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Imran, Munawar should send their kids to NW

Who is she? American agent oh wait indian ... No I think she is illegitimate.
Well if he did portray the talks as the final solution why did he say he would support military action if the talks do indeed fail??? Wrath of the army?? You think he wouldn't have supported an Army operation in the first place if he were concerned about that?? I don't consider him an infallible being and I fail to see even under his subtle retaliation the advantages KPK reaped so for me even if i agree with you for the sake of argument I don't see his government particularly benefitting from playing safe. And you are trusting these talibans on whom they find as their supporter and representative?? Like I said I never came across any statement of Imran Khan where he shows support for these terrorist outfits and if I did then I would be the first to denounce his stance.

Is it quite unusual for a politician to try to play to both sides and specially the gallery ? There is no reason to get it that literal , the words " wrath of the army " means that the Khan was getting unpopular with the military for his stances and hence issued the statement of " supporting the operation if ALL FAILS " - that doesn't cut it with all those statements of " what have the past military operations got us " , " talks at any and all cost " and " the only option left " statements - which were becoming regular until the Mullahs filled that void again . All the hopeless and confusing speeches and talk further stirring the already murkier water . Quite sure , you are a regular follower of him , how come you haven't seen the undertone of such statements and the circumstances in which they were issued ? The PTI leadership and workers aren't really being targeted by the Taliban , I can see the safety in there . Not looking for infallibility anywhere , merely searching for the reason the Captain became the representative for the Taliban if not for his words and attitude towards them . This is no trusting the " enemy's words " , but seeking an explanation to a tactical move . The others who made the list were hardcore Mullahs .
I am still waiting for Bilawal "Twitter pehlvan" to enlist in the army and fight in the front lines.

It's all nice and fancy to keep blabbering on Twitter but, if he believes what he says, he should go to the front lines.
Is it quite unusual for a politician to try to play to both sides and specially the gallery ? There is no reason to get it that literal , the words " wrath of the army " means that the Khan was getting unpopular with the military for his stances and hence issued the statement of " supporting the operation if ALL FAILS " - that doesn't cut it with all those statements of " what have the past military operations got us " , " talks at any and all cost " and " the only option left " statements - which were becoming regular until the Mullahs filled that void again . All the hopeless and confusing speeches and talk further stirring the already murkier water . The PTI isn't really being targeted by the Taliban , I can see the safety in there . Not looking for infallibility anywhere , merely searching for the reason the Captain became the representative for the Taliban if not for his words and attitude towards them . This is no trusting the " enemy's words " , but seeking an explanation to a tactical move . The others who made the list were hardcore Mullahs .

Then why not think along the lines that they want to further confuse an already confused nation?? That can be your deduction that he gave such statments to win back his popularity with the army and all I can say is that it stays a hypothetical possibility but doesn't become factual. In my opinion, he gave what he believed to be the solution in the given circumstances but that wasn't an only solution otherwise he would have given a conclusive statement negating all military option possibilities at all times since he obviously wanted to secure his interests by protecting the talibans according to you.
Supreme Court Bar’s former president (SCBA) and human rights activist Asma Jahangir has slammed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Jamat-e-Islami (JI) leaders for pleading Taliban.

Everybody knows who is Asma Jahangir but look at the "introduction" as an attempt to establish her "value". What There are 18 Crore Pakistanis who are worthy and respected.. why is there a need to learn from ASMA JAHANGIR when you know her loyalties, character and inclinations?

No objections on Asma Jahangir as she is respected and disrespected for what she is but look at the desperate attempt of this newspaper and see what it wants you to think. I would question their intent for quoting Asma here.

Asma is angry with PTI because Imran Khan had objected her selection as caretaker PM. She has a reason to speak down on PTI. But real question is

  • why would you listen to somebody like her
  • and what value her comments hold when she has open reasons to be against PTI?
  • what words of wisdom is she uttering? is she not living in Pakistan.. why doesn't she send her children and grand-children to KP?
In my opinion, he gave what he believed to be the solution in the given circumstances but that wasn't an only solution otherwise he would have given a conclusive statement negating all military option possibilities at all times since he obviously wanted to secure his interests by protecting the talibans according to you.

That is the only thing , politicians never do - not even in extreme cases , it is rare - very rare , please understand that .
That is the only thing , politicians never do - not even in extreme cases , it is rare - very rare , please understand that .

In my opinion, to uproot a cancer like the taliban phenomenon which has already spread and infected the society, its impossible for anyone to give a conclusive remedy be it the ones supporting military option or otherwise.
Well if he did portray the talks as the final solution why did he say he would support military action if the talks do indeed fail??? Wrath of the army?? You think he wouldn't have supported an Army operation in the first place if he were concerned about that?? I don't consider him an infallible being and I fail to see even under his subtle retaliation the advantages KPK reaped so for me even if i agree with you for the sake of argument I don't see his government particularly benefitting from playing safe. And you are trusting these talibans on whom they find as their supporter and representative?? Like I said I never came across any statement of Imran Khan where he shows support for these terrorist outfits and if I did then I would be the first to denounce his stance.

Dialogue was a solution that he wanted to pursue and I agree that he supported peace talks but I myself have heard him admitting that he would support a military action in case of failure now to that people choose to say he is playing safe or something.
who needs his support , PAKARMY or mullha sawaati, TTp head?
wasnt IMRAN was giving the terrorists offices, what about those office housing schemes?
sory you may, feel or it sounds wrong to you!
but dear friend, its not who is talking but what is been talked more important?
& really ASMMA jee is right, about IMRAN 1000%!
who needs his support , PAKARMY or mullha sawaati, TTp head?
wasnt IMRAN was giving the terrorists offices, what about those office housing schemes?
sory you may, feel or it sounds wrong to you!
but dear friend, its not who is talking but what is been talked more important?
& really ASMMA jee is right, about IMRAN 1000%!

