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Imran Khan must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran: Arab News

Pakistan doesnt need to choose between either.
We now have oil
Powerful military
And a people who are totally nuts.

Both iran and saudi need us as much as we need them
If i was Imran Khan, i would tell the Arabs, kick out all Indians and cut ties with India and we will cut ties with Iran. If they agree then all good, if not then tell them to fuk off.
Same goes for Iran
Iran is important for geo-political stability (in future economical stability .Europe is thinking to ditch Russia and want to purchase gas from Iran)

KSA is important for economical stability .(some diplomatic influence in GCC for economic interest as Bhutto did in his tenure. Now we should do more work on Bhutto's doctrine )

Pakistan cant afford to lose them. we should use OIC / umaah card to balance relations between two countries.

Here most of Pakistanis dont think beyond ten years .
We have been given no reason to choose. Stick with the status quo.

It's this kind of thinking that has retarded Pakistan's foreign policy. I thought the whole point of electing PTI was to upturn the status quo. Having better relations with Iran would improve things greatly on two fronts: stabilizing Afghanistan and keeping India out of Balochistan.

India is handicaped in terms of hard power in Afghanistan. And other than a few natural resources, Afghanistan holds little to no value for Iran.

Why would India want to use hard power in Afghanistan? It was never its goal. It even turned down Trump's request to send troops. Why would India want to tip its hands in Afghanistan? As for Iran, they don't care about Afghanistan's natural resources. All they care about Afghanistan that it not become a security threat to them.

US aid will not flow forever either way.

Yes, but who will keep Afghanistan afloat when it does stop?

The above statement implies you don't know much about the subject.

Maybe. But let's see what happens when the Afghan Taliban stop fighting the Americans and start fighting among themselves.
Better to mediate between both countries rather than taking sides and keep on spreading hatred
Imran must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran

August 21, 2018 13:18

Pakistanis are celebrating Eid and a new prime minister. Imran Khan was a famous cricketer and a well-liked figure, but politics requires different skills than sport.

Religion is a winning game for some, and here he has been trying to play it, despite his liberal and secular background. In public speeches, he attacks the West and the Western model, while he has two sons from his marriage to his British Jewish former wife. Before his swearing-in ceremony, Khan asked his two sons not to attend out of fear for their lives. Indeed, everything in his first career was Western, as he played for English teams and graduated from Oxford University.

Like a number of Third World leaders, his supporters also promote popular news and images about him. Furthermore, he canceled the lavish lunch at the inauguration ceremony, saying he wanted to help reduce the budget deficit, and promised to sell the state cars of government officials. Such an image gives a positive impression that is commensurate with his electoral promises, and contrasts with the image of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison for corruption.

Today, Pakistan remains an important country. It is the second most populous Muslim country after Indonesia, a nuclear power, and possesses the eighth largest army in the world. Pakistan is also important in regional calculations, as Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fiercely competing to win it over. Globally, too, Pakistan has been an object of ongoing competition between China and the US.

Although there has been recurrent talk of a close relationship between Khan and Iran, based on his previous statements, we cannot judge politicians out of power. Whatever is said, Pakistan's relationship with Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf states remains deep and firm, regardless of who governs it. Let us not forget that the same thing was said about the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but she proved that she never sided with Iran. Saudi Arabia, besides being the heart of the Muslim world, has the largest Pakistani community abroad, and its trade balance with it is greater.

Moreover, we should not forget that both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan share a special relationship with the US; while the relationship with Iran is no longer an option, because the PM cannot override US sanctions.

Regardless of the internal considerations that were pushing the new PM to give such statements, it is hoped that the relationship with Pakistan will be further developed, and given a greater role in resolving regional issues, such as Afghanistan, and putting pressure to bear on Iran to stop its interference in Pakistan itself, as well as in the region.

The constant competition over the state’s leadership has led most competing leaders either to prison or the grave. This factor undoubtedly weakened Pakistan's status abroad, preoccupied it internally, and exhausted it economically.

