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Imran Khan to lead a national government under army direction

I agree with your "Party of one" comment. Imran Khan's always been the spotlight when representing PTI. Frankly, I don't really know any other prominent figures from his party.

But to say that he's not the right person to lead this nation raises another question;

Who will? The people of Pakistan sure as hell don't want anyone from the current political setup. Imran's a weak politician but I can assure you that if the Military and Intelligence takes him under their wing, he might come out shinning. ;)

So is it just another rumour or is there anything more to it? :what:
^^ @syntax_error: Huh? What is that supposed to mean? Running out of options? There are a dozen configurations that may be viable.

Also, if you see an overwhelming support within Pakistan for the Army, then does that not make the Army the democratically elected choice?

all i am saying is that u guys think that the Army is the Best option ..
just a an alalogy .. tell me was everything right with the JF 17 from day1 or LCA (still not much to right about) but u did not give up on it right ... u tried something if did not work to tried something else and something else till it worked ... and today ur proud of it ....u did not chuck the whole thing mid way right ????

Same goes for democracy ... there will be mistakes ....worng ppl will come but then u dont give up democracy in it true sense for that ..

why is JF-17 successful coz simply the makers wanted particulars parameters and specifications and they kept on trying ....
simialrly like the JF17 is like ur democracy .. and u the peole of Pakistan are the makers...

thats all.

So is it just another rumour or is there anything more to it? :what:

Definitely not a rumor.

Why else would MQM, ANP and PTI start talking about a Military Intervention all of a sudden? They all want to be on the "Good" side of the fat lady when she starts singing.

Something's definitely brewing up. We'll just have to sit tight and watch how all of this unfolds.

P.S I was just watching the television and there was a "News Update" being rolled at the bottom of the telly. It read;

"Army sai baghawat ka koi imkaan nahi - Zardari"

Haha, poor guy's out there making sure that no one gets any weird ideas in their head. He could have asked Rehman Malik to say this but decided he'd do it himself? ;)
Also, if you see an overwhelming support within Pakistan for the Army, then does that not make the Army the democratically elected choice?

Irony in that statement is more painful than funny..
Musharraf was probably the best thing to happen for Pakistan.
Definitely not a rumor.

Why else would MQM, ANP and PTI start talking about a Military Intervention all of a sudden? They all want to be on the "Good" side of the fat lady when she starts singing.

Something's definitely brewing up. We'll just have to sit tight and watch how all of this unfolds.

P.S I was just watching the television and there was a "News Update" being rolled at the bottom of the telly. It read;

"Army sai baghawat ka koi imkaan nahi - Zardari"

Haha, poor guy's out there making sure that no one gets any weird ideas in their head. He could have asked Rehman Malik to say this but decided he'd do it himself? ;)

But if we are talking about a true revolution and correcting the system, than at least 70-80% leaders of the first two mentioned parties will end up in Jail on charges of corruption, murders etc. Why would they support Army led national govt. when they know it may well be an end of their political careers or even worse?
Irony in that statement is more painful than funny..
Musharraf was probably the best thing to happen for Pakistan.

Nothing either painful or funny. It is plain fact.

And Musharraf hasn't gone anywhere. The changes he made in Pakistan are indelible. Despite all the issues, Pakistan is continuing to grow and the middle class that was created under his watch will transform the country for the better. That is basically what you are seeing here.

In the '90s we lived with corrupt governments for a decade. Now, our patience is running thin in just under 2 years. And we believe we have the power to throw them out. If you can't see empowerment and change in that, then I don't know what democratic empowerment is.
But if we are talking about a true revolution and correcting the system, than at least 70-80% leaders of the first two mentioned parties will end up in Jail on charges of corruption, murders etc. Why would they support Army led national govt. when they know it may well be an end of their political careers or even worse?

Correction of the current political system might take place. True revolution, in my opinion, might not even take place in our lives but that's just my opinion.
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Finally Pakistan has anew and I think incorruptible person in politics. Who sounds reasonable and logical... IK - the man is a great hope for the nation. He doesn't need on the job training. When you are a captain you understand the value of team work, patience and most of all possesses political sensibility. What is the minimum intellectual requirement for a person to be a Leader of Pakistan?

