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Important developments Afghanistan

Lots of big words my friend but alas the reality seems to be obtuse. By supporting these groups you have made yourself synonymous with a terror supporting factory, you take a name of Pakistan and haqqani and Talis by default are associated, what have you got in return? Episodes like Peshawar massacre and mardan episode? How much have you lost in terms of destroyed infrastructure, radicalized society?

How big is the size of your economy with the that of India, just be objective, while India is fast becoming a regional and global power, you are being marginalized to the extent that I fail to recall in your history.

While you are busy taking pride in giving birth to groups like Talis and others, your rival and others in the neighbourhood including Afghanistan are busy investing in their societies. Be objective for a while my friend ;)

I hope you that stop this madness of thinking of that you can force your will on countries like Afghanistan and others, because what you have in a decades to come will be a country more radicalized, awashed with nuclear weapons but one who is fate is unknown. Here is a quote from General Flynn.

“I’m more concerned about Pakistan collapsing, than I am abt Afghanistan” - Michael Flynn


In regards to comparisons with India I will give you facts and figures but like always you will ignore it :) . Lets start with what neutral people saw both in India and Pakistan and then we will go to facts and figures shall we ?


''And Pakistan has more advanced infrastructure than its neighbors, including India. Among the modern infrastructure pieces in place in Pakistan are its motorway system, extensive road network,mobile telecommunications systems, airports, high-speed Internet system, extensive railroad network, gas pipeline etc. A British writer William Dalrymple who visited and compared India and Pakistan on their 60th anniversary described Pakistan as follows:

"On the ground, of course, the reality is different and first-time visitors to Pakistan are almost always surprised by the country's visible prosperity. There is far less poverty on show in Pakistan than in India, fewer beggars, and much less desperation. In many ways the infrastructure of Pakistan is much more advanced: there are better roads and airports, and more reliable electricity. Middle-class Pakistani houses are often bigger and better appointed than their equivalents in India. Moreover, the Pakistani economy is undergoing a construction and consumer boom similar to India's, with growth rates of 7%, and what is currently the fastest-rising stock market in Asia. '' .


''A major conundrum to those who visit both India and Pakistan is why the roads are so much better in the latter.
For all its problems, Pakistan’s 367-kilometer-long M2 motorway between Lahore and Islamabad strikes a visitor as being streets ahead of India’s decrepit inter-state roads even if roads minister Kamal Nath is on a binge of fund-raising to try to improve India’s highways.
For one, there’s a disciplined motorway police that patrol Pakistan’s highways and don’t take bribes. If you go above 120 kilometers an hour, and are caught on camera, a fine awaits you at the toll gate. Nonpayment means you can’t get out. The M2 motorway passes through the densely populated Punjab countryside but there are no cows, rickshaws or motorbikes coming at traffic on the wrong side of the road which is a common experience in India.''

This is neutral visitors telling you the ground realities of how Pakistan has a much better road network , has much less poverty and normal folks in our country are much better off . Now lets look at facts and figures .


United nation 's Happiness index 2015 where Pakistan is 92 ranked way ahead of India . Indicators are poverty , GDP per capita , Freedom to make choices , sanitation and much more .


''In absolute terms, 41.6 per cent of India's 1.1 billion people earned less than 78 pence per day compared with 22.6 per cent of Pakistan's 173 million.

The report quotes its 'multi-dimensional poverty index' which includes measures of schooling, child mortality, nutrition, access to electricity, toilets, drinking water, and hygienic living conditions, and reveals India is poorer ''

Now lets look at economy .

India PPP = $ 8 Trillion ( 7 times bigger population )
Pakistan = $ 1 Trillion

India = $ 2.3 trillion ( 7 times bigger population )
Pakistan = $ 300 billion

Now do the average in terms of per capita and see there is minimal difference or maybe 19-20 difference :) .


1. Pakistani stocks offering better returns than India.

2. Currently the hottest stock exchange in Asia.

3. Bloomberg refers to Pakistan as the new asian tiger.

You are too concerned about our image rather than looking for facts and figures . :D .

