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If The Earth Stopped Spinning, Some Really Bad Things Would Happen

There is a difference between spinning and rotating, spinning involves very high speeds which holds all matter together by creating gravity (gravitational forces, gravitational field), and rotation is much slower, when rotating about it axis, earth or other planets are spinning, and when they are following a path (orbit) around another planet or star, they are rotating by another sort of gravity force that stems from the two bodies (attraction/repulsion?). So it is a very complicated matter, since we are talking about local gravity and effects of mutual gravity, on top of it all there is the Universal gravity.
And this is the weakest force of the four fundamental forces of the physical universe. The only place where it is not found is in subatomic particles, either because it is not needed, or because other forces are involved at that level, but nothing else in the universe escapes it.
The answer should be that if a planet stops spinning, it will simply disintegrate into particles.
The earth rotates on its axis once each day. Since the circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,901.55 miles, a spot on the equator rotates at approximately 1037.5646 miles per hour (1037.5646 times 24 equals 24,901.55) (1669.8 km/h).
At the North Pole (90 degrees north) and South Pole (90 degrees south), the speed is effectively zero since that spot rotates once in 24 hours, a very, very slow speed.

To determine the speed at any other latitude, simply multiply the cosine of the degree latitude times the speed of 1037.5646.
Thus, at 45 degrees north, the cosine is .7071068 so multiply .7071068 times 1037.5464 and the speed of the rotation is 733.65611 miles per hour (1180.7 km/h).

For other latitudes...

10° - 1021.7837 mph (1644.4 km/h)
20° - 974.9747 mph (1569.1 km/h)
30° - 898.54154 mph (1446.1 km/h)
40° - 794.80665 mph (1279.1 km/h)
50° - 666.92197 mph (1073.3 km/h)
60° - 518.7732 mph (834.9 km/h)
70° - 354.86177 mph (571.1 km/h)
80° - 180.16804 mph (289.95 km/h)

In addition to the rotational speed of the earth spinning on its axis, the earth is also speeding at about 66,660 miles per hour (107278.87 km/h) in its revolution around the sun once ever 365.2425 days.
Speed of the Earth - Geography

That is, spinning at mach 2 and at the same time speeding at mach 100.
It is said that the equatorial region bulge a little from Earth's rotation. Perhaps people in the tropics will suffer more than those residing in the poles? Better make holiday plans for the Artic/Antarctic just before the Earth stop spinning.
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