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In Hong Kong, It’s the Fans Who Protest During the National Anthem (New York Times)

Again why are you bringing India into this lol talk about insecurity.

Its just desperation they can't handle criticism

They are trying to pretend this didn't happen just few days ago

Do you even know many true HK football fans and citizens criticize their negative conducts? The action of those crowds that made us the HK people feel shame, since a mature person will never disrespect other country's flag and national anthem due to their personal grudge. The truth is those people are never a supporter of HK sports since their actions would only result in punishment for our team. They were only there for booing our national anthem to relieve the anger of their failure in life, and that really show their quality and immaturity. Don't kid yourself that you know a lots about us and HK's affair just by reading western media, otherwise you will just end up "anything but china" like those crowds.
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That's a non-issue in the thread. If you want, you can start another thread about success of China and failure of India on the part. The thread is not about India, it was opened by an Indian. While most of you, as usual are targeting the nationality of OP.

But mate, Isnt that what you PDF Indians do anyway, When ever a non Indian comment on a thread thats even minutely negative about India, You folks get your panties in a twist by

Question the source, If it's good news in western media it' all good, If it's not it's a imperialistic agenda of neo colonists to blacken India, If it's Chinese media it's CCP propaganda (even of it's based in HK), If it's Pakistani probably terrorist propaganda, If it's good news from Indian media yay !! If it's not either it's the toilet of India or presstitudes working for the congress party

Question the nationality of the OP, Especially if he/she is Pakistani, Chinese or Bangladeshi

Belittle the ethnicity of the poster, Question his nationality and religious affiliation, Which happens to me a lot, Because most of them cannot bring their minds around to realize Lankans come in all kinds of backgrounds not just Tamils

If all fails, Then divert the subject to, "Whataboustism" About the country the said poster comes from

(also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument,

Just two threads in the last two nights i have been subjected to..



So it's kinda hypocritical for you to say so..
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Do you even know many true HK football fans and citizens criticize their negative conducts? The action of those crowds that made us the HK people feel shame, since a mature person will never disrespect other country's flag and national anthem due to their personal grudge. The truth is those people are never a supporter of HK sports since their actions would only result in punishment for our team. They were only there for booing our national anthem to relieve the anger of their failure in life, and that really show their quality and immaturity. Don't kid yourself that you know a lots about us and HK's affair just by reading western media, otherwise you will just end up "anything but china" like those crowds.

Yes I think most HKers, pro-democracy or not, are embarrassed by such display of immaturity.
Do you even know many true HK football fans and citizens criticize their negative conducts? The action of those crowds that made us the HK people feel shame, since a mature person will never disrespect other country's flag and national anthem due to their personal grudge. The truth is those people are never a supporter of HK sports since their actions would only result in punishment for our team. They were only there for booing our national anthem to relieve the anger of their failure in life, and that really show their quality and immaturity. Don't kid yourself that you know a lots about us and HK's affair just by reading western media, otherwise you will just end up "anything but china" like those crowds.

We already what TRUE Hong Kong wants , this isn't a isolated event I can flood this page with all the freedom movement that has happened just this 2week .

Last week



Lol 90% ?? The whole place would have collapsed if that was true..

You have never set foot in HK have ya ??
hello , being to some country is not important , the environment can be controlled by the government , north korea is an example , i have many native friends from HK and 100 % of them say , they dont want chinese control , rather want freedom . my first non indian girlfriend was from taiwan . everyone has right to use google and youtube , but it is denied in china , the so called propagated mainland which comprise of lands occupied from various countries . we can discuss these perhaps 2 or 4 years from now on . and i dont agree 90 % were on the streets although it was general sentiments what ZEN0 meant , bye for now .
Again why are you bringing India into this lol talk about insecurity.

Its just desperation they can't handle criticism

They are trying to pretend this didn't happen just few days ago


More likely this is a planned event for publicity. Set up by USA, who else?

It's a propaganda tactic as usual. Funding and creating so many events and publicity, like it's the voice of majority.

If it's a HK huge domestic problem that related to HK people real interest, there no protesters. If there any, it will disorganized and only several protestors on the street. And almost no foreign media report it.

If it's USA interest, suddenly there are so many protesters, extremely organized, complete with the well thought artistic banner like it was designed by world class designer, wearing same t-shirt (quite wealthy protesters), wearing the same symbol, etc. The protesters have time to protest everyday without need to work and worried about income, etc. And it appears in USA media.

And most importantly, the banner is written in ENGLISH. Er... I wonder, to whom they made the banner for? Mainland government can't read English.
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We already what TRUE Hong Kong wants , this isn't a isolated event I can flood this page with all the freedom movement that has happened just this 2week .

Last week



You clearly don't know what a true HK people want. Only thousands out of 7 millions people protest doesn't equal to the wish of true HK people. Also do you really know what they protest about on Oct 1st? They want the HK judiciary to drop charges on those so called "protestors", that had incited violence, occupied and damaged governmental property, to go free. This is clearly against the rule of laws. Not to mention, many of those protesters are the same people that occupied streets, set fire, burned garbage can, physically assault on police officers and fire fighter back in 2014 and 2015. They are the die hard yellow camp supporters and HK separatism.
You can flood this page with pictures of "freedom movement" which I don't care, cause many of us "the true HK people" know that since 2012, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY has been poured millions of US dollars to incite instability and revolution in HK. The same trick that used in Ukraine in 2013, where using exaggerating propaganda and pictures to fool people like you who know nothing about HK.
More likely this is a planned event for publicity. Set up by USA, who else?

