but in Iran there are no suicide attacks against minorities, nor any inter-communital violence, unlike in Pakistan.

You mean a Vahabi? :azn:

No, we mean bebsi.
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