This is the third and last time that I am telling you that I openly was against this stance of Imran Khan even then and I had stated likewise. I don't know why you keep bringing it up again and again when I have told you that I don't consider Imran Khan or any other human being to be an infallible creature beyond the realms of questioning and critique. But there is a huge difference between critique and mudslinging. Secondly, If Asma Ji would have been right, she would have already spoken against those who are the founding fathers of this TTP phenomenon but I am afraid she has utterly failed at that. If she had spent half the time in doing so instead of giving vague and empty statements concerning the talibans then I would have given heed to her flowery language.
This is the third and last time that I am telling you that I openly was against this stance of Imran Khan even then and I had stated likewise. I don't know why you keep bringing it up again and again when I have told you that I don't consider Imran Khan or any other human being to be an infallible creature beyond the realms of questioning and critique. But there is a huge difference between critique and mudslinging. Secondly, If Asma Ji would have been right, she would have already spoken against those who are the founding fathers of this TTP phenomenon but I am afraid she has utterly failed at that. If she had spent half the time in doing so instead of giving vague and empty statements concerning the talibans then I would have given heed to her flowery language.
sorry, may i ask who, you blame of bieng founding fathers of TTp?
MUSHARAF, MMA govt, or angels?
sorry, may i ask who, you blame of bieng founding fathers of TTp?
MUSHARAF, MMA govt, or angels?

The same party that we have finally gotten rid of. Although its one of those rare cases where I would not be blaming Zardari as much as his late wife. Forget about even that, Asma ji seem so eager to send Imran Khan's sons to waziristan so why not send Bilwal Bhutto Zardari there first to fight when his father was ruling this country for the last five years?? And a few days earlier Bilawal was giving heroic statements against the talibans so he has more responsibility to purge us from the cancer that has been engineered under his family's rule. Secondly where was this young man (if I for once overlook his actions that prove otherwise) and his empty statements while his party was in power or maybe the talibans are an overnight phenomenon who sprang to life as soon as they saw Imran Khan among the major players???
The same party that we have finally gotten rid of. Although its one of those rare cases where I would not be blaming Zardari as much as his late wife. Forget about even that, Asma ji seem so eager to send Imran Khan's sons to waziristan so why not send Bilwal Bhutto Zardari there first to fight when his father was ruling this country for the last five years?? And a few days earlier Bilawal was giving heroic statements against the talibans so he has more responsibility to purge us from the cancer that has been engineered under his family's rule. Secondly where was this young man (if I for once overlook his actions that prove otherwise) and his empty statements while his party was in power or maybe the talibans are an overnight phenomenon who sprang to life as soon as they saw Imran Khan among the major players???
sorry friend i m not satisfyied with you answer about, TTp creation?guss TTp & aka TALIBANS are 2 different topics, in 2 different books?
MMA govt was responsible of the creation of TTp, plz hve a search of the facts & incidents then back in 2000 till 2004?
yes i do agree with your points that all of political supporters of TTP , i mean BILAWAL, imrans,s sons & sami, munnawar, fazal ur rehmam, sons & daughters should be sent to, NWtan?
well maybe, ASSMA ji was late & working with international agenda,s but her critisizm was just on IMRAN, cause she was one of few personalities aggitating of Imrans detention by musharaf?
sorry friend i m not satisfyied with you answer about, TTp creation?guss TTp & aka TALIBANS are 2 different topics, in 2 different books?
MMA govt was responsible of the creation of TTp, plz hve a search of the facts & incidents then back in 2000 till 2004?
yes i do agree with your points that all of political supporters of TTP , i mean BILAWAL, imrans,s sons & sami, munnawar, fazal ur rehmam, sons & daughters should be sent to, NWtan?
well maybe, ASSMA ji was late & working with international agenda,s but her critisizm was just on IMRAN, cause she was one of few personalities aggitating of Imrans detention by musharaf?

I was referring to the talibans here and no you don't have to be satisfied with my opinion but my question was just what you mentioned why Imran Khan alone why not the ones in government for the last five years??
I was referring to the talibans here and no you don't have to be satisfied with my opinion but my question was just what you mentioned why Imran Khan alone why not the ones in government for the last five years??
surly not singling out IMRAN , as he was fooled by JI & QAZI mannhoos?
remember the punjab universty inccident, when IMRAN was bieng bullied, by IJT?
then there was a long, prapoganda that he was jew agent, whole of MMA mafia went after him just because, they needed a personality internationaly famous, & can back their crazy idea to getting power in pakistan?
it all comes in when they saw, afghani talibans rulling afghanistan without bieng, intrupted?
so there was , that hunger inside of these MMA mafia gangsterz?
when MUSHARAF got the knowledge about thier hunger for power, he played them in his political favour rightly, cause that time of the history specially KPK peoples were blinded by these MMA thugs, with high emotions against the millitry actions,of the west?
MMA WENT TO giving powers & supplies to peoples like SUFI MUHAMMAD & MULLAHA FAZAL ULLHHA, mehsud TRIBES To manufacture the beast called, TTp?
all what musharaf never knew was that, bieng in the MMA govt these mullhas got thier contacts with pentagon, & CIA which was ever eaggar to give PAKARMY taste of it own medecine , in the form of TTp?
IMRAN was used by, MMA thugs under the leadership of JI,s QAZI HUSSAIN AHMED, even that was the breaking point, within MMA between , SAMI UL HAQ & FAZALUR REHMAN?
all whatever they done all togather, was political destruction of pakistan?
& foolishly IMRAN , BB were the used material?
what you say friend?
why doesn't this piece of shit go take a gun and start fighting, oh I forgot she was only here to fight pakistan.

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