As for our infrastructure getting a hit , we have the best network of highways and expressways in the region .

Lahore - Islamabad M-2 ( south asia's first expressway built in 1997)


Peshawer - Burhan M-1


Lahore Gulberg boulevard


India is ahead in things like literacy , HDI and years of schooling while we are ahead in things like Poverty , inequality and Happiness index. Its 50/50 or maybe 55/45 in terms of numerous indicators.

These are some of the very few examples . I can go on for long here . Always see for facts and figures in regards to Pakistan rather than what image the world like to give you vis- a -vis India .:)
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The problem with the Pakistani mates..they are not able to digest the steady and strong progress of Afghanistan on all front. Once this country was deemed hopeless and doomed, and a sacrilegious neighbor did all to take advantage of situation. Pakistan unsuccessfully tried to make Afghanistan its sub-nation, as the backyard laboratory of Jihad. They were dying eagerly waiting for Nato forces to leave Afghan soil asap, so once again they can loiter the same shit.

Still, even in the forum discussions they are not ready to accept a prosperous Afghanistan having independent foreign policy...they dont want this even in their thoughts ..and rant with pessimism of weak and uncertain future of Afghans.

Afghanistan is a reality now!! perhaps only one country in this world isn't ready to accept this
Lots of big words my friend but alas the reality seems to be obtuse. By supporting these groups you have made yourself synonymous with a terror supporting factory, you take a name of Pakistan and haqqani and Talis by default are associated, what have you got in return? Episodes like Peshawar massacre and mardan episode? How much have you lost in terms of destroyed infrastructure, radicalized society?

Why don't you have the courage to answer my question's properly instead of waffling:) How more money does the international community need to fork in to sustain your incompetent government? Since 2001 has the Taliban gained more territory in Afghanistan? Also has the causality rate increased both civilians and the military? Don't dodge my question and for once be brave and answer them:) The reality is simple my dear brother, while Afghanistan is burning away the amount of collateral damage and civilian deaths in Pakistan has decreased drastically. Last year the figure was 70% and this year is much more lower than that. While in your country Kabul is facing bomb attacks on a weekly basis and solders are dying because they have no ammunition or have decided to surrender:) The truth hurts sometimes doesn't it.We have been affected by terrorism, yet those responsible reside in your country and are being supporting by your intelligence service. So please get off your high horse and stop playing the victim card. The Taliban are not a terrorists organization, the State Department as taken them off their lists:) Unlike Afghanistan we are moving forward, get use to brother:)

How big is the size of your economy with the that of India, just be objective, while India is fast becoming a regional and global power, you are being marginalized to the extent that I fail to recall in your history.

What a lame argument, however, that is expected from a Afghan. I don't give a flying hoot on how big the Indian economy is because it's not my country. Do you want India to always fight your battles, for goodness sake grow a backbone? Pakistan has recieved $46 billion on the first phase of CPEC and every project is on track. The second phase they are expecting a further $150 billion. Iran, Turkey, Russia and bunch of other countries are interested to join. The Russian's are going to invest $2 billion on an oil pipeline. The Karachi Stock Exchange has performed well, and a number of Chinese Companies are willing to relocate to the industrial/Economic zones. For the first time in over 10 years the situation in Pakistan is improving and only a blind man can't see that. Who has marginalised Pakistan? Our relationship with Russia is improving where previously it was hostile. America still needs Pakistan to resolve the Afghan crisis. China is investing heavily and the Turks are more closer to us than ever before. So who has marginalised us?

