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Imran agrees to work with Sharif on 'major issues'.

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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LAHORE: Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Wednesday vowed to cooperate with incoming Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on terrorism and other major challenges following key elections.

Khan made the remarks from his hospital bed, where he is laid up with a fractured spine after falling at a campaign rally, after his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf polled third place, behind Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N).

“We have decided that despite severe differences that we have, we will work together to resolve major national problems including terrorism,” Khan said in a video message aired during a PTI press conference.

Sharif had earlier pledged to work with Khan for the good of the country, after visiting the former cricket star in hospital on Tuesday.

“Elections are over and we all as a nation want to move forward,” Khan said, adding he wanted all politicians and the military to sit down together and find a solution to domestic terrorism, which has killed thousands of people in Pakistan.

“We cannot ensure prosperity until we eliminate the issue of terrorism,” he said.

Khan also has vowed to put together a provincial coalition government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and turn it into a “role model” for the rest of the country.

ECP should investigate rigging allegations

Expressed his reservations over the election process at some polling stations, Khan alleged Wednesday that vote rigging had taken place in 25 constituencies, and urged the Election Commission of Pakistan to immediately investigate allegations of rigging and irregularities and conduct a recount in four National Assembly constituencies.

“It is the responsibility of the Election Commission to satisfy the voters. We suspect polls have been rigged in 25 constituencies. Today we are giving the ECP four constituencies where recount should be carried out with the use of fingerprinting,” said Khan.

“We will submit an application today. The ECP has already ordered recount at one of these four constituencies, but without fingerprinting,” said the PTI chief, urging the use of fingerprints to make the process more credible.

“We have calculated that it will take two days for the ECP for the process of recount with fingerprints at four constituencies.”

Khan said that it was important to satisfy voters who were protesting in the streets of Lahore and Karachi. Khan also said that the exercise was also essential to curb rigging in the future, and to take the democratic process forward in a smooth and acceptable manner.

“This is the right of the people…and will ensure the democratic process grows stronger,” he said. “We expect the ECP to fulfill their responsibility.”

“These people who are protesting against alleged rigging…it is the ECP’s responsibility to satisfy them, otherwise these people will lose their faith on the democratic process and will not come out to vote in the future.”
Imran vows to work with Sharif on terrorism, major challenges | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Cornered tiger has been stunned and contained. Mission accomplished...WILCO out!
I find Pakistani people so funny, they can't see right from wrong.

A guy can go to prison for being a thief, do Ghadari by running to America for help and still end up in Presidents and Prime Ministers house, get the backing of millions.

The people are a joke and that is why we are a 3rd world country still.
For all the PTI+ , PTI- , PML+, PML-.. their respective supporters have ignored something big here.
For the first time in history, two rival parties are supporting the democratic process and literally pouring cement into the country's foundations.
For all the PTI+ , PTI- , PML+, PML-.. their respective supporters have ignored something big here.
For the first time in history, two rival parties are supporting the democratic process and literally pouring cement into the country's foundations.

Wasn't this pretty much expected?

PTi and PML in NA opposite each other is a big difference than PPP and PML.

Imran Khan has said, they will support PML in good things and core issues of the country, while stopping them and keeping them in check on negative things.

If PTi plays it's role and so does PML, it would be very good for the country.
Wasn't this pretty much expected?

PTi and PML in NA opposite each other is a big difference than PPP and PML.

Imran Khan has said, they will support PML in good things and core issues of the country, while stopping them and keeping them in check on negative things.

If PTi plays it's role and so does PML, it would be very good for the country.

That is a big "if". Politics as usual will return in about six months.
That is a big "if". Politics as usual will return in about six months.

I doubt it.

PML got a big wake up call after the Lahore jalsa and since has been working over time in Punjab...the threat to PML from PTI is still there so they would still need to be top of their game and PTI would need to be top in KPK.

So a bit of an internal competition will be good, this time it will be different in some way from the politics of old.
I doubt it.

PML got a big wake up call after the Lahore jalsa and since has been working over time in Punjab...the threat to PML from PTI is still there so they would still need to be top of their game and PTI would need to be top in KPK.

So a bit of an internal competition will be good, this time it will be different in some way from the politics of old.

Chalo Sirjee, ess waley mein tuhaadi gal man jaana waan. We can talk about it in a few month's time.
I doubt it.

PML got a big wake up call after the Lahore jalsa and since has been working over time in Punjab...the threat to PML from PTI is still there so they would still need to be top of their game and PTI would need to be top in KPK.

So a bit of an internal competition will be good, this time it will be different in some way from the politics of old.

I fully agree. It is a good precedent. Politicing is over now everyone needs to work for the betterment of the country. Nawaz made a good move by visiting Imran and showed basic decency even at the time of the accident by sending Shehbaz over. Imran also will need the goodwill of PML(N) If he wants to do well in KPK. If KPKis tamed half the battle is over for both. I think forays should also be made towards MQMas it controls the economic hub of the country. If Nawaz and Imran play their cards right they can basicallg do a lot of good for the country. This is a critical juncture for both of them and a make or break one for both as well.
There is no role to be played except opposition. Time will tell if this "work" is acquiescence or phada. When you work together you bring your own input.

On foreign policy alone, I foresee immediate and lasting phada.
I fully agree. It is a good precedent. Politicing is over now everyone needs to work for the betterment of the country. Nawaz made a good move by visiting Imran and showed basic decency even at the time of the accident by sending Shehbaz over. Imran also will need the goodwill of PML(N) If he wants to do well in KPK. If KPKis tamed half the battle is over for both. I think forays should also be made towards MQMas it controls the economic hub of the country. If Nawaz and Imran play their cards right they can basicallg do a lot of good for the country. This is a critical juncture for both of them and a make or break one for both as well.

Both have shown good gestures since the election in order to move forward for the interests of the country.

The next six months will set the tone for alot of things, choice of chairman PAC will also be an interesting one.

As for Karachi, I believe PTI has made great forays there. Getting 40k to 70k votes in Karachi where MQM wins with 180k votes is no easy task.
IK must realize he can achieve much more and bring at least some changes that he had hoped for if he ties up with PML-N. Working from inside is far better than from the outside in the system Pakistan politics is in.
Will give real opposition, first time in Pakistan. Imran Khan :D
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