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Immoral shameless conspiracy based Aurat march

Being a woman, I am literally disgusted by women feeling so inferior that they need "aurat march".
Sure we have problems in our societies, name 1 society that doesnt have ANY problem?!

But I am yet to see a society that is tearing down their society in the name of xyz.

1st we tore down our society in the name of religion...Where calling someone a Mullah is like giving gali! To the point claiming someone is educated from Madrasah as a means to look down on that person and so on.

2nd we tried to tear down our society in the name of sects - shia, sunni which are further divided and whatnot!

3rd we are trying to destroy the nation based on province - Punjabi, Sindhi, Pukhtoon and so on....

Now based on women rights? The ONLY problem I see with this, women trying to become men (giving shoulder to janazah) - THAT is not women rights...It is stupidity in the name of injustice!

When ALLAH gave woman a womb, are they going to say nope, sorry men should go give birth? Should we say we dont like being superior? We want to be "equal" to men? We dont want to be exhaled to the point Jannah is in our feet...But we want to be in par with men? - THAT is 1 problem of asking for equality when we already have a higher place - asking to lower it?

Next problem is stupidity and shaming men?! Women rights is rights for women not men shaming game!

Seek your right and move on. Why the need to shame men? According to psychology (if I say according to ISLAM many will roll their eyes this is the level we have fallen to! But if I say PSYCHOLOGIST report the same, everyone will nod their heads like donkeys!) - Those who need to step / pull down another to look good have some form of complex! So aurat march is actually airing this complex by men shaming! VERY SHAMEFUL!

IF you were in Pakistan, you would know this is incorrect! It isnt Mullahs ALONE...there are far too many factors and putting the blame solely on Mullahs is absolutely wrong!

Wow I had no idea you were a woman. We talked several times on this forum in the past few years and I always thought you are a male moderator. You always acted so mature and responsible as a moderator here and that's the reason unlike most moderators here you are one of my favorite.
We definitely need women like you to lead our families as wives and mother's.
Those shameless women just want to dominate the men and hurting their perceived image in society.Not realizing the same men earn bread for them ,do all hard work and even ready to die for them if someone ever try to harm them.They think now alone they are sufficient to manage things and there is no need for men. Would you become a mother without a man? Why in combat roles in militaries there are men mostly? What they are doing is actually against the laws of nature. Both women are men are strong in their own way and a society ,the world at large cannot function without each other.
I am asking those women in aurat march to go live without a brother,father or husband in society and soon they will realize how vulnerable they are without those men they are cursing.
All they want at the end is dirty freedom
in their lives and want to spread vulgarity in society and damage family relationships.Foreign elements identified such women ,funded them for fifth generation warfare to spread anarchy . Why they are not speaking for the kashmiri women getting raped by indian Invaders? That shows who is pulling their strings.
@SecularNationalist Please watch your language...Manners maketh man! Be a man and watch it please!
Sorry I got carried away like khalilulrehman.
Actually that guy and is behavior is pathetic .First he tried to attack mullahs unnecessarily , brought them in the topic to divert attention from the real issue .As a moderator you know because of my secular views I have plenty of fights with mullahs here but it's unjust to attack someone without a reason.Later he tried to defend those disgusting women indirectly. And when I mentioned his wife for the sake of arugument didn't attack her at all. He blamed me for attacking her because he had no answer,he wanted all that dirty freedom for someone else wife,mother and sister but he feel angry when it comes down to his own wife.Such people are responsible for spreading this cancer in society.

Of course it must always be the right of a woman to refuse to submit to the sexual advances of any male, even if that male is her husband.
Sex must under all circumstances be consensual, even in marriage.
The definition of a man forcing a woman against her wishes is rape, even within marriage. Her body is still violated, her mind is still scarred.
The whole point, which has been spectacularly missed is that a woman is not the property of her husband or anyone else. She is in a consensual voluntary relationship. She has her personal dignity and emotions.
She is not a sex slave from the moment of her nikah.
This isn't about morality, it is about the men's perceived right of dominion over women. This is about maintaining the status quo.

It is absolutely her jism, her marzi.