While you are busy taking pride in giving birth to groups like Talis and others, your rival and others in the neighbourhood including Afghanistan are busy investing in their societies. Be objective for a while my friend ;)
“I’m more concerned about Pakistan collapsing, than I am abt Afghanistan” - Michael Flynn


Afghanistan is busy investing in their society? Really is that why you have high levels of corruption,which has given no job opportunities, forcing the youth to migrate abroad. How much hashish have you been smoking lately? There is no comparison bewteen Pakistan and Afghanistan or do we need to remind you again.
Why don't you have the courage to answer my question's properly instead of waffling:) How more money does the international community need to fork in to sustain your incompetent government? Since 2001 has the Taliban gained more territory in Afghanistan? Also has the causality rate increased both civilians and the military? Don't dodge my question and for once be brave and answer them:) The reality is simple my dear brother, while Afghanistan is burning away the amount of collateral damage and civilian deaths in Pakistan has decreased drastically. Last year the figure was 70% and this year is much more lower than that. While in your country Kabul is facing bomb attacks on a weekly basis and solders are dying because they have no ammunition or have decided to surrender:) The truth hurts sometimes doesn't it.We have been affected by terrorism, yet those responsible reside in your country and are being supporting by your intelligence service. So please get off your high horse and stop playing the victim card. The Taliban are not a terrorists organization, the State Department as taken them off their lists:) Unlike Afghanistan we are moving forward, get use to brother:)

What a lame argument, however, that is expected from a Afghan. I don't give a flying hoot on how big the Indian economy is because it's not my country. Do you want India to always fight your battles, for goodness sake grow a backbone? Pakistan has recieved $46 billion on the first phase of CPEC and every project is on track. The second phase they are expecting a further $150 billion. Iran, Turkey, Russia and bunch of other countries are interested to join. The Russian's are going to invest $2 billion on an oil pipeline. The Karachi Stock Exchange has performed well, and a number of Chinese Companies are willing to relocate to the industrial/Economic zones. For the first time in over 10 years the situation in Pakistan is improving and only a blind man can't see that. Who has marginalised Pakistan? Our relationship with Russia is improving where previously it was hostile. America still needs Pakistan to resolve the Afghan crisis. China is investing heavily and the Turks are more closer to us than ever before. So who has marginalised us?

Afghanistan is busy investing in their society? Really is that why you have high levels of corruption,which has given no job opportunities, forcing the youth to migrate abroad. How much hashish have you been smoking lately? There is no comparison bewteen Pakistan and Afghanistan or do we need to remind you again.

hahahaha :) long answer but you gotta agree lots of emotion went into this answer :D
In summary the difference between you and I is that I am happy for Pakistan to get and rich and stable and a powerhouse because it has postive effects on the entire region including Afghanistan and that is exactly what Ashraf Ghani advocates and advocated., but in order to do that it needs to change its mindset of graduating Talis, you should the latest interview Barnett Rubin who makes it clear that China is using CPEC as a catalyst to change the behaviour of Pakistan in terms of sleeping with Haqqanis,Talis and others. So when China makes it clear to you that Emirates will not be accepted in Afghanistan, I wonder where does that leave your entire enterprises?

As for Afghans dying, that is a price Afghans are willing to pay as not toe GHQ, we are already winning the war even with the most of the International soldiers gone but a solid permanent commitment from the US remains so the sooner you change the better ;)
Afghanistan is busy investing in their society? Really is that why you have high levels of corruption,which has given no job opportunities, forcing the youth to migrate abroad. How much hashish have you been smoking lately? There is no comparison bewteen Pakistan and Afghanistan or do we need to remind you again.

Afghanistan is a sad story when it comes to development. Drugs contribute to about 30-40 % of their $ 17 billion economy. That means the real GDP is somewhere around $ 10 billion if we minus the drug contribution.

Peshawer has a bigger economy than all of Afghanistan combined.

hahahaha :) long answer but you gotta agree lots of emotion went into this answer :D
In summary the difference between you and I is that I am happy for Pakistan to get and rich and stable and a powerhouse because it has postive effects on the entire region including Afghanistan and that is exactly what Ashraf Ghani advocates and advocated., but in order to do that it needs to change its mindset of graduating Talis, you should the latest interview Barnett Rubin who makes it clear that China is using CPEC as a catalyst to change the behaviour of Pakistan in terms of sleeping with Haqqanis,Talis and others. So when China makes it clear to you that Emirates will not be accepted in Afghanistan, I wonder where does that leave your entire enterprises?

