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IMF sees India growing slower than sub-Saharan Africa

The irony of this statement is of course, this is possibly the most mind numbingly stupid statements I have seen on this board. Congrats on your low IQ post.

This is the shades of the British scientific racists assertions that Asians on awhile were too stupid to modernise.

There are several factors at play. Religion, society, culture and environment and how much a government and culture values scientific enquiry.

If you don't have the motivation, drive and ambition to make use of your IQ you will still remain an under achiever.

I guess this whole Chinese obsession with IQ is pretty much linked to your culture's obsession with supserficiality.

And plus points for bringing scientific racism back in vogue. I thought that it died with Nazism.

And Chinese posters who have posted Indian low IQ comments are also consistently one of the most belligerent, racist and stupidest posters here. That explains something

Dude, why so much hate? I merely answered your question.

Your correct in that culture, environment, society and others play a crucial role. But without a high enough IQ, it's very difficult to progress.

Having a low IQ means you are dumb. IQ is like the raw talent in a person, it's like the raw material.

The very high IQ of every race is pretty similar but the differences happen in AVERAGE IQ.

Unfortunately for India, one of the reasons the average Indian defecate and rape is because they lack the intelligence to know that those are bad things to do.

The high IQ Indian knows that you don't do those things but to an average Indian, it's nothing to be shameful about. Why? Because he or she lacks the intelligence.
How is any of these nonsensical posts related to India's GDP....
1. Caste system - lower caste are treated with complete contempt by higher caste Indians that run the country. That is one of the reasons why majority of the money that central government allocates to the poor gets siphoned off.

2. Multitude of ethnicities with no-one at all dominant. Can you think of a successful state composed of many ethnicities where none is dominant in the modern age?

Now there is a chance that caste discrimination may minimise over time that it becomes irrelevant but my second point is not solvable.

India is 1/6th of worlds population, combined with adverse poverty post independence, it would take another 40-50 years for the affirmative actions to extend to the entire population for social equality, so slowly and surely the minority discrimination will balance out.

Multitude of ethnicities, races and religion works in democratic environment because the the constitution and the legal system protects every citizen of the country, a concept alien to people who have never experience such...

Now If India does works, it kind of be-littles the ones who decided otherwise in 1947 even worse for the ones who got snubbed in 71... Thus every other day there is a thread on how horrible India is and how it's going to collapse in a week.... we have been hearing this for 65 years, the reality is India is stronger, and more progressive than ever since it's independance... so as a saying in bengali goes "shogun er shrap'e Goru more naa" , same goes for ill wishers of India.....
Interesting though to consider:

Empirically measured IQ of Italians shortly after a World War was approximately 10-15 points behind the average of Western Europe.

Now they have the highest average in Western Europe.

IQ is highly dependent on maternal nutrition and a stimulating environment. Studies have shown poverty impacts on IQ, as well as intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) which is part of the newly developing field of epigenetics. A famine can measurably affect a child 3 generations down the line. In beta-cell mass of the pancreas and neural development, number of glomeruli in the kidney, global filtration rate, etc.

Just some interesting things to consider from the point of view of a scientist.
Carry on.
I have met many Indians in my life, overall they are not dumb people, while many of them are even quite successful in the academic performance.

But the only and biggest problem is, they all blindly trust that the western "democracy" is the solution for everything.

Now the western democracy has became an obstacle for your infrastructure development, with this area lagging behind, you cannot attract those oversea talented Indians back and to serve their motherland, they will stay in the western nations and serve for the West, not India.
I have met many Indians in my life, overall they are not dumb people, while many of them are even quite successful in the academic performance.

But the only and biggest problem is, they all blindly trust that the western "democracy" is the solution for everything.

Now the western democracy has became an obstacle for your infrastructure development, with this area lagging behind, you cannot attract those oversea talented Indians back and to serve their motherland, they will stay in the western nations and serve for the West, not India.

I think you've hit the nail on the head.
What India needs is a strong leader and strong government with the political will to develop the nation.
I think you've hit the nail on the head.
What India needs is a strong leader and strong government with the political will to develop the nation.

The democracy is good, but develop your own one, and don't follow everything that the West told you to do.

As India keeps getting fooled by the West, all of their natural talent will be wasted by this wrong path of development.
Will the BJP dare to overturn the Food Security Bill or NEGERA?

Congress is smart. Even if the BJP wins they'll make sure they are bankrupt.

Congress is oversmart. BJP has the daunting task of making sure economy doesnt slide furthur. They may not overturn food security bill, because that may be percieved as anti poor.
@UKBengali you seemed to have lot of insight into problems of india. Can you please explain why so many bangladeshis sneek into India inspite having growth less than sub-saharan ?:undecided:

Yet again, I challenge an Indian to provide proof of millions of BD Muslims residing illegally in India.

Hindu migration from BD does not count for obvious reasons.

@UKBengali is more or less correct.....but the only thing is that, 'caste system' itself doesn't play any role here as the practice is abolished.....corruption is the root cause.....

You have to try to understand the root cause of why the majority of the aid targeted at the poor in India gets siphoned off.

BD is also very corrupt but most of the money targeted to the poor actually gets into their pockets.

It is not just a case of legally abolishing the caste system but also abolishing it from people's minds.

I am sure that in a 2/3 decades caste would play a very minor role in India, but India is not there yet.
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Can someone explain the Chinese obsession with IQ? Especially that of Indians?

