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Imran Khan visit to USA and meeting with Donald Trump - Implications

It is the money we have already spent on cleaning the terrorists from our areas adjacent to Afghanistan. Please read
Question here. Whose responsibility is it to 'clean terrorists' from Pakistani soil? US or Pakistan? Are those areas not sovereign Pakistani territory? Therefore responsibility falls on Pakistan to clean out the areas.
Question here. Whose responsibility is it to 'clean terrorists' from Pakistani soil? US or Pakistan? Are those areas not sovereign Pakistani territory? Therefore responsibility falls on Pakistan to clean out the areas.
Those terrorist entered Pakistan due to US attack on Afghanistan and it is a useless question because it was agreed upon by USA at the start of the war of the terror.
Those terrorist entered Pakistan due to US attack on Afghanistan.
Irrespective. If some bad guys land in UK and are on the run from Sweden does UK send a invoice to Sweden for apprehending them?

  • any terrorists entering Pakistan have broken Pakistani law
  • indeed they should not be in Pakistan as they are illegal
  • thus as a sovereign state it is incumbent on Pakistan to clear them out from it's own territory.
  • would we allow the terrorists to operate in Pakistan if US does not pay?
  • if so that makes us mercenaries on contract within our own country
yeah it should have been Harry Potter...
not sure what you're gibbering about.. do you mean IK should've been rewarded with a handshake with Harry Potter???

And why is your *** on fire? indian much?
1) for my '*** to be on fire' is news to me.
2) "indian much?", makes no sense anywhere in the world.
Diplomatically it was a success, mainly because our bar is set so low. Normally we have Parchi patwari's being spanked and being told to "do more".

Will it achieve anything long term? I'm not so sure. You just can't trust the Americans - they're inherently greedy; give them an inch and they take a yard.
We want trade not aid. Make our exports 10 times what is now with US and European countries.
i guess so many Pakistanis are still ignorant of what CSF is, how can we expect outsiders to understand Pakistan POV and dont called us Aid receivers......for god sake this CSF is not aid but sort of reimbursements for using Pakistani infrastructure by NATO forces, which....they are still using while not giving us the charges for using them and also using our forces on our side of border so that those people cannt come to Pakistan even if they dont harm Pakistan.
Instead of this amount we should ask trump to provide us with f16 and helicopters for same amount
i think for Pakistan this is a crossroad. Do as you say otherwise do not commit.
Closing tap for a while is not going to work

I am sure that the effects of the mutual agreements and understandings reached during PMIK's visit will become clearer over the course of the rest of his term. My statement will probably turn out to be fairly accurate.
Pakistan should not take this money.
Imran khan and Army should stand on thier words other wise whole pakistan will pay for it.
Let both imran and army work for peace in afghanistan thats it.
In the past, we saw many pressers on resetting US-Pakistan relations but they were nothing more than wishful thinking. Prime Minister Imran Khan's inaugural visit to US represents the best opportunity for a fresh start, yet.

In that context, the visit was a success. It gets Pakistan through the door. Imran Khan has reenergised those who stand in Pakistan's corner and reassured those who would like to see US-Pakistan ties improve that they have an ally in him. What comes out of this momentum remains to be seen but there are natural limits here. The US politics and its interests internationally will still be the same the day after the visit.

Will it achieve anything long term? I'm not so sure. You just can't trust the Americans - they're inherently greedy; give them an inch and they take a yard.

Isn't everyone that way?
i guess so many Pakistanis are still ignorant of what CSF is, how can we expect outsiders to understand Pakistan POV and dont called us Aid receivers......for god sake this CSF is not aid but sort of reimbursements for using Pakistani infrastructure by NATO forces, which....they are still using while not giving us the charges for using them and also using our forces on our side of border so that those people cannt come to Pakistan even if they dont harm Pakistan.

I Repeat we want trade not some peanut like before. You keep yourself happy for this but truth it's they will release this fund and then ask for do more then if they feel happy then may be they will increase trade with us - BIG NO and we will be back to same old page and result would be same. I see this and this is what they said we are giving you aid doesn't matter you name it oil refinery revenue or etc in the end it will be called aid by them. Looks like you and some people in Pakistan and outside of Pakistan will never learn.
However, the official sources argued that the military and civilian aid could be resumed provided peaceful settlement struck at Afghanistan. Without effective role of Islamabad the possibility of signing any durable truce is not possible.

Quid pro quo. Simple. Logical.

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