As for Afghans dying, that is a price Afghans are willing to pay as not toe GHQ, we are already winning the war even with the most of the International soldiers gone but a solid permanent commitment from the US remains so the sooner you change the better ;)

I don think US is in any position to brow beat Pakistan. We have already done alot of collateral damage to them.

hahahaha :) long answer but you gotta agree lots of emotion went into this answer :D
In summary the difference between you and I is that I am happy for Pakistan to get and rich and stable and a powerhouse because it has postive effects on the entire region including Afghanistan and that is exactly what Ashraf Ghani advocates and advocated., but in order to do that it needs to change its mindset of graduating Talis, you should the latest interview Barnett Rubin who makes it clear that China is using CPEC as a catalyst to change the behaviour of Pakistan in terms of sleeping with Haqqanis,Talis and others. So when China makes it clear to you that Emirates will not be accepted in Afghanistan, I wonder where does that leave your entire enterprises?

As for Afghans dying, that is a price Afghans are willing to pay as not toe GHQ, we are already winning the war even with the most of the International soldiers gone but a solid permanent commitment from the US remains so the sooner you change the better ;)

Honestly, like a typical politician you have dodged my question again:) Now highlight exact where I was emotional in my post? I will ask the question again until you have some decency to answer them. Since 2001 has the Taliban gained more terroritry? Also since that time has the death toll increased? They are very simple questions:)

China under no circumstances is using CPEC to change Pakistan's behavior. Have you ever been to China, and do you have any links to the CCP? Why don't you call Chinese members to this thread? I have travelled extensively to China worked in the Agricultural Bank of China and have a good relationship with a number of offcials. Therefore, I don't need an arm chair general from Afghanistan to tell me about the relationship bewteen Pakistan and China. Unfortunately you are looking more foolish as time passes. CPEC was always on the cards since the early 1990s and the world doesn't revolve around your nation. When you allow India to operate inside your borders and finance terrorists activties against Pakistan, then we can play the same game. Time to get off your high horse and stop playing the victim card:)
The problem with the Pakistani mates..they are not able to digest the steady and strong progress of Afghanistan on all front. Once this country was deemed hopeless and doomed, and a sacrilegious neighbor did all to take advantage of situation. Pakistan unsuccessfully tried to make Afghanistan its sub-nation, as the backyard laboratory of Jihad. They were dying eagerly waiting for Nato forces to leave Afghan soil asap, so once again they can loiter the same shit.

Still, even in the forum discussions they are not ready to accept a prosperous Afghanistan having independent foreign policy...they dont want this even in their thoughts ..and rant with pessimism of weak and uncertain future of Afghans.

Afghanistan is a reality now!! perhaps only one country in this world isn't ready to accept this

Well it shows the difference in our thought process between us and some of them ;)

Honestly, like a typical politician you have dodged my question again:) Now highlight exact where I was emotional in my post? I will ask the question again until you have some decency to answer them. Since 2001 has the Taliban gained more terroritry? Also since that time has the death toll increased? They are very simple questions:)

China under no circumstances is using CPEC to change Pakistan's behavior. Have you ever been to China, and do you have any links to the CCP? Why don't you call Chinese members to this thread? I have travelled extensively to China worked in the Agricultural Bank of China and have a good relationship with a number of offcials. Therefore, I don't need an arm chair general from Afghanistan to tell me about the relationship bewteen Pakistan and China. Unfortunately you are looking more foolish as time passes. CPEC was always on the cards since the early 1990s and the world doesn't revolve around your nation. When you allow India to operate inside your borders and finance terrorists activties against Pakistan, then we can play the same game. Time to get off your high horse and stop playing the victim card:)

muahahah I love our pot shots.

But here is the interview from Barnett Rubin, so lets discount yours and my views on the subject lets read what the expert has to say ;)

Well it shows the difference in our thought process between us and some of them ;)

muahahah I love our pot shots.

But here is the interview from Barnett Rubin, so lets discount yours and my views on the subject lets read what the expert has to say ;)


Do you really think a western advisor to the State Department has any credibility in my eyes:) Find me someone from the Chinese Government who is peddling your stance? Any I will read his analysis.

