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In Break, Hamas Supports Syrian Opposition


Jul 2, 2010
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United States
This is big news now, they are going against wish of Iran. May be fear of street protest in Gaza .. People's power is best
GAZA — Marking the first public break with its longtime patron, a leader of Hamas spoke out against President Bashar al-Assad of Syria on Friday, throwing its support behind the opposition and stripping Damascus of what little credibility it may have retained with the Arab street.
Hamas’s prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, said during Friday prayers, “I salute all people of the Arab spring, or Islamic winter, and I salute the Syrian people who seek freedom, democracy and reform.”

The worshippers shouted back, “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is great,” and “Syria! Syria!”

Mr. Haniya made his remarks in support of the uprising that is seeking to oust Mr. Assad, a reversal after years in which Mr. Assad has given safe haven to leaders of Hamas while helping supply it with weapons and cash in its battle against Israel. But the remarks were almost as significant for where they were made: in Cairo, at Al Azhar Mosque. During the years in which Syria supported Hamas, Egypt’s leaders were hostile to the group, treating it as a despised relative of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was also tagged an outlaw and banned. So Mr. Haniya’s remarks in Egypt served as another measure of how much has changed since popular uprisings began to sweep the region, removing President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and now attempting to topple Mr. Assad.

Mr. Haniya’s comments confirmed a distance between Hamas and Damascus that emerged several weeks ago when the group’s leadership abandoned its longtime base in Syria as the environment there became more violent. The remarks, which were seen as the group’s official position because of Mr. Haniya’s role, reflected a progressively deeper split with Mr. Assad. Hamas also recently allowed residents of Gaza to stage protests against Mr. Assad and in support of the uprising.

In Syria, the protest movement against Mr. Assad began peacefully, but Mr. Assad’s forces struck back with lethal force.

In Cairo, as Mr. Haniya spoke, the crowds also shouted against Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, both of which continue to support Mr. Assad and have long been hailed on the Arab street for remaining defiant toward Israel. That, too, marked yet another significant shift caused by the Arab uprisings.

“No Iran, no Hezbollah. Syria is Islamic,” protesters chanted, according to Agence France-Presse.

Iran has been a key supporter of Hamas. On Thursday, Al Sharq Al Awsat, the London-based Arabic newspaper, published remarks by Ezzat al-Rashq, a member of the Hamas political bureau, who said that Iran had been the main financial supporter for the Hamas government in Gaza. Without the Iranian money, he said, Hamas would have never been able to pay its 45,000 government employees.

Mr. Haniya is in Cairo with other Hamas leaders from Gaza and abroad to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, to try to form a government of national reconciliation between the two rival Palestinian movements. The plan for such a government was agreed to last May, along with a plan for Palestinian elections. But numerous disputes remain an obstacle.

Hmmm... where are the guys who believe Hamas is an Iranian and Syrian stooge? Now their circuits must have gone crazy.
Haniyeh has been turned in just the past 10 days. He was in Iran just a short while back.

See Haniyeh in Iran: Hamas will never recognize Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

However Meshal was turned earlier; he now likes to hang out with the Qataris.

I think this is a good thing - there is no point in mixing up the Iran and Syria issues with the Palestine issue. This will remove a major source of friction between Israel and Iran / Syria.
Looks like no one wants to support Siriya/Iran partnership, people of middle east with newly found power of demonstration against useless governments will never support Iran even if their governments do.
Even Siriya after will never have same relation with Iran.
This might be just a tactical maneuver by Hamas.
This is war, not kids' play. Hamas might might have coordinated this with Iran just to loosen the mounting pressure from certain pro-Israel Arab states. That's quite understandable.
This might be just a tactical maneuver by Hamas.
This is war, not kids' play. Hamas might might have coordinated this with Iran just to loosen the mounting pressure from certain pro-Israel Arab states. That's quite understandable.

Ooooooo nice..a conspiracy...lets add aliens helping hamas too.
you are the greatest evil i know that you all you want is to destroy the syrian army well they wont go down without a fight
Not really, i'd rather Israel do nothing unless there are guarantees that if we help the rebels, there will be peace.
Not really, i'd rather Israel do nothing unless there are guarantees that if we help the rebels, there will be peace.
so you are saying that you want to help the rebels ? may i ask why
so you are saying that you want to help the rebels ? may i ask why

If it was guaranteed Syria would make peace with Israel/recognize its right to exist if it helped the rebels, why wouldn't they?
If it was guaranteed Syria would make peace with Israel/recognize its right to exist if it helped the rebels, why wouldn't they?
isreal dont want peace look at lebnon and gaza they want to destroy their nighbours syria lebnon and egypt and these events are a perfect oppurtonty to take out a a strong army and cut the supply for hezbollah and isolate iran it is not about human rights or peace or recognizing the right to exist funny a country that have nukes and ocuupiad the golan hights why would they need syria to recognize isreal right to exist

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