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If you think the PTI government is doing badly, how can it improve?

opposition have a defined role in any government. they are entitled to oppose anything political within the confines of the constitution.

The only truth about the selected slogan is that this Government solely caters for her funders and stakeholders exclusively while others shared the plunder equally among themselves.

PTi is just not an organized enough mob. Simply put.

I was trying to say that if opposition come in power, they don’t have magic wand to fix things. There performance will be worse than PTI.

Muslims are not one nation when dealing with each other. All those denominations, sects, and heresies are always at each other's throats. Pakistan is now relatively calm only due to state institutions. What you ask would require mass murder and tyranny. All tyrannical systems eventually fall.

Having differences of opinion is ok. Even at the time of Prophet Muhammed (saw) his companions have different opinions on different issues. All sects in Pakistan are living in harmony and there is no direct conflict with each other. Killing of Shias are done by foreign agencies to create problem in Pakistan. Groups like Agakhani and Boris live in peace. Razakhani were created by British, to understand them you must read the Indian history and how Brith try to use puppets to destroy or weaken Muslims. Razakhani believes are strange, they believe that Allah (swt) cannot do anything and Abdul Qadir Gilani (ra) can do everything. (Watch their Ulemas videos on YouTube). They are mainly harmless HalwaKhore people.
Government will have to registered every place of worship and madras to make sure our children are not being trained to be extremist.
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I was trying to say that if opposition come in power, they don’t have magic wand to fix things. There performance will be worse than PTI.

People know what to expect from them. The need for stability outweighs any sense of accountability.

Anyone would tell you this in Pakistan. It's not rocket science.
PTI needs to establish its core principles as much as possible at any cost, the rest are all Fasa Fiso:
  • Rule of Law
  • Meritocracy
  • Education
  • Poverty Alleviation

The Pak Deep Nation and State, which remains ready for Innalillai ve Inna Ilahi Rajeun vis-à-vis the Ehl-i Sheyatin, must elevate their games and put the proxy traitor/terrorists (PDM, PTM, NS, AZ etc.[=1M x Mujib] ) under the swords....

Don’t need to kill them, just educate the public and expose them. The public too, by and large, won’t respond well to putting anyone under the sword but are willing to stick with the PM if the situation looks like it will improve despite the sacrifices. Win the young people and hold onto them, they make up the majority of the nation. Grassroots mass literacy and education investments is the best way to undermine the entrenched corrupt leaders.
Pti or all other parties, all are corrupt. only few people in every party are honest. imran khan is an honest person but he don't know how to run this country because in west, you can't run a country like this. in west, there is accountability. here no accountability. nab, judges, courts, all are corrupt. presidential system is the right choice. parliament should be bombed. we don't need these people to run our country. Imran khan should give army the authority to run this country in their own way and he should be the head and army should report to khan only. we can't change this system but we know, army can run this system. army has the discipline. they don't throw tissue papers from cars on roads. their roads are clean. there is accountability.

khan also discussed punishment. obviously without punishment, nobody can take law seriously. it's time for presidential system. many in pti are also corrupt. khan knows it. we don't want parliament. give someone authority to hang these corrupts. give army authority. army should be given orders to arrest these corrupt from their homes. and for people who are corrupt, bloodshed is the way forward. PURGE(Vote of confidence).
I was reading another thread earlier on today and I noticed a boring pattern we are all to familiar with on this forum. Some people defending the government, other people criticizing it - but nobody listening or exchanging ideas. It's a wider societal problem, not just limited to Pakistan. It seems nowadays politics is about imposing your view on the other, instead of discussing.

So I'd like to ask the question; If you think the current government is not doing well, can you please describe the negative impacts you have felt and how you think the government should do things differently?

Also kindly state if you are a supporter of the government, or not.

