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Imran Khan views on War on Terror

brother you need balls to change this system and no one has balls in our political system beside one guy which is Musharraf,

Musharraf, also advocated talks with the Taliban and flank out the people who are vulnerable and not hardcore. This is exactly why, he was blamed to be playing double-games with the Americans. For more about this, watch his interview with Saleem Safi on the program Jirga. According to Musharraf, Imran Khan is the best in the current political lot, and he supported his approach towards the WoT. It pays to be well informed.
Hey can you Bhartis stop poking your nose in just EVERYTHING???? Who in the hell asked you your views about Imran Khan? Take care of your own political leaders...or even leave Political class,take care of your Army high brass cuz there mental health is :undecided:...they want to fight a two-front war :rofl::rofl:

And to the bold part of your post : :wave::wave: You don't have any feakin idea of what your talking about..

I exactly know what I am talking about. You don't have to pounce on me just coz I am Indian. I stand by what I said. There are such guys in India too who blame all the wrong of the country on British or Muslim rule. I am equally against that too. I don't know how some one who believes in conspiracy theories can ever be a good leader.

BTW, its an international forum and I can poke what ever I what, where ever I want. I have the right to comment and you have the right to ignore.
Musharraf, also advocated talks with the Taliban and flank out the people who are vulnerable and not hardcore. This is exactly why, he was blamed to be playing double-games with the Americans. For more about this, watch his interview with Saleem Safi on the program Jirga. According to Musharraf, Imran Khan is the best in the current political lot, and he supported his approach towards the WoT. It pays to be well informed.

he never said that he agree with all the facts what Imran say or in his interview if you have watched my brother! the question which was posed to him that who is the trure person from your friends and opponents who are same fromt he time you were in politics and his answer was one guy who is still siding him and one guy who is still opposing him and doesnt change his position! and from opponents is IMRAN KHAN who he sincer with Pakistan but doesn't mean he is right! we have Hamid gul who love Pakistan to the core but he is still living in 80s and who still believe that he can handle americans! but poor guy doesn't under stand that Americans used him and they have also learnt alot from Pakistanis how to control us. but does it mean hamid gul is right? answer is no because todays talibans are not the same talibans! only few are same and all are in afghanistan but today we have problem with pakistani talibans who are disowned by afghan talibans! Pakistan still protect afghan talibans and they still protect Pakistani interest! who actuallt saved afghan talibans after GOD? answer is Pakistani army under comand of MUSHARRAF this is why he is called to be playig double game with USA, See afghan talibans keep their words but Pakistani talibans are hijras who don't keep their word, so we can't treat them with love we have to fix them with iron fist! simple as it is :china::pakistan::usflag: :police:
Even when I put the raw truth in front of you excuses and avoidance of the hard facts remain. The madrassas are being used to train children, children, to be suicide bombers.

American Eagle, I think you are mixing up emotions with logic. Saying that all Madrassas harbor and train terrorists is just simply untrue and factually flawed. Is there any survey which concludes that what % of Madrassa students go on to become terrorists? It's like me saying that the soldiers involved in the Abu Gharaib atrocities, represent the entire American army and its policies. Please do not generalize and stereotype a whole system just because there are some ills in it. Lets try to be politically correct when we pass judgments, that's the least we expect from you, as a former bureaucrat.

I went to a Madrassa myself,then to an American High school and a university and now working hard to earn a decent living. Why am I not a terrorist then? If the sole purpose of a Madrassa is to train suicide bombers, then instead of having this discussion with you here, I would have been somewhere letting my bullets do the talking.

I have said it many times before, and I will reiterate it again. The extremism in Pakistan is more of a social phenomenon than a religious one. Most of the parents send their children to Madrassas not out of religious devotion, but due to the simple fact that Madrassas charge no or very little money for their services. Therefore, sending their kids to a Madrassa seems to be the only viable option for people who live their lives on a day to day basis. Then there is also a difference between the Madrassas in the rural and urban areas. The Madrasssas in the rural areas have limited budgets, so they employ teachers which are not well versed in the religious affairs, which in turn impart faulty education to the students.

Terrorism, extremism and fanaticism is not an emotional state but a state of mind. It is an idea, and you can not kill an idea with bullets or bombs, regardless of the quantity. To defeat extremism, you have to deny it the environment it prospers in. You have to eradicate the causes which makes it conducive for the extremists to forward their agenda.

