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Identify this aircraft ? You can notice laser guidance system in the nose.

Thats Mig-27. But the real thing for a pilot is to learn the differences between Mig-23, Mig-23BN and Mig-27. They are very similar because Mig-27 was derived from Mig-23.

Mig-23BN does not have a round nose like other Mig-23s because air superiority Mig-23s have a radar in the nose and the nose is round. Mig-23BN is the ground-attack variant of the Mig-23 and is very close to Mig-27.

I give here the differences between Mig-23BN and Mig-27.

Mig-27 removed all those design features that are unnecessary for low level ground attack operations. The variable air intake of Mig-23 was discarded and a fixed intake was chosen for Mig-27. The nozzle was also simplified and a fixd nozzle was adopted for Mig-27. Other than that, the Mig-23BN is more inclined towards back than Mig-27, while on ground.

AND I think the proper word for what you mentioned as Laser Guidance System would be "Marked Target Seeker" in my opinion.
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actually that is the dassault Mirage IV. look carefully and you can see the French Air force insignia. i saved the picture under the name delta dagger.

Try this one


Thats the famous SR-71 Blackbird of Lockheed Martin.

U-2 was designed to fly "over and above" the air defences, SR-71 was designed to fly faster than any interceptor or fighter, Aurora seems to be designed for stealth and speed combined.
Identify this:

Identify this:


That the Blackburn Buccaneer, a classic british aircraft. The important design feature is that it was one of first aircrafts with boundary layer control on its wings and elevators.
Excellent, its indeed a Buccaneer.
What about the rest of the pictures? :)
This seems to be Mirage-4000.

Correct again, its the Dassault Mirage-4000 technology demonstrator. Note the bigger delta wing and high mounted canards.
Much of the technology developped in this platform was later transferred to the Rafale.
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