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if women is free to show off her body, then why she is not free to cover it?

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Well, some just like it...I mean most of the burqa clad women I know do it on their own their husbands didnt even ask of it....most are aunties while others are who newly joined Islam (a couple of our family friends are married to British converts)...

Anyway, if they like it their choice...if they dont want it thats also their choice....I like seeing it as an appreciation to the guts it takes to wear it...all the opposition on the planet from ...

1) every girl's desire to look pretty...cladding a burqa literally is fighting yourself against this desire...but seriously Arab ladies need to cut down on eye makeup...what they cant do on the face they make it up by overdoing the gorgeous eyes!

2) every girls desire to be appreciated ...cladding a burqa means you wont be appreciated or cant "strut your stuff"

Fighting these 2 desires is really hard as it is naturally present in every woman and woman whom I know clad the burqa do is to give a go at jihad-e-nafs (against desires) .....

Then there is

3) the desire to "fit in"....burqa cladded women dont fit in well

4) doing it for oneself over doing it for show... if it is for show then there is no use and well thats up to them who are we to decide or judge??

5) disapproval and rants from other people...this is the another hard factor to fight ...

So for me when I see a woman in burqa...I appreciate her if it is for truth...if I see one who isnt a hijabi I dont turn her down or make her feel down....she didnt have to go through half of what those other women went through , she wont understand but if she does so much shit about such stuff well I can take her soo down she wont know how to get up! :)

Their choice...all one can do is advice of its benefits and back off..let the other choose for themselves...

Mind you Iran women are more burqa clad...My HR the other day was just telling me the applications she got and when they asked for a passport pix those from Iran all had Burqa...I laughed and was like you gotta be kidding me! Coz my own colleaguges who are Iranian (3 ladies) dont even do the basic hijab so I am not sure which is the truth and on whom is the joke :unsure:
confession 101:p:
as for "fighting desires",:devil:(btw those desires r perfectly normal) a functional frontal lobe is enough.......
maybe thats where the problem is,,,,,,,ladkiyan=no brain:hang2:

so,,,,i will say again,,,,,ugly ones love it,,,lovely ones maybe not :azn:
lets not make this hindu-muslim.....n lets try to discuss from the female perspective

This is all about Muslims and Islam so how is it possible for us to not make it about Islam? Islam commands that Muslim women cover themselves and so they should be free to cover themselves as they see fit. Just like Christian Nuns.
When I am showing my face to women who covers her face, is it ethical?
Simple as that.
Now tell me whats the difference between this and Burqa.

Inside the face covered, it can be anyone. It can be ur friend playing prank, or a terrorist, or even if there was a women she have a advantage in knowing me when I cant.
in what way it is ethical? In this world of equality, this aint equal.
:rofl: man How old are you?

No there is no difference indeed esp if you cant differentiate a friend pulling a prank, a terrorist wanting to kill you and a decent woman :rofl:

Very unethical and unhygienic women:


confession 101:p:
as for "fighting desires",:devil:(btw those desires r perfectly normal) a functional frontal lobe is enough.......
maybe thats where the problem is,,,,,,,ladkiyan=no brain:hang2:

so,,,,i will say again,,,,,ugly ones love it,,,lovely ones maybe not :azn:
oh yea Christian nuns have no brains :agree: same goes with those Sikhs who go to the temple and cover their heads...or the Jewish ladies who chose to cover themselves...all have no brains...

Iranians are forced to wear one. I don't believe in forcing someone to do anything. They will obey from outside in fear of punishment but inside they grow hatred against Islamic beliefs. That is also why you will come across many Iranians in western nations becoming atheist and anti Islam.

Iranians or Muslims becoming atheists or anti-Islamic may be a case of 1 in a million, no big deal especially when one considers the converts to Islam that number in the hundreds of thousands every year!
Naked women are not allowed in certain places. Same should apply to burka, based on practical needs... best example is banks..
When I am showing my face to women who covers her face, is it ethical?
in what way it is ethical? In this world of equality, this aint equal.

There is extremely simple solution to your self created attention seeking disorder.......don't speak to the Burka clad women, I am confident they are not looking to speak to you!
This is all about Muslims and Islam so how is it possible for us to not make it about Islam? Islam commands that Muslim women cover themselves and so they should be free to cover themselves as they see fit. Just like Christian Nuns.
is it mandatory???
if its compulsory,,,,,end of discussion,,,,,
but if its not n its a choice,,,,then we can discuss
why wud a girl want to wear a burqa in the first place...
,,,,,lets not bring religion in

ps=i'm talking about burqa here not hijab
Where did I bash your religion? I merely asked if a Hindu should decide it as opposed to a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew etc.

Honestly, it's the Hindus that invite themselves in every thread that does not relate to them, perhaps your advice is better suited to your fellow Hindus.

Its a international forum, and every discussions should be carried out in same spirits. I never decided you idiot. I am asking my questions as a Man/Boy.
Better dont drag religion nuttterhead. Simple as that.
I stand by my opinions. I have no problems with full body cover except face. I dont want people conversing with me to have a unnatural advantage in seeing me, and not allowing me to see her. Simple as that. Does it take your brain takes long for you to comprehend?
Naked women are not allowed in certain places. Same should apply to burka, based on practical needs... best example is banks..

Naked women are the extreme opposite of Burka clad women and deserve an extremely opposite treatment. Where the Burka clad woman should be respected and honoured, you know what the naked woman deserves.
To answer the question in the title -

I think wearing burka is unnatural and unhealthy-both physically and mentally in terms of social interaction and all unhealthy behaviour must be discouraged.
Why do u feel it unnatural and unhealthy? Can you provide facts or some researches which prove your statement? Or it is just "For the sake of discussion"?
There is extremely simple solution to your self created attention seeking disorder.......don't speak to the Burka clad women, I am confident they are not looking to speak to you!

I quite actually, in a job, where I have to speak to a lots of people. And I dont speak to people with their faces covered. I politely ask them to uncover their face, which they do.
is it mandatory???
if its compulsory,,,,,end of discussion,,,,,
but if its not n its a choice,,,,then we can discuss
why wud a girl want to wear a burqa in the first place...
,,,,,lets not bring religion in

Yes, in Islam it is mandatory for women to cover themselves. It can be with anything and does not necessarily have to be with a dedicated Burka, so long as the woman's body and curves are not highlighted, her hair are covered and her body is covered including her ankles.
Naked women are the extreme opposite of Burka clad women and deserve an extremely opposite treatment. Where the Burka clad woman should be respected and honoured, you know what the naked woman deserves.

Sadly Pakistani mens wants Naked womens more than the most populous countries on the planet, seeing the way, Pakistan tops the list of searching **** sites in Google.
I quite actually, in a job, where I have to speak to a lots of people. And I dont speak to people with their faces covered. I politely ask them to uncover their face, which they do.

I believe the polite and decent way would be to request that the face covering women be served by other women as the face covering women can take off her veil infront of other women.
Naked women are the extreme opposite of Burka clad women and deserve an extremely opposite treatment. Where the Burka clad woman should be respected and honoured, you know what the naked woman deserves.
Lol and why would burka clad women respected? I would say all burka clad women strip searched to see if they are hiding something....
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