So some people in the Chinese government take the line similar to the Pakistan government, which is that the United States and the Afghan government should offer more to the Taliban. Many in the Chinese government, in private, express some frustration with Pakistan. But China is not impatient like the United States, it has a long-term perspective. It thinks that by building this infrastructure, it will enable the Pakistani economy to grow, and provide better livelihoods for the people in Pakistan and provide better incentives to the Pakistani government.

His answer is rather vague and he has no clue. The first two sentences is a clear cut example. China does not run on democracy and every official toe's the line express forward by the Political Bureau. The same Political Bureau is supported by the Chinese Military who have close ties to Pakistani establishment. If you read Chinese history which I seriously doubt you have, then you will notice a common trend. Most of the uprisings that had occurred against the Chinese dynasties were from the Central and Western regions of China, because of the difference of class against their Eastern counterparts. Today this problem is still relevant as Western China is underdeveloped and Pakistan has the closest port available for them to change things. Those ghosts cities in China have been made because the CCP Government is predicting that citizens from the East and North would migrate there. Thus CPEC is important for the Chinese Government and of course for the Pakistani Government. I

There are others in the Chinese establishment who are more concerned and want to coordinate policy on Afghanistan with the United States. They don’t speak about that with Pakistan, but they like to at least communicate and try not to get in each other’s way. What they cannot do is issue an order to Pakistan to stop supporting the Taliban. Because Pakistan is very important to China; its outlet to the Indian Ocean. So sometimes we are a bit frustrated when dealing with China, but compared to eight years ago they have changed their policy and they are much more forward-leaning.

He admits in his analysis that the Chinese establishment themselves cannot issue an order to Pakistan to stop supporting the Taliban:) Next sentence is an icing on the cake, Pakistan is very important to China. Anyway I take his analysis with a pinch of salt and would rather listen to my Chinese friends who I have a good link with for many years.
There has been a lot of chatter in PDF about this falling or that falling :) but in Afghanistan we are more concerned with the following important developments.

- Afghanistan-Iran railway construction kicks off near Herat

Kajaki Dam Set To Boost Power Supply

Freight Train Arrives From China, Link Set To Boost Trade
Haha do you seen what Iran doing to Afghan refugees and you still count on them to feed you easily
In regards to comparisons with India I will give you facts and figures but like always you will ignore it :) . Lets start with what neutral people saw both in India and Pakistan and then we will go to facts and figures shall we ?


''And Pakistan has more advanced infrastructure than its neighbors, including India. Among the modern infrastructure pieces in place in Pakistan are its motorway system, extensive road network,mobile telecommunications systems, airports, high-speed Internet system, extensive railroad network, gas pipeline etc. A British writer William Dalrymple who visited and compared India and Pakistan on their 60th anniversary described Pakistan as follows:

"On the ground, of course, the reality is different and first-time visitors to Pakistan are almost always surprised by the country's visible prosperity. There is far less poverty on show in Pakistan than in India, fewer beggars, and much less desperation. In many ways the infrastructure of Pakistan is much more advanced: there are better roads and airports, and more reliable electricity. Middle-class Pakistani houses are often bigger and better appointed than their equivalents in India. Moreover, the Pakistani economy is undergoing a construction and consumer boom similar to India's, with growth rates of 7%, and what is currently the fastest-rising stock market in Asia. '' .


''A major conundrum to those who visit both India and Pakistan is why the roads are so much better in the latter.
For all its problems, Pakistan’s 367-kilometer-long M2 motorway between Lahore and Islamabad strikes a visitor as being streets ahead of India’s decrepit inter-state roads even if roads minister Kamal Nath is on a binge of fund-raising to try to improve India’s highways.
For one, there’s a disciplined motorway police that patrol Pakistan’s highways and don’t take bribes. If you go above 120 kilometers an hour, and are caught on camera, a fine awaits you at the toll gate. Nonpayment means you can’t get out. The M2 motorway passes through the densely populated Punjab countryside but there are no cows, rickshaws or motorbikes coming at traffic on the wrong side of the road which is a common experience in India.''