@UKBengali any ideas?

They just want to put Indians down. It is as simple as that.

What they do not provide is any actual scientific evidence that Indians are any less intelligent than Chinese.

Those surveys that were taken in India and China decades ago prove absolutely zilch!

The UK is a good comparison as you have by in large random samples of Indian and Chinese kids and you see that they are neck and neck in academic achievement. They even massively beat the native white kids. The Bangladeshi children have also now beaten the white kids and will probably in 5-10 years time join the Chinese and Indians as the top academic achievers.

Does this mean that whites are stupider than Asians? Of course not. The reason why white children are now doing worse is the poor results of the white working class. White middle-class children are still on a par with Indian and Chinese.

Asians in the UK have a higher regard for education that whites and so they are naturally doing better

By banging on about this supposed low Indian IQ, they are even trying my patience and as a lot of people know I am one of the biggest fans of China on this forum:D
They just want to put Indians down. It is as simple as that.

What they do not provide is any actual scientific evidence that Indians are any less intelligent than Chinese.

Those surveys that were taken in India and China decades ago prove absolutely zilch!

The UK is a good comparison as you have by in large random samples of Indian and Chinese kids and you see that they are neck and neck in academic achievement. They even massively beat the native white kids. The Bangladeshi children have also now beaten the white kids and will probably in 5-10 years time join the Chinese and Indians as the top academic achievers.

Does this mean that whites are stupider than Asians? Of course not. The reason why white children are now doing worse is the poor results of the white working class. White middle-class children are still on a par with Indian and Chinese.

Asians in the UK have a higher regard for education that whites and so they are naturally doing better

By banging on about this supposed low Indian IQ, they are even trying my patience and as a lot of people know I am one of the biggest fans of China on this forum:D

I think it's a given, that IQ tests are only really good for testing how good people are at doing IQ tests.

My own city HK is supposed to have the highest tested IQ in the world, and I can tell you it has nothing to do with native inborn intelligence, rather it is due to HK parents (like Singaporean parents) and their crazy obsession with their children's academic results. An issue which is particularly significant in East Asian families.

But when Indians are always trying to find anything they can to throw mud on China and our people, our reaction is naturally to pick up anything we can find and hit them back with it.

And so the world goes on.
I think it's a given, that IQ tests are only really good for testing how good people are at doing IQ tests.

My own city HK is supposed to have the highest tested IQ in the world, and I can tell you it has nothing to do with native inborn intelligence, rather it is due to HK parents (like Singaporean parents) and their crazy obsession with their children's academic results. An issue which is particularly significant in East Asian families.

But when Indians are always trying to find anything they can to throw mud on China and our people, our reaction is naturally to pick up anything we can find and hit them back with it.

And so the world goes on.

There is a lot of trolling going on from Indians on China that I have seen.

Chinese have got so much REAL points they can hit back at the Indians, why focus on something on which there is very little evidence!

The fair-minded non-Indians on this forum know that China is so much superior than India in virtually EVERY conceivable way.

Chinese would look so much better if they concentrated on India's actual shortcomings rather than labour on this point too much.
There is a lot of trolling going on from Indians on China that I have seen.

Chinese have got so much REAL points they can hit back at the Indians, why focus on something on which there is very little evidence!

The fair-minded non-Indians on this forum know that China is so much superior than India in EVERY conceivable way.

Chinese would look so much better if they concentrated on India's actual shortcomings rather than labour on this point too much.

Because it pisses them off. Which is the entire point of flaming. :P

Like that Indian who started the China-Taiwan thread and started boasting about how India is a close ally of Taiwan (even though India dropped all diplomatic recognition of Taiwan in 1950).

Nothing he said made any sense. Even the Taiwanese members of this forum started attacking him for being an idiot.

But making sense didn't matter when his intention was purely to flame.

Same with our counter-flaming. Anyone who thinks about it logically for a second, will see that IQ test scores only "prove" how good someone is at taking IQ tests. The only area in which experts think there might be some "correlation" is the mathematics section of the test, which correlates with mathematical ability. The other sections, and the overall IQ score, have never been proven to correlate with intelligence.

Not that it matters though.
US is growing slower than India too. So by this association, US is growing slower than sub Sahara. But they have economy of $ 15 trillion. Now what should one infer ? :devil:
They just want to put Indians down. It is as simple as that.

What they do not provide is any actual scientific evidence that Indians are any less intelligent than Chinese.

Those surveys that were taken in India and China decades ago prove absolutely zilch!

The UK is a good comparison as you have by in large random samples of Indian and Chinese kids and you see that they are neck and neck in academic achievement. They even massively beat the native white kids. The Bangladeshi children have also now beaten the white kids and will probably in 5-10 years time join the Chinese and Indians as the top academic achievers.

Does this mean that whites are stupider than Asians? Of course not. The reason why white children are now doing worse is the poor results of the white working class. White middle-class children are still on a par with Indian and Chinese.

Asians in the UK have a higher regard for education that whites and so they are naturally doing better

By banging on about this supposed low Indian IQ, they are even trying my patience and as a lot of people know I am one of the biggest fans of China on this forum:D

There was a report on the BBC on how the African immigrants also tend to achieve academically than than the natives.

But black people in UK who were there for generations continue to under achieve.

Arguing even Africans have low IQ is problematic. Since IQ results alone prove jack about a country
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