Stop giving foolish argument. Even the Prophet (PBUH) declared war when Kufar had gone too far. The question is never about being better than them, do you believe the prophet (A’oodhu Billaah) was no better than them?
Because he was the Prophet and he was righteous.
Are you righteous?
He always forgave those who transpired against him, he never took revenge for any of the wrongs done unto him.
He always adopted a defensive posture against the attackers, and still gave them the benefit of negotiations.
He was known for his kindness and compassion, not for his abusive language or short temper.
Think before you compare him with your stupidity.
No one is stopping you from defending yourself and preparing or war. But adopting an offensive tone instead of a peaceful one and not going out of your way to seek peace is completely non Islamic and is nothing but ignorance.
We are Muslims, we lead by setting examples, we don't abandon the pursuit of peace until the very end. And yet we are not the ones ever shying away from active conflict.
But it's a disease and mental illness to wish and to seek war.
So let those whose job is to prepare and wage war to be aggressive, and let those whose job is to maintain peace and avoid war, be all forthcoming and forbearing and peace loving.
I hope you understand the difference.