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If the us invades iran...?

I have heard that most iranians publicly call themselves muslims because of the autocratic islamic regime in the country but most are either atheists or secretly practice their original religion zoroastranism.

the elections last year saw massive protests and millions of iranians came on the streets against ahmedinejad.

I have even heard that most iranians hate arabs , like to call themselves persians and take more pride in the persian history rather than islamic history .

please my knowledge is less about this so please share some with me. No emotional replies please.:)

First, if your knowledge is less please do not open your mouth, only ask your questions,%98 of Iranian are muslim only about 50000 of Zoroastrian live in Iran, who keep Iran pre-Islam religion, they were unitarian even before Jewish. to call Iranian Zoroastrian is Hawabies propaganda.
Second, the last year protest was against stolen election and Ahmadinejat but not against Islam.
Third, if even what you heard so called hatred on arabs is true, what you can conclude on? are Arabs equal to Islam? only 300M arabs among 1.4 B muslims. if Iranian are proud of their 7000 years civilization is that islamic history? how narrow mind are people who effect with Hawabisim.
Majority of Irainains live in villages and support the current government and will die for them , while the western Iranian are weak.

%45 of Iranian live in villages and majority live in cities but all Iranian will die for protecting Islam and their country.as they did when Saddam attacked them with support of 50 countries
After US had secret deal with the Iranian government not to support them in return for favors in Iraq , they all went back to their home and universities, hence without US support they all are weak.

When Iranain Mullahs came to street they send the Shah out of the country, thats power my friend.

Iranian people never link to foreign power for domestic reform in recent 30 years.
well the mullahs back in 1979 were successful because the common man supported them .

About this current revolution against the regime , only time will tell.

coming back to the topic . India should stay neutral ,infact i believe that we should support the US and iranian people to get rid of this extremists hardliner regime because iranian people whether or not they believe in Islam are moderates and deserve a better government.

For Pakistan , i think you guys can not support US as iranians too are muslims and you ll also anger the shia population of your country.

Stay neutral , that is the best policy because iran and pakistan dont have very comfortable relations anyway , india has had better relations with iran .

If Pakistanis support iran , you ll anger the arab world too particularly the saudis who have been there for you in the past whereas the iranians have not.



who is talking about muslim issues? are you Indian representing Sunnies benefit? war never happen in muslim world because of Madhab.
No matter how much i hate USA or Israel, In case of US or Israel attacking iran, i will support the Great Satan and its ally Israel.

Coz current iranian regiem and mullah's r more dangerous to main stream Islam than all the western civilization put together.

Dont ask me why or more, otherwise this thread will be totally derailed. :coffee:

That is why Iranian hate arabs, even me as Iranian arab hate the arabs live around the Persian Gulf
I rather swallow a hot rod
The yanks are the reason why we have these goons in power.

And I'm not gonna comment on "most Iranians" but personally I have converted to Zoroastrianism and I'm trying to help my parents and bro do the same since they don't consider themselves muslim. In Iran we are all "officially Muslim."
This regime today has done more damage to Islam in Iran than all the other monarchs before them put together. lol

In Iran %98 of then are officially muslim because they are muslim. non of Jewish or Christand and Zoroastraian have to be called muslim. base of constitution besides Islam only these three religions are accepted.
if you mean some percentage of this %98 muslim in Iran they do not practice Islam i agree with you but we can not call it "we are all officially Muslim". because in this term means even non muslim have to be called muslim.
so get these "baboons" out of power then do what......?

still part of the OIC? still a country that identifies with islamic unity? or not, a "non-muslim" country?

i only ask for clarification

it is very clear what ever government Iran has, Iran is a muslim country with %98 of muslim
true, killing is killing but I can't agree with you on the similarities between the shia and sunni insurgent groups. Hezbollah never did the stuff that Al Quida and other sunni insurgents are doing today.

Hezbullah fighting with enemy but Al-Qaeda killing muslims in home
was'nt it Hezbullah suicide bomber that killed American soldiers in Lebanon back in the 80's? and maybe the reason why Shia insurgents aren't as violent as sunni insurgents is because their at a advantageous position unlike their sunni counterparts.

do not forget the point, here is not comprative of Sunni and Shia in using of suicide bombing,but target of suicide bombing,Hezbollah or Hammas do suicide bombing in enemy's soldiers but Al-Qaeida does against civilian muslims and priglum
I never said anything about what iranians should be like, it's up to them. But I am still entitled to an opinion.

You should look at the motive, which is exactly the thing I find ridiculous. Some of these people call themselves Persians, not because they are proud of their past, I don't have a problem with that, but as a tool to distance themselves and project their anti-muslim oppinion to others. Why do these people insist that 1400 years of Islam in Iran is boiled down to the events of the last 30 odd years?
Second, these people, a minority, seem to forget that Iran is a multi-ethnic society, and hence the persian people are no longer the majority and hasn't been that for a long time. It seems to me that some persians have a complex and consider themselves white and therefore superior to other ethnicities i.e. turks and arabs even in Iran. Tell me what these people call turk iranians? khar? right?