A couple of kids I interviewed from the tribal belt, said that we became suicide bombers because we had nothing better to do. We don't go to a school, have no recreational means, have no job opportunities and our parents tell us to go out there and earn money. These guys(extremists) offered us 25,000 rupees, which is something we can not ignore, 25,000 PKR comes up to about $ 305. Those 15 years old were willing to be suicide bomber for 305 bucks and, that was a pretty good deal for them. What do you suggest we do here? Kill those children because they are terrorists, suicide bombers, Taliban and Al-Quaida, or offer them and provide means for a better future, so they don't have to kill themselves for a measly $ 305. Take your pick, I can only hope that sanity prevails.
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he never said that he agree with all the facts what Imran say or in his interview if you have watched my brother! the question which was posed to him that who is the trure person from your friends and opponents who are same fromt he time you were in politics and his answer was one guy who is still siding him and one guy who is still opposing him and doesnt change his position! and from opponents is IMRAN KHAN who he sincer with Pakistan but doesn't mean he is right! we have Hamid gul who love Pakistan to the core but he is still living in 80s and who still believe that he can handle americans! but poor guy doesn't under stand that Americans used him and they have also learnt alot from Pakistanis how to control us. but does it mean hamid gul is right? answer is no because todays talibans are not the same talibans! only few are same and all are in afghanistan but today we have problem with pakistani talibans who are disowned by afghan talibans! Pakistan still protect afghan talibans and they still protect Pakistani interest! who actuallt saved afghan talibans after GOD? answer is Pakistani army under comand of MUSHARRAF this is why he is called to be playig double game with USA, See afghan talibans keep their words but Pakistani talibans are hijras who don't keep their word, so we can't treat them with love we have to fix them with iron fist! simple as it is :china::pakistan::usflag: :police:

Please go through my response to American Eagle. You will understand where the Pakistani Taliban draw their strength from, and how effectively to deal with that strength pool.
...again i support ZIA for what he did in 80s since it was the right tihing for Pakistan when we had USSR knocking on our west! you had to take extra steps and ZIA did.
Zia had a choice: to supply arms and training to the Afghan elders or to the Islamic radicals. The radicals being far less popular, he supported them, for, lacking popular support, they would be indebted to Pakistan and hence "controllable".

That was a dastardly move, not in the interests of the Afghan people; and worse than that from the Pakistani perspective, a mistake that has come back to bite Pakistan.

I have to admit, America's elected political leaders are not immune from making such errors. Too often, they look for someone "easy" to deal with, rather than one who has an accurate grasp of his countrymen. Our attempt to brush off DeGaulle is the prime example. We were lucky to have failed and thus avoid an Allied occupation regime for liberated France.
How is that an either/or question?

BY far its a question of the time, Tell me does anybody in the Pakistani gov had the swine to go for those mullahs who issued fatwas not to attend the funeral prayers of taseer , had any body had the power to arrest those who chanted for that killer out side the court...And in circumstances like these how can one fight this menace.
Those 15 years old were willing to be suicide bomber for 305 bucks and, that was a pretty good deal for them

You have got to be kidding?

One of very many efforts at Madrassash reforms was organized at a major US University, working with native Pakistani educators. A huge time and effort, and expense was used, with goal to put moderate Pakistani educators into the most extreme madrassahs.

RESULT: The Taliban are always watching, never ends, along with al Qaida. When the moderate teachers arrived within a few days they were beheaded!

Public education in Pakistan has long needed rejuvination. Madrassas in general, feel free to correct me, are a more recent years development, since the late 1970s or 1980s, out of Saudi Arabia, as an outreach of the Wahabbi extremist radical Islamist movement.

I fully understand the poor, economically disadvantaged, tend to go to Madrassas. But your note here is that of a highly educated man not of a rote religious verse memorizer, so I doubt your background to be other than upper class. We today have now young men who were raised and educated here in the US some few of whom have returned to join al Qaida and the Taliban. These technically actual US citizens, example, "The American" who tends to be in Yemen of late, but travels elsewhere with false passports and changing physical appearances (disguises) speak and write almost flawless English but broadcast reverse terrorist recruiting message to try to lure other American Muslim youth from the USA to the war on terrorism zone for training to be both a violent terrorist fighter as well as to use them for world propaganda purposes.

Then there was the Islamabad madrassah under Musharraf's regime as President where he had to use soldiers and fought a several weeks long battle with radical teachers and students armed and trained to kill right in the middle of Islamabad, a city not a country madrassah.

This particular inside the City of Islamabad, the capitol of Pakistan, violent madarssah episode led to the US Embassy having many US Marine Guards added to staff the physical protection of our Embassy to Pakistan there in Islamabad.

Pakitani military authorities have caputured young would be suicide bombers who the terorists kidnapped out of madrasses. These youths lives were saved by the Pak military and related authorites having captured them first. These saved would have been young suicide bombers told and still tell the world of members of their family being held hostage with theats of these family members being murdered unless the youths would "be" or "become" suicide bombers.

No economic pay for dying status there, just more thuggery to extort murder and mayhem.