The more educated women become, the more they will reclaim their rights. That is the exact reason backward elements are against educating girls.
Of course it's wrong to force your wife for sex if she doesn't give you a consent. I didn't approve such behavior of men and I am sure most caring and civilized men in our society don't force their wives.There are few bad eggs just like everywhere and our society is no exception.
What those women in March want is that if a brother,father ask them why you come late at home, hangout with boys and a husband ask her why she is having a extra marital affairs she can shut them up by saying " Mera jism Meri Marzi".That's what I was talking about.
12 people were shot dead by the police in Faizabad dharna.
100s were injured.

Combined punishment of over 7000 years awarded by courts to participents.

Khadim Rizvi spent a year in jail.
A year.

Wow I had no idea you were a woman. We talked several times on this forum in the past few years and I always thought you are a male moderator. You always acted so mature and responsible as a moderator here and that's the reason unlike most moderators here you are one of my favorite.
We definitely need women like you to lead our families as wives and mother's.
Those shameless women just want to dominate the men and hurting their perceived image in society.Not realizing the same men earn bread for them ,do all hard work and even ready to die for them if someone ever try to harm them.They think now alone they are sufficient to manage things and there is no need for men. Would you become a mother without a man? Why in combat roles in militaries there are men mostly? What they are doing is actually against the laws of nature. Both women are men are strong in their own way and a society ,the world at large cannot function without each other.
I am asking those women in aurat march to go live without a brother,father or husband in society and soon they will realize how vulnerable they are without those men they are cursing.
All they want at the end is dirty freedom
in their lives and want to spread vulgarity in society and damage family relationships.Foreign elements identified such women ,funded them for fifth generation warfare to spread anarchy . Why they are not speaking for the kashmiri women getting raped by indian Invaders? That shows who is pulling their strings.

Sorry I got carried away like khalilulrehman.
Actually that guy and is behavior is pathetic .First he tried to attack mullahs unnecessarily , brought them in the topic to divert attention from the real issue .As a moderator you know because of my secular views I have plenty of fights with mullahs here but it's unjust to attack someone without a reason.Later he tried to defend those disgusting women indirectly. And when I mentioned his wife for the sake of arugument didn't attack her at all. He blamed me for attacking her because he had no answer,he wanted all that dirty freedom for someone else wife,mother and sister but he feel angry when it comes down to his own wife.Such people are responsible for spreading this cancer in society.

Of course it's wrong to force your wife for sex if she doesn't give you a consent. I didn't approve such behavior of men and I am sure most caring and civilized men in our society don't force their wives.There are few bad eggs just like everywhere and our society is no exception.
What those women in March want is that if a brother,father ask them why you come late at home, hangout with boys and a husband ask her why she is having a extra marital affairs she can shut them up by saying " Mera jism Meri Marzi".That's what I was talking about.
@Dubious he's still attacking me, and not just that. At this point, I've had enough if this. Please do something about this.

I've been on the forums for a long time now, and while I've had my fair share of people angrily name calling me, I have NEVER been treated as badly as by SecularNationalist. To have my wife get attacked, to call me stupid, pathetic, and a cuckold (which is an indirect way of insulting my wife's honor), and to strawman me over and over again. The amount of respect I've lost for him is staggering, especially considering I was never rude to him, and have agreed with him on a lot of other issues.

Do something about this.

Also, just to point out, I didn't just bring in mullah out of nowhere. You can go to the first page and check the context in which I bring them up. Even if you disagree with me, I have a logical reason for bringing them up.
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Those are political opinions, we are not an authoritarian state, suppressing political opinions backfires in the long term no matter how desirable it may seem at the moment. As long as they dont pick up weapons, it is not in the interest of the state to go setting fires unnecessarily. What Aurat march represents is something that negates and targets the very foundations of our nation, it is an invasion from within, it is an attack on our family system, it is more dangerous than what any rabid kharji mullah could do in ten life times.
See, I'm getting two completely different narratives here. From those who are against the March, it's about family values and societal morality, and from the supporters, it's about protecting women's rights from such things like rapists, harasses, people who treat women more like pets than actual humans.

All I've gotten from this entire situation is (other than being called horrendous names, and personal attacks on my wife) is that there is a deep disconnect between the two sides.

