These young people are Iran’s future, and they can be our allies. But while we have a strategy in nuclear negotiations, I’m not sure we in the West have a strategy for Iran itself.
See, this is the problem with Western mentality.
Just because they lead modern lifestyles and take on "Western" norms, it does not mean they are more "Western than Western".
The Japanese are progressive and lead "Western lifestyles", but does that mean they throw away the Japanese culture in order to be more "Western than Western"? No, it's stupid logic. Especially considering Iran has a rich cultural and historical heritage itself.
Western people really need to stop fantasizing that the world will follow their version of history only. It is partly for this reason that things go from bad to worse. Particularly in the post WWII age. It is not only boring, but just plain stupid.
As far as state religious enforcement goes, anyone with half a brain understands it doesn't work in the long term. It's simply not sustainable!
That's the reason why most Islamic political parties these days never lasted very long, let alone having any significant impact on society. The only ones who cry over that are the extremists, or the ones suffering from identity crisis.
America needs to stop being such an a$$, apologize to Iran, forget whatever happened and let everyone live in peace.