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In Houston he gave a threat and our response?

We got rid of 55 years of Nehruvian dynasty rule, the Indian people were fed up of these guys.
Yeah that thin veneer of secularism. That pathetic charade of respecting the autonomous status upon which Kashmir even gave you lot the time of day let alone accession to the federation. Jinnah knew you wouldn't be able to keep up these lies for long.
My assessment is that Trump has obtained something very precious from Modi.

Trump is a clever bastard, a cunning businessman. He gave Pakistan a carrot in IKs last visit in return of helping in striking a deal with Taliban. Pakistan (advertently or inadvertently) didn't provide the required help (maybe because our establishment and government realized something fishy) and the whole process collapsed like a house of cards.

Nowadays, there's only one matter fingering Trump's behind.. and that's Afghanistan. Modi has assured something big to Trump with regards to Afghanistan and that's why Trump is so happy.

But realistically speaking, Modi is in no position to fulfill any of his promises he has supposedly made in US. It's kind of a time buying tactics to keep Trump shut until situation is normalized in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Coming days are very crucial. With US tilting on Indian side, Pakistan will have to move extremely cautiously now.

One thing is definitely clear, Modi doesn't have balls to attack Pakistan. I have said this many times in the past, and i am repeating myself again here, India will not attack Pakistan. Modi might carryout some false flag operations inside India and then start an organized propaganda against Pakistan, but he will not attack Pakistan.

By connecting Kashmiri freedom struggle with Islamic radical terrorism, Modi has ensured that any misadventure by non-state actors (with or without the Pakistani state's support) will be dealt with imposition of sanctions, and blacklisting by FATF until the honeymoon period is over between US and India (after US realizing that Indian PM only farted like always and doesn't have any intent of helping him in Afghanistan. Trump will again contact Pakistan for help.. when? it's very difficult to assess at this moment.
The only thing Modi offer in regards to Afg is a root by taking control of GB which is not possible as Indian military currently lacks offensive capabilities.
One thing is definitely clear, Modi doesn't have balls to attack Pakistan. I have said this many times in the past, and i am repeating myself again here, India will not attack Pakistan. Modi might carryout some false flag operations inside India and then start an organized propaganda against Pakistan, but he will not attack Pakistan.
Or he would try an advanture like 26 that can go out of hand and inadvertently can shape into full blown conflict.
By connecting Kashmiri freedom struggle with Islamic radical terrorism, Modi has ensured that any misadventure by non-state actors (with or without the Pakistani state's support) will be dealt with imposition of sanctions, and blacklisting by FATF
We were on grey list not long ago,let the black list come.
We are underestimating ourselves for long, a nation of 220 million,having one of the largest standing military and nuclear armament.We should go silent and let world hear what it means.

The only thing Modi offer in regards to Afg is a root by taking control of GB which is not possible as Indian military currently lacks offensive capabilities.
He is religious fanatic,remember those who use to blew themselves in pieces here and there in Pakistan no long ago.He is just like them but in different packing.
Or he would try an advanture like 26 that can go out of hand and inadvertently can shape into full blown conflict.
I don't think India wants to lose all she has achieved in the last decade or so.

India will end up losing much more than Pakistan in the next war. If there is a stone throwing contest between two individuals, the one with a big beautiful house with lots of lights and glass structures should worry and excuse himself before the fight.

I could only think of one situation when India might attack Pakistan, and that is if Indian economy continues with its nose dive.
Yeah that thin veneer of secularism. That pathetic charade of respecting the autonomous status upon which Kashmir even gave you lot the time of day let alone accession to the federation. Jinnah knew you wouldn't be able to keep up these lies for long.

Secularism of India and virginity of Sunny Leone are universally recognized truths.:lol:
is religious fanatic,remember those who use to blew themselves in pieces here and there in Pakistan no long ago.He is just like them but in different packing.
But the only thing that Afg is the backyard of China and Russia.It directly links to xingjian which is a volatile region.It also links to former soviet states.So both of them wants US out of Afg. asap and if Modi interferes he will only worsen the problems.Taliban has already met with both the Russians and the Chinese.And no one knows why they are meeting them.
We were on grey list not long ago,let the black list come.
We are underestimating ourselves for long, a nation of 220 million,having one of the largest standing military and nuclear armament.We should go silent and let world hear what it means.
Fully agree. But what I worry about is that Pakistan will not move further than a proxy war. That would be detrimental to our cause.

It will be like Na Khuda Mila Na hi Wisaal e Sanam... If Pakistan has a plan of a full scale conflict, then she will have to somehow force the Indians to play our game and enter a war of our choosing.
Yeah that thin veneer of secularism. That pathetic charade of respecting the autonomous status upon which Kashmir even gave you lot the time of day let alone accession to the federation. Jinnah knew you wouldn't be able to keep up these lies for long.
That thin veil of secularism was a tool that they used to collect sympathies from west.
Yeah that thin veneer of secularism. That pathetic charade of respecting the autonomous status upon which Kashmir even gave you lot the time of day let alone accession to the federation. Jinnah knew you wouldn't be able to keep up these lies for long.
The very concept "secularism" is way more at odds with Abrahamist belief systems than Dharmic ones.

Tolerate everyone's religious BS, shame the majority, tax their places of worship and every other institution related related to that ideology.. that is not secularism, not how the French have traditionally brewed it anyway.

The Hindus will eventually bring in a uniform civil code (still a ways off) that cancels everyone's religious BS

If you follow US politics, there are a few.. kind of parallels when compared to India. Democrats/Congress/Lefties.. institutionalized white supremacy/Brahminical system etc

Republicans/BJP/Right Wingers/conservatives.. heritage, historical wrongs (although the native Hindus/Dharmis would be the historically oppressed here as opposed to African slaves in the US)

Was Jinnah right or wrong ? Can't say, the geopolitical climate back then was completely different than now. No genocide of Muslims or anything here, India is doing fine, Indian muslims lag in certain statistics but there is no state oppression.. kind of like Blacks in the US, in a way.

