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Images from IDEAS 2008

This is my first after following pakistan defence developments for a number of years, I hope as we saw in the chinese air show that Pakistani defence Industry uses IDEAS as away to showcase new products which the Pakistan defence industry has developed. The IDEAS show should then be the focus and push for the defence industry to achieve newer development in their products. i feel this will drive the Pakistan defence industry forweard and if adopted as a Policy, the whole IDEAS concept should be judged internally as a success and failure on the basis of this. This is not to say that at present getting orders for exports is not a success, the focus should be shifted to newer developments. I personally would have liked to seen the development and displays of ANZA III, Bakhtar Shikan II, long awaited high altitude SAM development and much more. Otherwise we will see the same products every two years and the drive and push to develop improved and new products has no deadline or focus.



As I already said, it looks like our version of "corner gun".

i guss its! the must buy thing for our ssg units, opreations like "lal masjid"! surly it can be the best weapons, which can save a lots of innocent lives, & can kill a lots of terrorists.:tup::tup::tup:
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nice staf man every one help us for post every image from ideas must be here

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