We need a Leader, who understand the real value of freedom in Pakistan and who is not just dancing the tunes of their Western Masters. The one who can meet the challenges of today's world in these modern times, and can change the style and political characteristics of the country, instead of repeating the same old Crap again and again like a caged parrot. It's about time that people get engaged in the politics and bring about the CHANGE.. Because when decide to move, they can move MOUNTAINS...

Good luck IK, may Allah swt be with you.

Pakistan Zindabad

I am surprised that lot of PK members are supporting the idea of doing thing arbitrarily. Whether its National Govt., Govt backed by PA, or anything else, why not put a proper process in place.
I am not advocating for democracy or elections here. But you need to have some process in place. Even if its like CN. This will not only give continuity in all govt related things, It will also project PK as more stable to the world community.
If PK ppl like PA and find them better then civil leaders so be it. But try to put some process in place. Some mechanism so that you yourself and world at large know who is in charge and who are the ppl in waiting in line for top job.
Looking at the work PK need to do for its future, uncertanity\rumors like this is last thing that you need.
I agree with your "Party of one" comment. Imran Khan's always been the spotlight when representing PTI. Frankly, I don't really know any other prominent figures from his party.

But to say that he's not the right person to lead this nation raises another question;

Who will? The people of Pakistan sure as hell don't want anyone from the current political setup. Imran's a weak politician but I can assure you that if the Military and Intelligence takes him under their wing, he might come out shinning. ;)

Lets see what becomes of this... :tup:
plain bakwas. Army is not going to remove the government.

Some people are just trying to divert the hostility towards Army to ruin the praise Army won for their tremendous role in flood relief work
Definitely not a rumor.

Why else would MQM, ANP and PTI start talking about a Military Intervention all of a sudden? They all want to be on the "Good" side of the fat lady when she starts singing.

Something's definitely brewing up. We'll just have to sit tight and watch how all of this unfolds.

P.S I was just watching the television and there was a "News Update" being rolled at the bottom of the telly. It read;

"Army sai baghawat ka koi imkaan nahi - Zardari"

Haha, poor guy's out there making sure that no one gets any weird ideas in their head. He could have asked Rehman Malik to say this but decided he'd do it himself? ;)

:) dont know if ANP recently supported Military intervention but one thing is clear after Najam Sethi being the first person and considered to be close to US, tried to spread this notion of military take over, it seems that US wishes some change.

BUT why at this point??? We do want Zardari and CO go but NOT at this point when the country is facing massive humanitarian problem .

We do not want political terrorism on our roads and streets by Jiyalas and their opponents from Gunja, MQM, and other smaller parties . And this political terrorism will also be added with politically affiliated black coats
Pakistan is going through a situation where we need a change desperately.. Without a shadow of a doubt we are being ruled by the most pathetic leaders in our 63 years of history......

If such take over is a reality ( which i think should happen) , we should not indulge ourselves in talks like whether its a army takeover or democracy and start fighting over it... Rather we should think that whether its in the best interest of Pakistan or not. Because the process through which the leader come is not important right now. I think its more important that what type of leader will come and what he will do do for Pakistan .. That is more important ..

Even Islam tells to have good leaders but the method of choosing one is not at all mention in Quran .. If we see Khilafat e Rashida period of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), Hazrat Umar (RA), Hazrat Usman (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA), we will come to know that they all were chosen by four different methods .

So process through which good leaders will come is immaterial... All we should pray is that May Allah give Pakistan those leaders that will really work for Pakistan, and not like our current leaders who are filling their pockets from our money and other resources...
I think democracy is never gonna work for pakistan.If we wait another half century for democracy to "mature" we may end up seeing a disintegrated pakistan.Better let the army take over and lets hope they wont mess things up.
Been going through all threads of indian brotherhood and I appreciate all your suggestions and ideas, but on the sametime one should get himself into our shoes and then analyze the situation from scratch. We are not a very big contry like India when 1 can say that 30% of population live below powerty level we are a small contry full of natural resources ( which are dig able) very talented people and manageable coordinates. Our only problem is corrupt leadership and foreign interventions.
Army is the only working body in this contry and one day or another they will have to get back and to wipe all hte rascals out.....
Jana opinion is also a valid one but what if it happen I belive mostly the people will wellcome this decision

May God give success to our contry Pakistan


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