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I'm Quitting!

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May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys!
I have decided to quit PDF. Though I'll be missing my Indian friends out here, I need to move on as this place has become nothing more than an anti India website with the level of discourse hitting new lows.

And here's what one worthy said...

If you don't catch the wind the next ban will lock your account permanently.
Don't bother. PDF is no big deal. I'm quitting on my own. And you need to erase all my posts since I have nothing more to do out here.

Wishing all my Indian friends all the best.
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agr koi ghalti ho gaee hai to muaafi maang lo.
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Pakistanis say that mods are lenient on Indians making it slowly anti Pakistan. Indians say its anti indians. Arab say its anti arab.... Jeez.

I get that trolls have increased but I don't think Its anti anything. It's a forum that covers the news around the world and some news will hit other nations. Some news hits us as well. Don't think its anything to quit on.
Another feather in our cap then...

1- Anti-Pakistani
2- Anti-Indian (Duh, it's called Pakistan Defence Forum!)
3- Anti-Arab
4- Anti-Iranian
5- Anti-American
6- Anti-Kurdish
7- Anti-Israel

Have I missed anything?
Good. I had chosen this myself. Yet, I am still here. I think I after a few months I will disappear too.

This place has no structure. If it was pro Pakistan/anti India or Pro India/anti Pakistan it would have structure. The people that run this site are idiots.
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Ahhhhhhh what a drama queen. If u want to go just go man there is no shortage of Indians after all indian population is 1 billion+ . Why so much belly dance before leaving or are u asking for attention ????
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Hi guys!
I have decided to quit PDF. Though I'll be missing my Indian friends out here, I need to move on as this place has become nothing more than an anti India website with the level of discourse hitting new lows.

And here's what one worthy said...

Don't bother. PDF no big deal. I'm quitting on my own. And you need to erase all my posts since I have nothing more to do out here.

Wishing all my Indian friends all the best.
You need Iron thick skin like me to survive :angry:

But good luck to you my friend and i guess i will see you on Indian forums.
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