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If Modi wins election, neighbours can expect a more muscular India

Good luck India. Say whatever you want to about Modi at least hes not a traitor like Nawaz Sharif.
Yendians must realize that Pakistan and Pakistanis have never given bhart mataa any respect. Whether Manmohan or Modi, we give 0 fucks.

Indian can flex else where. :rofl:

Pakistani talking bout Respect? :rofl:

Cmon, Lemme take u to Europe and America. U wud stop using the word Respect anymore.

Infact u wont find any Pakistani. U know why? Coz all Pakistanis pose as Indians. :D :D :D


I have seen this myslef but for ur help,

Yendians must realize that Pakistan and Pakistanis have never given bhart mataa any respect. Whether Manmohan or Modi, we give 0 fucks.

Indian can flex else where. :rofl:
Pakistan and Pakistanis give 0 fucks about thier own country, expecting them to give one for India is a fool man's dream.

However, a stronger India will increase the hatred against us as is happening now - case in poin the fundoos like you. We are more than ok with this.
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Getting Musharraf to Agra was prudent thing to do ..we know e were tantalizingly close on Kashmir deal ...it failed through for variety of reasons ....

Escaoting Terrorist to Kandahar was a major goof up ....but wosre was to let plane refuel at Amritsar and fly out of indian terrain ...

MMS era was full of goof ups ...

We had ignomity of Chinese soldiers having pitched tents in Indian territory ...that too just before the visits of Chinese premier ...

Our flip flop on iran and Sri lanka ..
Our debacle in Maldives ...

and our shrinking influence in indian ocean are are the gifts of mismanaged foreign policy under UPA .

If India emerged as Resurgent Nuclear weapon state under NDA

under UPA we have become just another country which has failed to live upto its promise ...

First time in a decade there is talk of replacing Indonesia with India in BR "I" C group ...however untrue it may be ...the fact that such thoughts are doing rounds ...tells us we did not play our cards well ...
1-we have no need to do a deal in kashmir ,and specially not with a dictator megalomaniac who just waged a war with us.

2-kandahar -their isn't much to speak about it.

3-Iran and sri lanka -we managed well under foreign and local pressure.

4-china tents issue - we cannot open guns their that doesn't help.eventually they left ,for them we intrude multiple times.

5-BRIC -look at russian and brazilian economy ,do you think they will be kiked out ?

6-maldives-yeah that was a goof up.

7-we were nuclear state from 1974
You call it muscular, we know it means barking

Last time india had a "more muscular" government, we became nuclear power
Looks like you forgot how your country is on the verge of bankruptcy or what happened in 1971 when we flexed our muscle.

Modi is an extremist and no one want a leader to be extremist
We are not alking about your dreams but the reality.
1-we have no need to do a deal in kashmir ,and specially not with a dictator megalomaniac who just waged a war with us.

2-kandahar -their isn't much to speak about it.

3-Iran and sri lanka -we managed well under foreign and local pressure.

4-china tents issue - we cannot open guns their that doesn't help.eventually they left ,for them we intrude multiple times.

5-BRIC -look at russian and brazilian economy ,do you think they will be kiked out ?

6-maldives-yeah that was a goof up.

7-we were nuclear state from 1974

1. Kashmir issue needs closure ...India will have to be prepared to deal with dictators ...and india has in the past too .
Inviting Musharraf to Aga summit was the prudent thing . We are trying to get Pakistan to accept LOC as international boder right since Simla pact ...If Musharraf was agreeable to do that what was the issue in exploring ? . Resolution of Kashmir will take away major argument from Pakistan to foment terrorism in India .

2. Kandahar - as I said we were not prepared ..that's why we committed blunder by letting plane refuel and fly out of Indian terrain . Here bureaucracy failed to live upto the challenge . Govt was helpless after we lost the initial opportunity . It was the only major debacle under NDA .

3. Iran and Sri lanka issues have not been managed well. our flip flop have proved that we are not reliable allies . India's loss is China's gain . There will be repercussion in future ...Mark my words .

4. China tent issue - There have been incursion in the past ....But first time we were exposed thoroughly . India has no policy and mechanism if similar incident recurs .It was major national embarrassment ...it took India 20 days to get out of indian territory and India had to demolish its posts in concerned area as trade off .Nothing to boast of it .

5 . BRIC - Our economy has nosedived ..thanks to abysmal fiscal management.

6. Maldives - Our limitations even in our backyard stand exposed ...It's an open invitation to the enemy and China will not miss the opportunity .

7. We were nuclear state from 1974 . that's an overstatement- if that was the case why PV Narsimha aRao was preparing to conduct tests ...
India become Nuclear weapon state in 1992 ...

We have emerged as weak nation with no direction and no clout under UPA .

Our PM may skipped his meeting at the Meeting CHOGM held in Sri Lanka..Due to the looming elections Tamil Nadu based political parties (in an attempt by the DMK to shift focus from the gargantuan 2G spectrum scam as it faces an impending whitewash in the upcoming elections)had started dictating what to do to our government and the PM guess what? MMS gave in to their demands reinforcing the notion of absence of independence of foreign policy. India being a federation of states will have consultations between the centre and states but dictation of foreign policy to centre and its acceptance by the centre is bizzare.

Sri Lankan Tamils are not even Indian nationals whereas when Indian nationals are getting slaughtered the same PM didnt find it necessary to skip his meeting with his Pakistan counterpart. Why the double standards? this PM decided to send his external affairs minister to the same CHOGM meet. What for ?
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your obsession with our bankruptcy, you mother fuckers will die of jealousy if we became rich

Looks like you forgot how your country is on the verge of bankruptcy or what happened in 1971 when we flexed our muscle.

We are not alking about your dreams but the reality.
Modi wana wage war against pakistan... LMAO... he is acting like kid who only want moon sometime... india is so fukin feared from pakistani nukes... they can only piss in there own pents... or can drink cow piss as well..if you want,..:D:D:D:bounce::bounce:
stop worrying about facts about Pakistan, you should be happy that we are broke, now start worrying about half a billion shit poor of might rich india, or the 70 million taking dump on the streets, or the epidemic of rape spreading like a plague, or half the country fighting for independence due to oppression and injustice, or more than million murders a year of innocent baby girls...............you see there are more fact about india to worry about than our economic condition

I am not jealous neither obsessed,just stating the truth,i dont now why you are getting hurt after hearing the truth about your nation.

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