It's a planned event by the citizens of Hong Kong nation .
It's a propaganda tactic as usual. Funding and creating so many events and publicity, like it's the voice of majority.

Hong Kong citizens are rich enough to fund themselves. It's the mainland hans who are leaching off them.
If it's a HK huge domestic problem that related to HK people real interest, there no protesters.

Right mainland hans will now preach the "real" interests of Hong Kong lol

If it's USA interest, suddenly there are so many protesters, extremely organized, complete with the well thought artistic banner like it was designed by world class designer, wearing same t-shirt (quite wealthy protesters), wearing the same symbol, etc.

Lol this is the umbrella separatist movement , they flooded the streets and marched throughout the city as a homogeneous group of 100,000s but organising a mob of 100s in a stadium is a American propaganda , typical Chinese blames everything negative on the west

And most importantly, the banner is written in ENGLISH. Er... I wonder, to whom they made the banner for?
international recognition, there are Chinese banners too. English is used in nearly every protest ,so dafuk are you talking about.

Catalonia movement(Lang Spanish)

For my Chinese brothers who interest to see more evidences about the US interfere in 2014 yellow umbrella occupation.

Anyone who actually live in HK and Taiwan should know who 黎智英 is. He is the owner of HK apple daily, the biggest anti-China Media and infamous for story-making (fake) news in HK. This company has been sued many time for smearing, he once said he has to set up a fund around 200 millions HK dollars for any laws sue in the future. Apple daily has been losing a lots of sells and advertisements for the last 15 years due to its credibility. And only recently Mr. Lai has to sell one of his magazines and forces some of his employees in Apple daily to be self-employed due to financial problem, that is after Trump took office in Jan and decided to cut budget for foreign department.

This video was from the TVB news just 3 months before the yellow umbrella occupation took place in HK. Mr Lai had met up Paul Wolfowitz, a former US Deputy Secretary of Defense, in his boat. He had been questioned by our HK legCo councillor for his intention.


This was Mr.Lai after the meeting.

The right was Paul Wolfowitz, and the left was Mark Simon, a former American animation designer of apple daily and rumoured to be a CIA agent who looked after the functioning of Apple daily. He resigned after the Yellow umbrella occupation due to too much attention drew from the general public.


The above picture was from the one of the HK local newspaper, that listed since April 2012 to June 2014 before the Yellow Umbrella Occupation (YUO), members of the pan-democratic party and religious figure have been receiving money from Mr. Lai. People who can read Chinese should notice that one of the three initiators of YUO was in the list and had been received money since April 2013, a year and half before the occupation. Apply daily has been losing money since 2003, thus many HK people had questioned about the originality of those money. Keep that in mind, those information was only cover from 2012 to 2014, and we have no idea that if the bribery takes place much earlier, but this is highly possible.

For people who question about the accuracy of the news, I can assure that at that time when the news was broken out, we had photocopy of the cheques as evidences, including the name of the receivers and Mark Simon as a giver. Long hair even went to court for that. Feel free to google to double check the facts.


The first picture shows Mr. Lai and two former legCo councillors from Pan-democratic party with three large bags in their hands. The second picture shows Mr. Lai with some of his "money buddies", which were listed in bribery scandal, during Yellow umbrella occupation.

This is around a minute long video, which the US admit NED has been involved in Yellow umbrella occupation and been poured millions of US dollars to promote "democracy" in HK, like the one in Ukraine which resulted in Civil war and thousands of people's death. The later part is our Chief Executive at that time confirmed foreign factions were involved in YUO in the news conference.

In fact, there are more suspicious thing that involving with the student's leaders and personal accounts about foreign involvment during YUO, but it will take too long for me to reorganize into a post. At the end, I just want to say "ignorance is a bliss for people who do not want to see the truth".
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Separatism is regarded as a crime in most countries. US, Spain, India are not exceptions. Why it becomes a human right when it comes to China?
No, it is not. It might be extra constitutional, but it is not a crime. Why do you think referendums have happened in Indian regions, in Quebec, in Scotland?
No, it is not. It might be extra constitutional, but it is not a crime. Why do you think referendums have happened in Indian regions, in Quebec, in Scotland?
I know you will use Scotland as a counter example. That's why I said MOST countries, not all countries. Apparently your countries is one of the MOST. Will India allow Kashmir to hold a referendum? The answer is never.
I know you will use Scotland as a counter example. That's why I said MOST countries, not all countries. Apparently your countries is one of the MOST. Will India allow Kashmir to hold a referendum? The answer is never.

Actually, the answer is yes. India is the one who proposed it in the first place.
You clearly don't know what a true HK people want. Only thousands out of 7 millions people protest doesn't equal to the wish of true HK people. Also do you really know what they protest about on Oct 1st? They want the HK judiciary to drop charges on those so called "protestors", that had incited violence, occupied and damaged governmental property, to go free. This is clearly against the rule of laws. Not to mention, many of those protesters are the same people that occupied streets, set fire, burned garbage can, physically assault on police officers and fire fighter back in 2014 and 2015. They are the die hard yellow camp supporters and HK separatism.
You can flood this page with pictures of "freedom movement" which I don't care, cause many of us "the true HK people" know that since 2012, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY has been poured millions of US dollars to incite instability and revolution in HK. The same trick that used in Ukraine in 2013, where using exaggerating propaganda and pictures to fool people like you who know nothing about HK.
Indian stupapowa know everything! You live in HK, Stupapowans know more about HK than you. I live in Canada and they think they know more about Canada than me.
Heil Hind!
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