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Improvement in Pakistan-Russia relations

I am not in favour of giving Russia a naval base of any sort in Pakistan at this time

That's the canard I was referring to - after all, do Russians even want a military base in Pakistan?? Look, they have very good relations with Iran, have they asked for a military base?

Why would they want a base ? for a navy less than half it's previous size? for a navy that is forced to abandon it's nuclear subs? -- No, that's just the ambassador using "mirch and Masala" as literary license.
That's the canard I was referring to - after all, do Russians even want a military base in Pakistan?? Look, they have very good relations with Iran, have they asked for a military base?

Why would they want a base ? for a navy less than half it's previous size? for a navy that is forced to abandon it's nuclear subs? -- No, that's just the ambassador using "mirch and Masala" as literary license.

Yes, I agree with you on this point sir. The ball spinning this way will for sure have a positive impact on Pakistan and Russia's relationship!

There won't be any demand of naval base from Russian side, at least not for now!
why not cold war is over russia is resource rich and major world player put the past behind us and make good relations i say we jump at this chance we need all the investment we can get might be good for speeding up gwadar development plus make pakistan more important in the region,give access to central asian states and bring great benefits for the economy.
why not cold war is over russia is resource rich and major world player put the past behind us and make good relations i say we jump at this chance we need all the investment we can get might be good for speeding up gwadar development plus make pakistan more important in the region,give access to central asian states and bring great benefits for the economy.

They key of long term relationship is not dependent on military or economy. The first and foremost goal is to have cultural ties. When people of two nations will have good relationship than military and economic help will go to the right direction. If you only want to benefit in terms of military than this relationship will be 'part time'--Russia, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asian states, Pakistan will form a good regional block!

Russia and Pakistan are moving forward so will the others. China is already with us and vice versa.
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Hey will love to have Russians as friends afterall they can use our vibrant brains to develop military machines rather than rotten Indian brains( can't make Tejas fly)

By the way will our relations with China be strained if we ally with Russians I mean C-R relations ain't that good
Hey will love to have Russians as friends afterall they can use our vibrant brains to develop military machines rather than rotten Indian brains( can't make Tejas fly)

By the way will our relations with China be strained if we ally with Russians I mean C-R relations ain't that good

Well, you should not say that i.e. rotten Indian brains. Apart from the differences we have, Indian culture is very inspiring and vibrant. It was good for both of us to have good relationship but if we can't than so be it. Moreover, you should not generalize about Indian population, they have great people as well. Speaking of China-Russia, Pakistan-Russia relationship; I do not think that it will certainly hurt China because China and India are progressing to have mutual relationship considering China-Pakistan allies and Pakistan-India ideological enemies. China is like our elder brother which helped us in hard times! :china:

China and Russia are progressing to strengthen their relationship, they cannot afford to stand up against each other at this time! Personally, China will not have any issues with our relationship with Russia, at least I don't think that way. They might have some issues but--
By the way will our relations with China be strained if we ally with Russians I mean C-R relations ain't that good

China/Russia relations were much more strained in the 70s, yet ZA Bhutto managed to import Chinese nuclear technology and Russian steel mill at the same time in Pakistan.

In regards to Afghanistan, this is our chance to mend fences with the Afghan Tajiks and consolidate our influence over most of the Afghan ethnic groups.
China/Russia relations were much more strained in the 70s, yet ZA Bhutto managed to import Chinese nuclear technology and Russian steel mill at the same time in Pakistan.

Thank you for quoting that. Are you up for Pakistan and Russia relationship like me?

"In regards to Afghanistan, this is our chance to mend fences with the Afghan Tajiks and consolidate our influence over most of the Afghan ethnic groups."

Very practical analysis given by you in two lines. We should have an influence over Northern Alliance or at least Tajiks--
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Are you up for Pakistan and Russia relationship like me?

Of course!

If staunchly pro-US countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel can have good relations with the Russians, then why shouldn't we?

Of course, in our case, all bets are off when the inept GOP goes for another round with the begging bowl, but a responsible and competent government of Pakistan would maintain good relations with all the superpowers.
Of course!

If staunchly pro-US countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel can have good relations with the Russians, then why shouldn't we?

Of course, in our case, all bets are off when the inept GOP goes for another round with the begging bowl, but a responsible and competent government of Pakistan would maintain good relations with all the superpowers.

I think current politicians are incapable of doing that. For now, we need a strong initiative from Pakistan Army. Maybe there are back door talks going on, who knows!
Currently, Pakistani military establishment can play a very positive and solid role!
Pakistan and ISI in particular has an influence inn Afghanistan which can further help us to mend our ties with Russia.
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It will be quite naive to say that Russia will demand a naval base from Pakistan, in my opinion!
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Please do not be provoked -- time will tell who was up to what in Afghanistan -- lets not be angry at totally innocent people. There will come a time for accounting and Afghans will do it for themselves - in the meantime lets focus on the issues in this thread, not Afghan refugees or absurd claims made by those who know the situation in their own country by the claims made by their patrons.

Please do not be provoked -- time will tell who was up to what in Afghanistan -- lets not be angry at totally innocent people. There will come a time for accounting and Afghans will do it for themselves - in the meantime lets focus on the issues in this thread, not Afghan refugees or absurd claims made by those who know the situation in their own country by the claims made by their patrons.

Sir, you are absolutely right! Lets focus on the thread!

We helped Afghanis, history has been written that way!

Please do not be provoked -- time will tell who was up to what in Afghanistan -- lets not be angry at totally innocent people. There will come a time for accounting and Afghans will do it for themselves - in the meantime lets focus on the issues in this thread, not Afghan refugees or absurd claims made by those who know the situation in their own country by the claims made by their patrons.

So sir, do you think that our military establishment is doing the right thing, reshaping our policy towards Russia?
MOst certainly however, As we talked about before, it is commercial ties that should be the focus, these can lead to a mutuality of interests and vision.

Pakistanis are particularly weak in this, that is to say, that they "settle" for a semblance instead of the real thing - this si the entire problem with relations with the US and I would point out, with CHina - China has been offering to increase trade with Pakistan, but Pakistani state policy has been a giant failure in this regard - consider, can Pakistani commercial interests supplant Indian commercia interests in trade with China? To a very large degree they can, do they are simply focused elsewhere and the govt types more focused on Aid from the West, instead of trade with the world.

In a similar way, Pakistani policy has failed to bring Indian Indian thinking to consider the economic benefit and instead has fed the Indian obsession with confrontation with Pakistan.

So, yes, lets concentrate on commerce - Turkiye has taken it's trade with Russia to more than $20 billion, let that be an example for us.

I think you have also mentioned cultural values -- we must consider how certain state policies have engendered fear about cultural values instead of a positive impression - that is something we must work on and reverse.
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