This Analogy of Rape happen because of dress/behavior of women or men's lust is as whether chicken comes first or egg.
There are and will always be 3 sides in this argument, 1) those who will criticize the women/her dress/behavior 2) Those who will go as far as that even if women is naked then men has to control his lust and keep his papajohns in his pants, 3) who will stay neutral, they neither go as far as saying its women fault and her dress is to blame, nor they will say women should be allowed to go outside naked and yet remain untouched.
So how do we figure this out, of course everyone will see this issue differently and whether they agree or not they will make their decision based on how serious they take religion which they associate themselves with, so a Non Practicing Muslims raised and lived in West or in burger society will of course will spew venom at Islam the first change he will get which is pretty visible in this thread, from TT's to Advisors

then there are those who are champions and Alm bearers of Islam giving certificates to everyone , and then there is me who will write this long post only to be ignored by most
The way I see this, that no one is perfect, no country , no system or Nizaam , no society or way of living perfect except for one, if that system is implemented to its full length does it prevent that one particular crime or sin which is under highlight? in this case rape , so lets examine this with Rape..
When the first Islamic state was established by the Prophet SAW, he was called a Walking Quran means his life, his governance can be seen as as what Allah wanted for his people, so how many Rape cases were reported under him as Ruler ? or in Time of Abu Bakr RA, or Umar Ibn Khattab RA ? i know a couple of incidents but i am still researching on them before mentioning them here, so if anyone knows the state or reported rape cases under lets say 1st Prophets rule of the state, then under 4 Rashidun Caliphs , how many rape cases were reported ? how many of them were punished, how many Feminists came out to challenge the decision of Caliphs ? were these women silenced ? among them we have Ayesha RA, Fatima RA, and many more women who's stature in Islam need no introduction. Oh and lets not forget that women at that time used to cover as they are instructed by their faith, Jewish and Christian women also used to head cover as sign of modesty.
Now lets compare that to the society we live in today, find a society which has the least rape in the world and compare it to system or society they created in 7th century, today i don't know which country has the least rape statistics, how many of them punished and still waiting trail, once we know we can compare it with each other.
here a point comes to my mind, how can we compare a 7th century society with a modern 21st century society, everything progress, we are more woke now, women and men are equals, LGBTQ rights everywhere, technology, movies , music , P0rn etc but then ask yourself this, does invention of all these things such as Movies, P0rn , p0rn like music , different style clothing ( Advance and stylish ) all that talk of women empowerment and LGBTQ rights does it make the lives of people better? are they happy with what they have, what they are fighting for? Will they even get that satisfaction where people will say, ok this is it this is the perfect society a dystopia we want and now we have it, can anyone say we will ever see that day? i know a time when people did used to say that, the same 7th century state which was rule by the same old people who don't know much right? we are more Advance and educated then them, we have youtube, tumblr , twitter, we got NGO's and social justice warriors, and we those free the nipples and pride parades, we have mera jism meri merzi, but all of that and all that they have , they might not have in Pakistan but in US they sure do, in EU they sure do, so are they now happy or do they even know that there will come a point where they will just say, ok we have it all now and this is it?
Then we have Atheists, or darwin people for them its a easy pick as they don't have a Objective morality which they can use, hence their moral values changes over time, today 18 is standard age for anyone to marry if you try you will be called pedophile but maybe in 200 years, that age will go all the way up to 24 years, anyone marrying a girl or boy age under 24 will be called pedophile , ah fcuk!! but they will be quick to jump the wagon to malign the religion and blame the mistakes of followers on the system or religion itself, its like if a man is trying to solve a equation and he is constantly making a mistake in his process he end up blaming the equation itself.
Rape is a crime, like murder or stealing it has many aspects and motives behind it, lots of variable that is at play not just girls skirt of men's lust, people commit rape for fun, addiction , when drunk, out hate for someone, hurt someone , revenge , break someone's strong will and last not the least war crime, when Russians rape the entire Berlin city, were they acting on any religious teaching ? are all the women in Germany of that time wearing tight small dresses ? rape just as every crime existed since the dawn of our kind, and it will remain so until God decide to put a stop to everything. But as i mentioned, every rape case is not as black and white as people make them to be, can you stop all men from lusting ? NO ... Can you stop all women from wearing different small and tight clothes? Also NO ... so how do we solve this ? maybe the answer is hidden somewhere in between the both sides, keeping the balance between modesty , men's lower gaze and punishments which is given equally across the board. Maybe that would solve this? i don't know honestly.
the post is unfinished...