That's fair, but we need to be careful of labeling all marchers are being foreign funded, or traitors, or whatever. Just like how altaf Hussain tricked innocent people into supporting him, it's also likely the case here.
That's fair, but we need to be careful of labeling all marchers are being foreign funded, or traitors, or whatever. Just like how altaf Hussain tricked innocent people into supporting him, it's also likely the case here.
They are bunch of elite commies with no grassroot support who few days ago who compared pti supporters to neo nazis dont take them seriously they got 800 votes in the last elections
The same leadership was behind the student march which they used to chant anti army slogans
They are bunch of elite commies with no grassroot support who few days ago who compared pti supporters to neo nazis dont take them seriously they got 800 votes in the last elections
The same leadership was behind the student march which they used to chant anti army slogans
Don't know much about that, so I'll take your word for it.
See, I'm getting two completely different narratives here. From those who are against the March, it's about family values and societal morality, and from the supporters, it's about protecting women's rights from such things like rapists, harasses, people who treat women more like pets than actual humans.

All I've gotten from this entire situation is (other than being called horrendous names, and personal attacks on my wife) is that there is a deep disconnect between the two sides.

That's fair, but we need to be careful of labeling all marchers are being foreign funded, or traitors, or whatever. Just like how altaf Hussain tricked innocent people into supporting him, it's also likely the case here.
i would request you to please stop mention your wife again and again.
he said it once and @SecularNationalist would also agree that it was not pointed at your wife
it was to make the point.( we tend to understand the problem when its our personal and not when its some one else's problem)
but your sir are doing it again and again.

most of these women and men who are joining aurat march have actually left Islam and become nonMuslim,it is actually a dajjali march
Well it's becoz of toxic masculinity . Of us Pakistani men . So called Mardanagi
i would request you to please stop mention your wife again and again.
he said it once and @SecularNationalist would also agree that it was not pointed at your wife
it was to make the point.( we tend to understand the problem when its our personal and not when its some one else's problem)
but your sir are doing it again and again.

Actually he mentioned his wife more than I mentioned her.He is making his fun himself.
I mentioned her just to make a point,I made a point and I exposed him and his real intentions.The moment he got angry was the moment he got exposed.So you are absolutely right we only understand the problem when it becomes personal.
Well it's becoz of toxic masculinity . Of us Pakistani men . So called Mardanagi
And that same mardangi save those women in the hour of need.
In the west most women earn their bread for themselves and families and here our mardangi does everything for them . Yet they complain.
And please don't use the word toxic.

The amount of respect I've lost for him is staggering, especially considering I was never rude to him, and have agreed with him on a lot of other issues.
I respect you for having a respect for me agreeing with me on other matters.But you should know there is nothing personal between you and me. It all started with you supported a thing which is obviously wrong. Its not just about having a different point of view,infact I have a great tolerance in accepting and listening to others point of views.
Actually he mentioned his wife more than I mentioned her.He is making his fun himself.
I mentioned her just to make a point,I made a point and I exposed him and his real intentions.The moment he got angry was the moment he got exposed.So you are absolutely right we only understand the problem when it becomes personal.

And that same mardangi save those women in the hour of need.
In the west most women earn their bread for themselves and families and here our mardangi does everything for them . Yet they complain.
And please don't use the word toxic.

I respect you for having a respect for me agreeing with me on other matters.But you should know there is nothing personal between you and me. It all started with you supported a thing which is obviously wrong. Its not just about having a different point of view,infact I have a great tolerance in accepting and listening to others point of views.
First of all, I never supported anything, I merely presented a different view point. You can clearly see that from my replies towards other members. You're the only one who can't seem to see that.

Second, your personal attacks were uncalled for and completely disrespectful, especially when I remained polite towards you.

Third, the fact that you had to resort to name calling tells me that you in fact are NOT tolerant of opposing view points.

I don't care if you respect me, just don't disrespect me.

Finally, your strawman arguments towards me were down right attempts at character assassination. I expected that from certain members, but not you, considering you yourself have been at the receiving end of strawman arguments.

You've exposed nothing but the fact that you're dishonorable, and a hypocrite.

I've had enough of this entire headache, so consider this my last reply to you.

Unless your next words are an apology for the personal attacks towards myself, and especially my wife who's honor you insulted, I have no interest in engaging with you ever again, for the remainder of my stay on this forum.

I'm gonna let the mods handle this, I trust their judgement, so whatever they decide, I will respect their decision.