Public schools YES for all in Pakistan with free uniforms and books, fees and tuition all paid by the religious offering for the education of the children of Pakistan, by the Government of Pakistan, and, yes, if need be, by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, directly.

Radical Wahabbi Madrdassas as exported by the Wahabbi extremests into Pakistan NO.
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Why not Indians, Americans etc want our brothers in tribal areas living in peace with Pakistan ? Because they know with these ppl behind Pakistan they can never touch Pakistan. India know better than any one else since these ppl beat **** out of Indians in first Kashmir war when India went running to UN.

And Imran Khan for many years beat Indian team so he is nightmare for them....
I as an individual American want all the people inside the dotted line referred to as Pakistan...in Balochistan and northern areas...to get fair and equal treatment, as well as protection from terrorists in a personal security sense, permanently, not on again, off again...to feel as if they are "wanted" as part of total Pakistan. These areas are the least developed, most backward, and politically most ignored, due at least in part to being Pakhtun ethnic majority areas...the very large Afridi tribe being one example of unfair and incomplete treatment.
You have got to be kidding?

One of very many efforts at Madrassash reforms was organized at a major US University, working with native Pakistani educators. A huge time and effort, and expense was used, with goal to put moderate Pakistani educators into the most extreme madrassahs.

RESULT: The Taliban are always watching, never ends, along with al Qaida. When the moderate teachers arrived within a few days they were beheaded!

Sir, with all due respect, what in the world were these people thinking when they came up with the idea of putting one good man in the middle of a Taliban stronghold. This is a flawed and parochial approach to begin with, and that is why I am ardently opposed to boardroom discussions to find solutions to social problems which are multi faceted and deeply rooted in the society. You can predict how the stock market will play itself out by looking at the numbers,but you cannot predict human behavior and their reaction to a certain policy from a boardroom. Humans are so complicated and dynamic that, their behaviors change as you travel from one area code to another. This is what makes finding the solutions to social problems so difficult. We can generically assume that all humans want peace,security,wealth and heath but, there are so many other questions that can only be answered by getting out there, with the people. How do they rate and prioritize these wants? Which wants are absolute and which are luxury? Which one's would they be willing to give up for the other? Is there any other want stronger than these ones? If there is, would they be willing to abandon that want for these wants? Is there any want,reason or purpose which is greater than peace,security,health and wealth? You will be surprised by the answers that you will get.

While I do not doubt the intention and sincerity of the people involved in that university project, I disagree with their approach because I have a better approach, which is tried and tested.

We built 2 water filtration plant in a small village in the Mohmand Agency in FATA. There was only need for one, but we built a second one as well, which was more towards the north near the Bajur agency area, which was controlled by the Taliban. We finished our project, stayed there for a month and then left. We were back after 3 months with the intent of opening and operating a Madrassa, which was met by stiff resistance by the Taliban, but guess who come to our rescue, the people. Yes, the same ravaged,scared and oppressed people stood behind us, and told the Taliban that they(our team) not only helped us but you as well. Now if, they want to educate our children about Islam, what's wrong with that? The Taliban had to give in, because they draw their strength from the people. The manipulate and gather people under the veil of Islam, then how could they have stooped us from doing the same. After all, we were just opening up a Madrassa, and not a night club.

Our venture was full of risks,complications and caused a considerable amount of money, but it was sustainable and had the ability to produce tangible results. It might sound a little cliched, but winning the hearts and minds of the people is of utmost importance before you try to change the way they think,or have been thinking for generations. It's a long, exhausting and dangerous process,which cannot be materialized from boardrooms with the help of diagrams.
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Your point is well taken.

The Roman Catholics in missionary work worldwide, including during my era in Karachi , do the equivalent of what you mentioned, build or provide basic services asking nothing in return. This shows great goodwill and the milk of human kindness.

Have a good weekend.
"We were back after 3 months with the intent of opening and operating a Madrassa, which was met by stiff resistance by the Taliban, but guess who come to our rescue, the people. Yes, the same ravaged,scared and oppressed people stood behind us, and told the Taliban that they(our team) not only helped us but you as well. Now if, they want to educate our children about Islam, what's wrong with that? The Taliban had to give in, because they draw their strength from the people. The manipulate and gather people under the veil of Islam, then how could they have stooped us from doing the same. After all, we were just opening up a Madrassa, and not a night club."

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS. This is what Imran khan is talking about!!!

MABS: You will be blessed with this work!!!
TRUST ME!! This year is a change for you!!!!

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"What do you suggest we do here? Kill those children because they are terrorists, suicide bombers, Taliban and Al-Quaida, or offer them and provide means for a better future, so they don't have to kill themselves for a measly $ 305. Take your pick, I can only hope that sanity prevails."

EXACTLY. Kill the hard core elements but tame the soft ones!!!
You did a GREAT JOB. You should and will be honoured by us.
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