Please tag anyone you come across who might have an opinion to present.
@Xone @krash @newb3e
I am a supported of Imran Khan, but not the whole government as a whole.
It is important this government takes the following steps:
1. Speedy resolution of the cases against all accused. we have been seeing some drama of people going in and out of jails. if they are guilty they should be punished or released in case otherwise.
2. Restructure the bureaucracy. without reforms in these areas its almost impossible to improve the situation.
3. Effectively tackle the mafias controlling basic day to day items.
4. Reforms in education system, from basic to higher and post grad level. Better will be to start collaboration with renowned institutions and promote research.
5. Health reforms, with accountability and basic guidelines made and strictly followed by all the healthcare workers, also ending the menace of Quakery from the whole country.
6. Reforms in the development of towns and cities. The government should think about vertical extension of the cities, the current situation of horizontal expansion is becoming a nightmare, even Islamabad is becoming difficult to manage. concurrently laws should be made available to restrict use of agricultural land for towns and townships, which wastes the fertile land.
7. The forestation drive should be enhanced with strict monitoring and supervision along with proper waste management. we need to preserve the ecosystem for ourselves and generations to come.
8. our rivers and canals water is unusable and have become a source of dumping waste. this matter should be strictly taken seriously and laws should be passed with strict charges/fines for the people polluting the water sources and reservoirs.
9. Reforms in electoral structure. only people with valid research and higher education should be able to contest elections and represent their people in the competitive world.
10. Last but not the least, proper opportunities for uplifting the poor masses of the country.
People know what to expect from them. The need for stability outweighs any sense of accountability.

Anyone would tell you this in Pakistan. It's not rocket science.

Stability??? How would that benefit common person??? And are we not stable because IK is going against entire corrupt mafia including some elements of establishment??
If you take accountability out of the equation, Pakistan will go bankrupt within 6 months. Do you want to Pakistan to go to stone ages?
As much as Army hate Marshals law but in extreme situation they may not have another choice. God forbid if army takes over, it will not be for 6 months or so, they will bring a new form of government with Army serving offices will be part of parliament, a MarshalLawPlus plan for 30 years.
I am a supported of Imran Khan, but not the whole government as a whole.
It is important this government takes the following steps:
1. Speedy resolution of the cases against all accused. we have been seeing some drama of people going in and out of jails. if they are guilty they should be punished or released in case otherwise.

Establishment will never allow PTI to get too strong so they will continue use their power against PTI. Whole system is rotten to the core including Judicial system and PTI cannot do anything

2. Restructure the bureaucracy. without reforms in these areas its almost impossible to improve the situation.

PTI want to bring reform but since do not have simple majority and coalition partners are keep blackmail IK. It’s not easy to fix anything In Pakistan without the support of establishment

3. Effectively tackle the mafias controlling basic day to day items.

Thieves never sit idle and always planning and applying new strategies. Corrupt mafia know every move of IK because some of PTI MNA and MPA are working with corrupt mafia.

4. Reforms in education system, from basic to higher and post grad level. Better will be to start collaboration with renowned institutions and promote research.

PTI is already working on it but 18 amendment is the biggest hurdle.

5. Health reforms, with accountability and basic guidelines made and strictly followed by all the healthcare workers, also ending the menace of Quakery from the whole country.
6. Reforms in the development of towns and cities. The government should think about vertical extension of the cities, the current situation of horizontal expansion is becoming a nightmare, even Islamabad is becoming difficult to manage. concurrently laws should be made available to restrict use of agricultural land for towns and townships, which wastes the fertile land.
7. The forestation drive should be enhanced with strict monitoring and supervision along with proper waste management. we need to preserve the ecosystem for ourselves and generations to come.
8. our rivers and canals water is unusable and have become a source of dumping waste. this matter should be strictly taken seriously and laws should be passed with strict charges/fines for the people polluting the water sources and reservoirs.
9. Reforms in electoral structure. only people with valid research and higher education should be able to contest elections and represent their people in the competitive world.
10. Last but not the least, proper opportunities for uplifting the poor masses of the country.

I will respond to all 10 points.
Stability??? How would that benefit common person??? And are we not stable because IK is going against entire corrupt mafia including some elements of establishment??
Business sector depends on one thing and one thing alone. Stability.

Mafia can only be replaced by a bigger one.
If you take accountability out of the equation, Pakistan will go bankrupt within 6 months. Do you want to Pakistan to go to stone ages?
As much as Army hate Marshals law but in extreme situation they may not have another choice. God forbid if army takes over, it will not be for 6 months or so, they will bring a new form of government with Army serving offices will be part of parliament, a MarshalLawPlus plan for 30 years.
No one has any such blueprint. The country has regressed intellectually to a point that 1973 constitution cannot be reproduced.

Don't know how or what difference would MLP be to current setup accused already being of a hybrid.
I will respond to all 10 points.
Agreed to most of the responses but there must be a way to tackle those who benefit from status quo. It includes the biggest powerfuls that you pointed out and goes down to the lowest level. This system took the current shape in 70 years and won't be easy to change at all. At least the government should be communicating the plans and hurdles effectively with the nation.
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