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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

Poor indian Muslims and non-Hindu's will be deprived the pleasure of eating a succulent, juicy steak.




This guy would have found it unacceptable to ban steak. ;)

the willing can eat this ... ummmm PORK and BACON
5 star hotels in India serve Beef.I am unable to find the links but we imported canned beef worth$80 million last year.Some Restaurants in Kolkata serve beef.There's a beef store near my house in Mumbai.Goanese beef curry is very popular and tasty.I consumed beef in Vizag but didn't like it very much.
Umm stupid it may be available in limited shops and hotels but i asked which butcher in Pakistan sells it? is it Pakistani pig or a pig imported?

Who the fck cares if it is imported or not? Can you not comprehend the fact that your "secular" India jails its citizens for eating beef due to religious reasons but a so called non secular country like Pakistan allows the consumption of pork and alcohol?

btw lol @ the butcher part, your either drunk off your @ss or high as a kite.
First of all 92% of Madhya Pradesh's population is Hindu.So this law can be implemented there.This laws are not applicable in Kerala,West Bengal,Hyderabad,J&K,North East states where there is a large minority population,So I don't understand what's the big fuss?

The point is not the percentage of hindu's in a state but that of freedom.Is it just for government of a state to bring out a blanket legislation?Don't those 8% non hindus have right to eat what they want?Should minorities be forced to follow customs of the majority?

On question of freedom,Let's assume that a state has 100% hindu population.Would it be just for government to ban cow slaughter there.Shouldn't it be a right of a hindu to consume beef if he/she wants to.You may use cultural injunctions against it but for state to step in:what:?What would state step into next?would they tell us how to have sex so as not to pollute culture?Or make women sit idle at home to preserve sanskriti?

And what about the rest 8%?If government is so interested in promoting composite why not bring uniform civil code?Currently under the provisions of sharia law a woman is simply nothing but a baby producing machine.The husband could divorce her anytime by method of triple talaque.Also the clause of polygamy is currently used by Mullahs to sell girls as concubins to arab seikhs.Why don't end this practice to by bringing out a uniform civil code applicable to all citizens.Somehow in this case "muslim sensitivity" comes to fore.Has one ever reflected upon this? The reason this is not happening is because in case of Uniform civil code Mullah's would hit the street and mobilise their vote bank saying "Islam in danger" but they cannot act against this legislation as it would lead to counter mobilisation.

I am a vegetarian and a teetotaller but defend right of people to consume beef or have alcohol .

Remember the famous quote of Martin Niemöller

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Cow slaughter is a very touchy issue in most of the cow belt states (Rajasthan, Haryana, MP, UP & Bihar) and in ultra hindustva states like Gujarat.
In south India its not a big issue. In states like Kerala and TN almost everyone eats beef. Getting beef in big cities like Bangalore is not a problem with lots of beef stalls spread all over the city. My family always had not problem in getting beef and we had beef on the dinner table atleast once a week. Even many hindu communities in south India eat beef and for many poor people beef is the only affordable meat.
Cow slaughter is not a big issue in North-east India too. So also in Muslim dominated areas like Bengal, Lucknow, Hyderabad etc.
I don't know where you get this from but in my town we have cow sanctuaries where they live a natural life without injections and beatings. Okay so eat cow in Kerla nobody stopping you but if u dare come to states like MP, Gujarat and try that **** there we will not tolerate it.
Dear Friend i follow the law of land...............for your information i was in Bhopal too...........their i satisfied myself with Buffalo..............but when in Kerala i prefer BEEF
What Pakistanis is unable to unserstand this law is only for MP and such law might be there in Gujarat too.But beef is available in all metros.Atleast alcohol consumption is not banned in India
The point is Pakistan does not ban butchering Swine as many non-muslim do it in "Fundamentalist" Pakistan, while in Incredible India they ban slaughtering cow for beef. LOL.

I would replace Incredible with Secular to be more correct.

The statement is ironic but true...
The funny thing is Hindus prior used to eat Cow meat no problem, now all these BJP fanatics think it's hindu law. :disagree:

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