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Imran Khan to ban police violence at police stations after forming government

Usage of word taliban for Imran Khan who is Pakistani citizen is not appropriate

Since PDF articles sometimes appear high ranking in Google searching it sends the wrong message about Imran Khan to world people who may be trying to learn about his personality
Usage of word taliban for Imran Khan who is Pakistani citizen is not appropriate
Since PDF articles sometimes appear high ranking in Google searching it sends the wrong message about Imran Khan to world people who may be trying to learn about his personality
I don't need to. they are very good at doing so by themselves.

So you didn’t answer the question, who will make the culprits pay for the genocide of pukhtoon and baloch of Pakistan?, since you want isi to make Uzbek and tajik pay for the blood of Afghan pushtoons will somebody make Pak army and the majority it hails from pay for the genocide of pukhtoons & Balochs?.
So you didn’t answer the question, who will make the culprits pay for the genocide of pukhtoon and baloch of Pakistan?, since you want isi to make Uzbek and tajik pay for the blood of Afghan pushtoons will somebody make Pak army and the majority it hails from pay for the blood of pukhtoons & Balochs?.

Well then let's "disintegrate" the federation of Pak. This way we could avenge all those ethnicities constituting the pak military.
They only turned this old colonial oppressor tool from worse to worst nightmare for people of Punjab. Same goes for PPPP in Sindh.

Your police act is still from somewhere 1860s, just copy pasted into new act.
It's not funny when they say, according to Pakistan penal code 1860 bla bla bla ? Which Pakistan was there back in 1860 ?
these penal codes are obsolete and more importantly a constant source of a humiliation and disgust for a self-respecting nation but our foreign imposed elite never bothered to remove this crap and make new laws as we progressively degraded the role of legislature from promulgating laws to building cobbled streets and sewers ... so basically your MNAs are essentially union councillors with huge funds to fill their coffers. And nobody seems to be bothered by this digression and derailment. That's why we need new system.
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Well then let's "disintegrate" the federation of Pak. This way we could avenge all those ethnicities constituting the pak military.

So you justify genocide of your own countrymen and also wish to justify it elsewhere too.
police is terrorist force looting bribing insulting torturing civilians day night. i wish someone ban police itself. never see a police guys have any manners respect or know any shit about self respect of citizen . for me Taliban and police are same coin's two sides
Punjab police is criminal gang in uniform
It's sarcasm to irritate those who claim Imran Khan is following violent Taliban ideology
I know your heart was in the right place being sarcastic on this, but people have a hard time understanding sarcasm these days and naming Imran Khan as that is kind of disrespectful.
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