Khan, coming from a different background to the former prime ministers, has an opportunity to develop his country's position in the Gulf; improve its balance of payments and economy by implementing a genuine reform program in cooperation with countries like his allies in the Gulf; and engage in mutually beneficial and sustainable projects.

In fact, we are not worried about Iran now. It cannot even get enough gasoline for its markets, despite being an oil producer. Tehran’s rulers today have enough problems to keep them busy, and the future looks even graver. In these changing circumstances, Pakistan has to play a more important role, as it is already a major regional player and must double the pressure on Iran to change its foreign policy. This will enhance Pakistan's role in the Middle East and South Asia; but, if it does not, it will not be able to play the opposite role.

• Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is a veteran columnist. He is the former general manager of Al Arabiya news channel, and former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat. Twitter: @aalrashed

Imran khan needs to be very careful. He's invited by saudis , iranis and qataris ( saudis don't like iran and qatar ) . Mike pumpo is also coming so needs to keep an eye on some warm gestures by Russians
We should be sending more troops to Saudi Arabia provided they play their role within Saudi territory.

More troops for Saudi Arabia but along with guarantees that Pakistani territory would not be used to undertake hostile acts against Iran.

Saudi relationship is definitely more important but our relationship with Iran should not be hostile.

The Arabs also need to change their tone. What if we start demanding that they have to choose either India or Pakistan.
Pakistan should not give any troops to saudis
Imran Khan should chose Pakistan and Pakistan only. There is no with us or with them anymore. You want good relations with Pakistan, help us achieving our interests otherwise HELL NO.
It's this kind of thinking that has retarded Pakistan's foreign policy. I thought the whole point of electing PTI was to upturn the status quo.


There have been no seismic shifts that warrant a drastic change. And Pakistan's Iran policy, or GCC policy, has never been an issue.

Why would India want to use hard power in Afghanistan? It was never its goal. It even turned down Trump's request to send troops.

Ergo, I stated India has no ground game in Afghanistan making Indian presence a manageable nuisance.

Having better relations with Iran would improve things greatly on two fronts: stabilizing Afghanistan and keeping India out of Balochistan.

Indian diplomats have threatened to "stir up trouble" in Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan Province so Iran needs to protect itself against Indian designs. Forget Pakistan.


Source: The Elephant in the Room: The Soviet Union and India’s Nuclear Program, 1967-1989

As for Iran, they don't care about Afghanistan's natural resources. All they care about Afghanistan that it not become a security threat to them.


Yes, but who will keep Afghanistan afloat when it does stop?


Maybe. But let's see what happens when the Afghan Taliban stop fighting the Americans and start fighting among themselves.

The above statement confirms once again you don't know much about Taliban's governing structures, i.e., Emir, Shuras, Military Comissions, Mahaz etc.
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I request all members to read this article: https://pakobserver.net/pakistan-saudi-arabia-relations/

@Indus Pakistan

Please understand that we should not take our relations with Saudi Arabia for granted. Saudi Arabia have helped us in difficult times in ways few countries would be willing to (if ever).
Who is taking our relations with Saudis for granted?
We love Saudis we are just taking USA for granted.
Saudis have no fight with Pakistan. Saudis are our allies I don't understand your point?
Pakistan doesnt need to choose between either.
We now have oil
Powerful military
And a people who are totally nuts.

Both iran and saudi need us as much as we need them

Honourable Sir,
Humbly beg to strongly disagree. If you have any special info, kindly share the same with us because:

“Energy ministry rejects claims of discovering oil reserves larger than Kuwait’s: sources”

Abdullah Haroon, caretaker Minister of oil, has also clarified the situation that Exxon has just signed the contract but has not yet started drilling and that Exxon Block is in the Indus basin; not next to the Iran border.

We may or may not find any oil and even if we do, we don’t know how much? Don’t you think that one should wait for the actual discovery before declaring “ Now we have oil”?

Iran is a neighbouring country and Saudi Arabia is the leader of the Arab world; Pakistan needs to be friends with both.
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