Regarding iranian women, as I said before, what they do is up to them, I am commenting on what these westernized iranians are doing, is to claim that all of Iran want what they want. If you ask me, reality is that their lifestyle is more suitable in the west than in Iran, and I am sure a lot of other Iranians feel the same way, not all support liberal western lifestyle, and not all are against the current system.
That is what I am trying to say. Neither opinion is the right one. You have to find a common ground.

when Iranian call themselves Persian it is because theyare Persian. do you arabs call yourself e.g Turks? you call yourslef Arab.
even Persian dot not refer only to language but to the nationality. i call myself Persian but i am Iranian arab and also proud of Iran pre islam history. some how you can say word of "Persian" is against "Fars" which arabs use to call us.funy part is sometime arabs consider themselves equal to Islam if something is not in their favor, they will say is against Islam
Thats what Iranians wrote not me.

I did not say that you wrote it. I only pointed out that it is incorrect.

And no one was punished for perverting words of Dear Leader.

The term "dear leader" is foreign to Iran. It hasn't even been used for the former Shah who was apparently quiet fond of auspicious titles. If you are referring to Ruhollah Khomeini, he is referred to in Iran often as the Rahber (guide/ justice), or sometimes simply as Imam (head) by followers. Also, unfortunately he has been mistranslated much periodically for the vested interests of different groups, so in it's occurrence, it isn't even a new feature. It is wrongful indeed.

They write it on their missiles too.

False. Please provide an image with that exact phrase, whether in English or Farsi, to substantiate your claim.

So please spare me of that musquote nonsense.

Apparently, it isn't nonsense as you put it. When a translation is materially different from the text and form of the original, it is a misquote by all definitions. I can provide you with the original quotation form the speech. The words 'Israel', 'map' and 'wipe' aren't even present even if word to word matches are made.

This is your claim:

Israel's President has very clearly stated that it [Israel] would wipe Iran off the map.

And here the real quote:

"the president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map"

Sir, I admit my mistake in between 'would' and 'could' Israel wipe Iran of the map. Is your point resolved? Anyhow the case in point is, whereas Iran has been misinterpreted, an Israeli official has spoken openly about a country, namely Iran, being wiped off the map. Furthermore, whereas an Iranian politician has not threatened any head of state, especially that of Israel, Knesset member Arieh Eldad said:

"History would have been different if in 1939 some Jewish soldier would have succeeded in taking Hitler out. If Ahmadinejad will be in the crosshairs of an IDF rifle when he comes to throw rocks at us, he must not return home alive."

MK Eldad: Ahmadinejad should not return home alive - Israel News, Ynetnews

An incitement to assassinate a head of state like so is unprecedented. I would deem it natural for Iran to be concerned.
I did not say that you wrote it. I only pointed out that it is incorrect.
Its whats was written in Tehran

The term "dear leader" is foreign to Iran. It hasn't even been used for the former Shah who was apparently quiet fond of auspicious titles.
Indeed, Iran uses "supreme leader", thats huge difference.

False. Please provide an image with that exact phrase, whether in English or Farsi, to substantiate your claim.


Sir, I admit my mistake in between 'would' and 'could' Israel wipe Iran of the map. Is your point resolved? Anyhow the case in point is, whereas Iran has been misinterpreted, an Israeli official has spoken openly about a country, namely Iran, being wiped off the map.
Iran makes "death to Israel" parades since 1979 and says constantly that Israel will be destroyed. Israeli president only said that, when Iranians threaten Israel they should know that Iran can also be destroyed.

Furthermore, whereas an Iranian politician has not threatened any head of state, especially that of Israel, Knesset member Arieh Eldad said:
Aireh Eldad does not hold any position. Besides Iran threatens to kill Israeli officials.


Again mistranslation. I guess.

Yet another mistranslation.

I would deem it natural for Iran to be concerned.
Israel never did anything bad to Iran. On contrary we helped Iran during its hardest times in 80-es. What we got in return? Exploded Jewish centers in South America, thousands of missiles on our cities, exploded buses and restourants.

Nevertheless if Iran wished to restore diplomatic relationships with Israel there would not be any problems from Israeli side, I gurantee you.

P.S. Occupation of Palestinian territories is really poor excuse, because Iran has excellent relationships with Armenia, that occupied 20% of Azerbaijan, your fellow Shia brothers.
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This Ahmadinejad is a serious nut case.. no one is going to invade Iran. Behind all their rhetoric and crazy policies these nut cases are slowly and steadily are ruining Iran and eventually going to run it to the ground. They are very able and capable of doing that I'm confident of that.

Instead of cleaning up their own house this Ahmadinejad and gang are hell bent on screwing even Lebanon together with Syrians.. their own house is a mess but don't realise that and stoke fires everywhere else.
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