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Imran Khan has declared his Assets

PTI sources say: Justice Wajihudeen would be heading the Parliamentary board that would scrutinize candidates applying for party tickets :yahoo:

oh boy !! you better have a good resume to get PTI ticket !! :pakistan:

Below I am just sharing a PTI worker's post from somewhere else:

Chaudhry Nisar said 'Nawaz Sharif gave Rs 20 Lac as income tax last year'. Now if we do our calcuations, that makes total earning of Rs 8 Lac a month (because income tax for that bracket is 20% per year, which means he earns 100 lac a year, which makes 8 lac a month).
Imagine that Pakistan's richest person is earning just 8 lac rupees a month. Wowww.. The total cost of the convoy he travels (almost a dozen land cruisers) will add up to be more than Rs 100 million.

Even my uncle earns more than 8 lacs. Don't lie to us Chaudhry Nisar. Please fool around with someone else.
look what i found while browsing YOUTUBE :what:

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^ everything is declared ... justifiable and have been justified and properly explained.

Imran Khan is Great...!!!
why does it matter?
he bought it with his own hard earned money.
not your money, like your buddy Ganja Sharif

That's not the house atleast... Unlike, you guyz are claiming it to be...
Imran is not greedy, says Jemaima

LONDON: Jemima Goldsmith has said that she loaned Imran Khan money in 2003 but he return all after selling the flat in London, in order to pay for his house outside Islamabad.

In a message via social networking site, Jemima clarified that she initially paid the money for the house until he sold his flat and then paid her back.

She said, "Can't believe we're divorced and I'm still Imran's Achilles' heel. He has faults but greed is not one of them, unlike many in Pakistani politics."

Jemima said that Imran was known as an honest man who never tried to take any financial benefits from his rich wife.

Imran is not greedy, says Jemaima
IT's 300 Kanal the main question is weather it is from Halal Money or Haram

At the time of purchase ... land price in that area was 1.2 lacs per kenal (evidence of price already presented in media)

300 kenals @ 1.2 lacs per kenal equals only Rs.3.6 cror

Construction is NOT on whole of 300 kenals. It is only 5 beds house.

So lets say construction cost of 5 beds house was 10 crors

So total cost is 13.6 crors.

Now london flat was sold for about 7 lac pounds.

Rest of the calculations you can do. It will cover all (maximum) costs!

BTW if you are halal haram concious then why supporting Nawaz or zardari ... ??
At the time of purchase ... land price in that area was 1.2 lacs per kenal (evidence of price already presented in media)

300 kenals @ 1.2 lacs per kenal equals only Rs.3.6 cror

Construction is NOT on whole of 300 kenals. It is only 5 beds house.

So lets say construction cost of 5 beds house was 10 crors

So total cost is 13.6 crors.

Now london flat was sold for about 7 lac pounds.

Rest of the calculations you can do. I will cover all (maximum) costs!

BTW if you are halal haram concious then why supporting Nawaz or zardari ... ??
Sir who said I support Nawaz Shareef and Zardari and I am the one of those who speaks most against them

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