Kashmir is a whole other issue, don't conflate that fight for land with demographics in the rest of India.
The only thing Modi offer in regards to Afg is a root by taking control of GB which is not possible as Indian military currently lacks offensive capabilities.
We will have to wait to see what strategy both morons have devised to contain Pakistan and China, while solving Afghan problem as well.
Or he would try an advanture like 26 that can go out of hand and inadvertently can shape into full blown conflict.

We were on grey list not long ago,let the black list come.
We are underestimating ourselves for long, a nation of 220 million,having one of the largest standing military and nuclear armament.We should go silent and let world hear what it means.

He is religious fanatic,remember those who use to blew themselves in pieces here and there in Pakistan no long ago.He is just like them but in different packing.
Good points. I would add that Indian attempts at maligning kashmiri righteous jihad for freedom with terrorism is nothing new. Indians have done this for decades. Those who want to believe it will do so. Those who are objective will see through bhakt b.s.

The very concept "secularism" is way more at odds with Abrahamist belief systems than Dharmic ones.

Tolerate everyone's religious BS, shame the majority, tax their places of worship and every other institution related related to that ideology.. that is not secularism, not how the French have traditionally brewed it anyway.

The Hindus will eventually bring in a uniform civil code (still a ways off) that cancels everyone's religious BS

If you follow US politics, there are a few.. kind of parallels when compared to India. Democrats/Congress/Lefties.. institutionalized white supremacy/Brahminical system etc

Republicans/BJP/Right Wingers/conservatives.. heritage, historical wrongs (although the native Hindus/Dharmis would be the historically oppressed here as opposed to African slaves in the US)

Was Jinnah right or wrong ? Can't say, the geopolitical climate back then was completely different than now. No genocide of Muslims or anything here, India is doing fine, Indian muslims lag in certain statistics but there is no state oppression.. kind of like Blacks in the US, in a way.

Kashmir is a whole other issue, don't conflate that fight for land with demographics in the rest of India.
Must bug you that Pakistan is not an Islamic state, an abrahamic state or any other kind of religious state. It is a safe zone for Muslims, of which one or two more may need carving out of Hindutva land soon.

Pakistan has never been led by maulvis, while india is probably by default a Hindutva state, as you alluded to yourself now preferentially led by a Hindutva yob , hitherto disguised by Nehru and Gandhi as something pluralistic or tolerant.
Must bug you that Pakistan is not an Islamic state
it's not ?


while india is probably by default a Hindutva state, as you alluded to yourself now preferentially led by a Hindutva yob

Man, you guys can find as many cow stories as you want, but we're far more "liberal and tolerant" (which is not saying much) than your super homogeneous sunni lot, and you know its true.

You really think that there aren't dozens, or possibly hundreds of incidents where random madarsi bumpkins are beating kafirs etc up because "blasphemy" or some crap in Pakistan on a daily basis ? Go to your small town/village police thanas (do they call it that there too?) and see for yourself.

"never been led by maulvis"
they hold a lot of sway over your guys, come on.. be honest.. don't want to go too much into religion, they'll ban me again.
it's not ?

View attachment 580884


Man, you guys can find as many cow stories as you want, but we're far more "liberal and tolerant" (which is not saying much) than your super homogeneous sunni lot, and you know its true.

You really think that there aren't dozens, or possibly hundreds of incidents where random madarsi bumpkins are beating kafirs etc up because "blasphemy" or some crap in Pakistan on a daily basis ? Go to your small town/village police thanas (do they call it that there too?) and see for yourself.

"never been led by maulvis"
they hold a lot of sway over your guys, come on.. be honest.. don't want to go too much into religion, they'll ban me again.
Islamic republic is not an islamic state.

it's not ?

View attachment 580884


Man, you guys can find as many cow stories as you want, but we're far more "liberal and tolerant" (which is not saying much) than your super homogeneous sunni lot, and you know its true.

You really think that there aren't dozens, or possibly hundreds of incidents where random madarsi bumpkins are beating kafirs etc up because "blasphemy" or some crap in Pakistan on a daily basis ? Go to your small town/village police thanas (do they call it that there too?) and see for yourself.

"never been led by maulvis"
they hold a lot of sway over your guys, come on.. be honest.. don't want to go too much into religion, they'll ban me again.
Islamic republic is not Islamic state. Just like say a Christian democratic party in European nations doesn't mean it is only for Christians.

If they ban you please don't drag me down with you. But the point is if maulvis follow the national interest, fine. But if they did some anti national activity, e.g. foment hatred of minorities, raise vigilantes to targets minorities, encourage settlement in protected regions or encouraging claiming minority women (either protected ethnic groups, protected regions, or minority religions) as some kind of victory parade, then they would get put in their place.
My gut feeling is India (Modi administration) would lift the curfew to release the tense atmosphere and to gain diplomatic ground "further" in its favor. Unfortunately the bitter fact is no influential country would act here and Pakistan would be there alone. The only option sadly is, going on full scale war, if want to take IoK which again would be extremely expensive option with unimaginable costs to pay for both sides. What does Pakistani administration has in plan after all these diplomatic options are utilized ? I am sure it would not lead to a resolution that suits Pakistan which is IoK becoming part of Pakistan. So, it is a deadlock. Not to mention if a movement to make IoK/AJK independent or Pakistan gets to keep AJK and India keeps IoK becomes the active then, all the hoopla for the past 70 years, all 3 the wars fought over territorial dispute lives lost resources lost, etc. would go in vain. This is like no ending to an issue. Comments are welcome.
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