@Dubious @waz @Irfan Baloch @jaibi @Horus @The Eagle

i would request you to please stop mention your wife again and again.
he said it once and @SecularNationalist would also agree that it was not pointed at your wife
it was to make the point.( we tend to understand the problem when its our personal and not when its some one else's problem)
but your sir are doing it again and again.

The fact that he called me a cuckold is an attack on my wife's honor. If you don't know what a cuckold is, google it.

I was willing to let it go, but his second attack is what is unforgivable.

Regardless, I don't have to explain anything. He made the remarks, he should apologize for it.
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First of all, I never supported anything, I merely presented a different view point. You can clearly see that from my replies towards other members. You're the only one who can't seem to see that.

Second, your personal attacks were uncalled for and completely disrespectful, especially when I remained polite towards you.

Third, the fact that you had to resort to name calling tells me that you in fact are NOT tolerant of opposing view points.

I don't care if you respect me, just don't disrespect me.

Finally, your strawman arguments towards me were down right attempts at character assassination. I expected that from certain members, but not you, considering you yourself have been at the receiving end of strawman arguments.

I've had enough of this entire headache, so consider this my last reply to you.

Unless your next words are an apology for the personal attacks towards myself, and especially my wife who's honor you insulted, I have no interest in engaging with you ever again, for the remainder of my stay on this forum.
You are still not ready to accept that I didn't attack or insulted your wife,I was just trying to make my point. I even mentioned my own sisters,mother just to make a point. So by your logic I was attacking my own sisters and mother?
You are not accepting that you are still not supporting a aurat march . Infact you are trying to hide a real issue by bringing in mullahs and your rhetoric.
You are not accepting what you said was not all a different point of view. It infact it was not about a point of view in the first place.If I bring in a rape topic in a defence equipment related thread tell me that means a different point of view or trolling ,making other commentars angry?
The thread was simply about women March,their rights etc and to discuss only what they are doing is right or wrong.But you tried to change the direction of thread.
And despite all that you have the audacity to demand apology from me.Sorry that's not going to happen.
You are still not ready to accept that I didn't attack or insulted your wife,I was just trying to make my point. I even mentioned my own sisters,mother just to make a point. So by your logic I was attacking my own sisters and mother?
You are not accepting that you are still not supporting a aurat march . Infact you are trying to hide a real issue by bringing in mullahs and your rhetoric.
You are not accepting what you said was not all a different point of view. It infact it was not about a point of view in the first place.If I bring in a rape topic in a defence equipment related thread tell me that means a different point of view or trolling ,making other commentars angry?
The thread was simply about women March,their rights etc and to discuss only what they are doing is right or wrong.But you tried to change the direction of thread.
And despite all that you have the audacity to demand apology from me.Sorry that's not going to happen.

Now I'm actually done.
Because indirectly you accepted the narrative of "mera jism Meri Marzi" when I mentioned your wife and asked you whether you would approve such behavior of her.
Now if someone's wife demand from his husband that I want to sleep with other men and her husband approves that makes him a cuckold.
I don't want to interfere in your personal lifestyle and priorities though. You can do cuckolding,wife swapping whatever it's none of my business.

He's calling me a cuckold again, and dishonoring my wife. This is after you yourself warned him. If this doesnt get him at least a warning, I'll be disappointed.
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Seriously what kind of liberalism this is??
Such behavior of women is not even acceptable by Western standards.
This is clearly a conspiracy to divert attention from what's happening in India.
This so called aurat march must be stopped. Women police force should kick ,arrest and throw these disgusting women in jails if they come on Streets carrying vulgar play cards and slogans.

agree with the show host and journalist. Our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ﷺ warneds Against movements to corrupt women and Feminism is one of them.

this Marvi Sarmad is a western NGO sponsored trouble maker. Search google and You’l find photos of her in India cosying up to our enemies.

Last but not least - Khalil Zaman Qamr, a salute to your parents for the values they instilled in you. It’s because of you pakistan is intact. May Allah ta’ala keep you on rah e haq
a majority of Pakistan's are more outraged at these women than they are at the mullahs.

Because these women are targeting the foundation of Pakistani society (any society, really); the family.

Ironically, these liberal, westernized, upper class feminist women themselves abuse girl servants from poor families torturing and killing them even in some cases.

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