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Imposition of Shariah is not Taliban’s demand: Imran Khan

lets see and explore some grey area...if not then operation ka option tou hai hi hamaray pass
you shouldnt be ashamed of IK?
thus shouldnt expect anything more from him!
he doesnt have any required political or negociational experinces, he is affraid to be looked as a supporter of TTp, he dont want to lose financial from the westrn world?
at the same time , he wants to be in lime light!
so can be, seen as important as before?
any way PMLn is in now , all win win, even negociations fails, tehy will form the next KPK govt, soon after if the negociations / millitry opreations!
only then IK will, know where he stands, with JI in pakistani politics !
its like nowhere?
Mulish Taliban insist on ‘sharia precondition’
February 09, 2014



ISLAMABAD - The TTP named 3-member team of negotiators Saturday met with Taliban leadership who put forward three conditions to proceed with dialogue process with the government.

The conditions include are: holding negotiations within limits of sharia, withdrawal of troops from conflict areas and release of captured members of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) from Pakistani prisons, according to a private TV channel report.
Professor Ibrahim, committee coordinator Yousaf Shah and Samiul Haq’s special representative ‘Maulana’ Haseeb were airlifted from Peshawar to Miranshah on a government helicopter where they were first briefed by political agent and then they proceeded ahead.

The three negotiators met with TTP leaders at an undisclosed location in North Waziristan and conveyed them government’s message and informed them about the conditions for talks. Taliban central Shura (council) then met under Taliban deputy chief Sheikh Khalid Haqqani and then they put forth their own set of demands.

According to sources, negotiations between committee members and Taliban could last two to three phases and JUI-S chief Samiul Haq, who is a member of the original TTP-named team, is also expected to join the negotiations. However, there were no reports about former Lal Masjid cleric ‘Maulana’ Aziz’ going to NWA to join the meetings. He told a press conference on Friday that he would not play his role unless assured by the government about replacing the existing constitution with sharia laws in the whole country. Sources said that Taliban’s Shura was providing complete security to the visiting peace delegates.
Earlier, Yousuf Shah told the media that the committee had contacted the Taliban leadership and it is possible that the delegates would not necessarily go to Waziristan for talks. He also said that the government had assured them of providing helicopter but it may not be needed as the talks with TTP leaders could take place at some nearer place. No new demand has been given by government for meeting with the Taliban, he said. About Maulana Abdul Aziz, the coordinator said Samiul Haq had contacted Aziz and the latter is and will remain member of the Taliban designated team.

On February 6, in the first round of talks between the government-nominated team of negotiators and Taliban-nominated intermediaries, it was proposed that talks will be held within the parameters of constitution. It was agreed that all dialogue will be held within the parameters of Pakistan’s constitution.

A day later, however, the Lal Masjid prayer-leader Abdul Aziz, who is one of the members of the TTP committee, had announced that he has parted from the peace talks.

He added that the negotiations may be delayed because the government wants the dialogue to be conducted within the limits of the constitution but the Taliban believe only in the Quran and Sunnah. He would remain part of the TTP’s three-man delegation unless told otherwise, but would not come to the negotiating table, he had further stated.

Mulish Taliban insist on ‘sharia precondition’
One of the important things I forgot in my previous post about general planning of the military operation, and want to mention here for the sake of completeness, military strategists might want to consider the importance of weather and related consequences when deciding the approximate timing of the operation. Good military historians know the importance of suitable weather in a war, as it can be of relative advantage/disadvantage to one of the fighting side.
why cant taliban say the same, they have their own spokespersons.
Also they dont think the current implementation of sharia is enough, they wanted it in totality.
why cant taliban say the same, they have their own spokespersons.
Jamaat Islami (JI) and Jamiat Ulema Islam (JUI) are political face of Taliban, so they (TTP) are already speaking through their very own spokespersons. In fact, it will be more correct to say that TTP (and other terrorist groups) is the military wing(s) of JI/JUI.
Also they dont think the current implementation of sharia is enough, they wanted it in totality.
It has nothing to do with Shariah, or implementation of it. It is about power to rule Pakistan. After 2002 general election, the two (JI/JUI) got a chance to form a coalition government in KPK province under the unholy alliance of Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA). Why they did not implement Shariah than, when they had all the power to do that? Was that not the best chance for the two to implement Shariah and making KPK a role model for the rest of Pakistan? Instead, they got themselves into tons of corruption and lost the 2008 election. After losing, they started to chorus Shariah Shariah again.

In fact, in 2013 general elections, JI again got a chance to form a coalition government with Imran Khan's Tehreek Insaaf (TI). So they are in power again in the KPK province. Nobody ask them, what the hell are you doing on implementing Shariah in KPK other than chanting slogans? These so-called Islamic political parties are so sick, a curse on Pakistan.
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Is terrorism a organised crime to have a representation? TTP could have ideological leadership but do the have hierarchical leadership like of a military. This whole exercise could be a futile if not.
You can have Dolphins & Sharks in one pool so you ready to sweet play with both of them on their own vision as Modernization & Sariah.

We need to capitalize Islamic vision inside country by own not by any force. The nature of this ideology developing every phase of life. By progressive and beneficial setup you can enjoy peace & prosperity.

Remember Pakistan gained by the name of Islam…
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