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If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

Who the hell is that?

Stop posting photoshopped pics of your father during his marriage ceremony bro, this site is patrolled by intelligence agencies around the world
XD this man is Vinod Dham, the creator of intel Chip. He is not my father but the father of modern processing.
XD this man is Vinod Dham, the creator of intel Chip. He is not my father but the father of modern processing.

I know Indians like bragging. But is this too much? I guess we all know that Intel was founded in US by an American.
no no no, you are comparing the best h1b1 indians( mostly come within the last 2 decades)to the average of the entire chinese community (including h1b1 students/workers AND much more 4th or even 5th gen average Chinese) in America only.

In Netherlands for instance, >54% of the ethnic chinese (with >100 yrs history in Holland) go to higher education, compared to about 30% of the local Dutch, while 99% of indians in holland (come within the last 10 years or so)are takeaway vendors, waiters, cooks, and security doormen.

lol this i can verify, I only thought cornershops were dominated by indians in the UK, but after I graduated from Uni, started working and travelling I found they owning almost all cornershops in South, Middle, Northen and Western European countries.

I never trust any indian claims, especially bragging ones like 'we smart this and dominating that'

one thing you'd realise when you study in the UK is that for those top unis like Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, Imperial, London Uni, LSE, Aston, Bath and CSM, they do not have many indian students as they bragged (very little in reality compared to Chinese students).

but those third or fourth grade unis like City, Metropolitan Uni, Oxford Brooks, Coventry Uni, Royal Holloway and other colleges that I cant even name can be safely called 'Indian' unis```and the worst part is that most of those indians sutents picked those subjects with the lowest entry requirments

to me most Indians are like a stagey hypocrite, they brag they pretend and their capability is dead average (for those educated in the west)
In Netherlands for instance, >54% of the ethnic chinese (with >100 yrs history in Holland) go to higher education, compared to about 30% of the local Dutch, while 99% of indians in holland (come within the last 10 years or so)are takeaway vendors, waiters, cooks, and security doormen.

Source for the bolded part, or is this another of your cyber-masochistic rituals? :bad:

PS: Still awaiting for your reply here on claimed sources

I know Indians like bragging. But is this too much? I guess we all know that Intel was founded in US by an American.

Vinod Dham was not the creator of Intel the company, but the chief creator of the Pentium chip made by Intel which revolutionized computing. If I am not mistaken, he later switched to AMD and made their main chip of those times too - the K6-II.
Source for the bolded part, or is this another of your cyber-masochistic rituals? :bad:

seeing is believing```

we travel a lot, we see stuff,

now lets talk about X,Y,Z% of scientists in A,B,C organizations are 'smart' Indians
XD this man is Vinod Dham, the creator of intel Chip. He is not my father but the father of modern processing.

We are known that many Indian and Chinese scientists have contributed a lot to the scientific development of USA, but the problem is that they work and benefit for USA, so nothing to be proud of.

We need the scientists who are contributing for their own motherland, not for the foreign countries.
lol this i can verify, I only thought cornershops were dominated by indians in the UK, but after I graduated from Uni, started working and travelling I found they owning almost all cornershops in South, Middle, Northen and Western European countries.

So your anecdote here is the verification for Speeder 2's unproven statistics about? Seems like you"ve taken us for CCP zombie here to count your anecdotes as verification :lol:

one thing you'd realise when you study in the UK is that for those top unis like Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, Imperial, London Uni, LSE, Aston, Bath and CSM, they do not have many indian students as they bragged (very little in reality compared to Chinese students).

More Chini logic!

Let me get this straight, so based another claim of your studying in UK somehow gives you the ability to obtain numbers of students of different ethnic or national background in top unis like Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, Imperial, London Uni, LSE, Aston, Bath and CSM? :woot:

Who needs British Govt statistics when have rcrmj's CCP certified supreme classification abilities :rofl:

but those third or fourth grade unis like City, Metropolitan Uni, Oxford Brooks, Coventry Uni, Royal Holloway and other colleges that I cant even name can be safely called 'Indian' unis```and the worst part is that most of those indians sutents picked those subjects with the lowest entry requirments

Source again!
How many Chinese have won the Nobel Prize for any Scientific breakthrough? Amongst Indians - CV Raman, Hargobind Khorana, Chandrasekhar, Ramakrishnan come to mind. Then there was that math genius - Ramanujan. The economic genius - Dr. Amartya Sen.

What exactly has China contributed to the world of science in the 20th and 21st centuries? Zilch.

And it is not their fault. They are meant to work in sweatshops - China's true ability lies in its citizens working for 16 hours a day sewing shoes for their western masters.

A few years ago there was a huge cry in China about them making their own microchip. HAHAHA - their "genius" scientist had merely shown a Motorola chip after erasing the brand name and the simple minded Chinese people believed this nonsense.
seeing is believing```

we travel a lot, we see stuff,

now lets talk about X,Y,Z% of scientists in A,B,C organizations are 'smart' Indians


So this is source of claims here,

The supreme Visual capabilities taken on behalf of statistics. :lol:
cant say why no google or ipad(really i pad fooking innovative? ) but we have stuff much better,cheaper and pure natural than viagra .(personal experience ;) )

So this is source of claims here,

The supreme Visual capabilities taken on behalf of statistics. :lol:

If they were capable of logic - don't you think they would have contributed something substantial in the last 2 centuries to humanity except sweatshops?
If they were capable of logic - don't you think they would have contributed something substantial in the last 2 centuries to humanity except sweatshops?

Let not behave so illogically condescending like some of our Chinese peers here.

I'm remember about a Chinese lady scientist contributing a better cure for malaria than use of Quinine

There was a Hong Kong professor, among the 3 scientist who converted electrical signals into light (not entirely accurate), becoming the basis for internet.
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