This is neutral visitors telling you the ground realities of how Pakistan has a much better road network , has much less poverty and normal folks in our country are much better off . Now lets look at facts and figures .


United nation 's Happiness index 2015 where Pakistan is 92 ranked way ahead of India . Indicators are poverty , GDP per capita , Freedom to make choices , sanitation and much more .


''In absolute terms, 41.6 per cent of India's 1.1 billion people earned less than 78 pence per day compared with 22.6 per cent of Pakistan's 173 million.

The report quotes its 'multi-dimensional poverty index' which includes measures of schooling, child mortality, nutrition, access to electricity, toilets, drinking water, and hygienic living conditions, and reveals India is poorer ''

Now lets look at economy .

India PPP = $ 8 Trillion ( 7 times bigger population )
Pakistan = $ 1 Trillion

India = $ 2.3 trillion ( 7 times bigger population )
Pakistan = $ 300 billion

Now do the average in terms of per capita and see there is minimal difference or maybe 19-20 difference :) .


1. Pakistani stocks offering better returns than India.

2. Currently the hottest stock exchange in Asia.

3. Bloomberg refers to Pakistan as the new asian tiger.

You are too concerned about our image rather than looking for facts and figures . :D .

As for our infrastructure getting a hit , we have the best network of highways and expressways in the region .

Lahore - Islamabad M-2 ( south asia's first expressway built in 1997)


Peshawer - Burhan M-1


Lahore Gulberg boulevard


India is ahead in things like literacy , HDI and years of schooling while we are ahead in things like Poverty , inequality and Happiness index. Its 50/50 or maybe 55/45 in terms of numerous indicators.

These are some of the very few examples . I can go on for long here . Always see for facts and figures in regards to Pakistan rather than what image the world like to give you vis- a -vis India .:)

can you shed some light on the growing trade deficit -- I don't follow the economy of Pakistan -- clearly that is a bad sign?
can you shed some light on the growing trade deficit -- I don't follow the economy of Pakistan -- clearly that is a bad sign?

90 % of economic indicators have been good. I will highlight some.


- 5 % economic growth ( 8 year high ).
- Asia 's best performing stock exchange ( reached 40k points recently)
- Declining Inflation
- 20 % increase in FDI
- Increase in Large scale manufacturing
- IMF programme about to end
- Record tax collections recently
- MCSI emerging market from frontier
- Trade deals to end tariffs


- Declining Exports
- Trade deficit growing
- Increasing Debt

80 % of the economic indicators have been very positive. Pakistan in 2016 is in its best shape since 2005 - 2006.
90 % of economic indicators have been good. I will highlight some.


- 5 % economic growth ( 8 year high ).
- Asia 's best performing stock exchange ( reached 40k points recently)
- Declining Inflation
- 20 % increase in FDI
- Increase in Large scale manufacturing
- IMF programme about to end
- Record tax collections recently
- MCSI emerging market from frontier
- Trade deals to end tariffs


- Declining Exports
- Trade deficit growing
- Increasing Debt

80 % of the economic indicators have been very positive. Pakistan in 2016 is in its best shape since 2005 - 2006.

Forgive my ignorance, macro economics is not my strength but some questions that come to mind:
1. how do the low HDIs impact the medium term outlook of Pakistan?
2. how does the high population growth impact the medium term outlook of Pakistan?
3. how does the lack of trade with a neighbor like India impact the medium term outlook of Pakistan?
4. How do inefficiencies in various sectors like Agriculture the medium term outlook of Pakistan? -- I think the yield of Indian Punjab per acer is twice that of Pakistan?
5. How does the over religiosity affect the medium term outlook of Pakistan?
6. How does very high defense spending affect the medium term outlook of Pakistan?
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Lets check on this after a decade, I promise you the Afghan state will be standing taller, stronger and will be in the league of civilized countries governed by rule of law and not foreign proxies ;)

best wishes but Afghanistan state never stood taller, even long before talibans came in the picture, once Taliban gone you warlords will get active
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