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If we have a nuclear war, both India and Pak will win, but neither will exist: Pervez Hoodbhoy

There is one more solution, India can let go Indian side Kashmir, and no more wars. Just a liberal thought :D.

Nukes can cause severe damage but Pakistan's population is concentrated mostly around Punjab. It won't survive more than few nukes unfortunately. But there should never be a war. Pakistani people will wipe out including North Indians, and it will be a great loss.

Please warn me early so i can sail to Andaman :D.
It means that you have selected north India for the hunt of nuclear war.
Who gives retards like these a medium to comment on?
When I see stuff like this I am tempted to post the meme that goes "Kill it.. Kill it with fire before it lays eggs". That is the extent of stupidity here.

As for Mr HoodBoy, I'd say this was a very brilliant line..
"It may be because science has become too successful for its own good. We as humans are becoming very nervous. Science has begun to lay bare the secrets of nature and that includes us. We are beginning to understand that we are aggregates of atoms and molecules. All things which were wrapped in layers of mystery have been explained as natural phenomenon. All this is making us nervous. After all the mysteries have been unwrapped what lies behind it all? We are afraid to face the question: does life have meaning? Science does not point to a meaning. This fear makes us susceptible to the siren call of religion which says we can give you the answers, why you are here on this earth, about the ultimate purpose of life."

It is ultimately this fear and the lack of effort in trying to quell it that is creating unrest. We want to digress, because science reveals the uncomfortable truths and that is highly unsettling.
I will not ask you for posting any comment .... I know you are hurt by the statement but dont show your frustration in public ...CALM DOWN .
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