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IDF Simulation: How Hezbollah will be Defeated

It's exactly the opposite, it's Israel who is constantly blabbering about attacking Iran, while it lacks the courage. Though U.S has succeeded to put a leash on it at least for now, but even if it wasn't, Israel was still going to talk and talk only, nothing more.
Exactly opposite? Who cut diplomatic ties? Who parades rockets with threats of destruction? who supports terrorists groups? I never heard about Tehran day in Israel and people chanting death to Iran.

Israel began to talk about Iranian nuclear program in late 90-es (way after Iranian threats and active support Hezbollah, PIJ etc ) and only talks about possibility to strike nuclear objects as it was done in Iraq or Syria.

Are you talking about Saddam's junky Skuds with a 1 km accuracy? The situation is much different now, I don't think I have to explain it to you, you have quite some good military expertise.
Iranian rockets are based on Scuds.

Hezbollah can deal with its problems with others, no need to worry for it. Its foes can only blow up themselves among Lebanese civilians, they are too coward right now.
Now, but if they will be weakened in war can face annihilation. Massacres in Lebanon are very usual thing.
So who would believe that Suni people will fight with Israel against Hizbllah in next war?.
Of Lebanon of course.

No they wouldn't, if they can put up a fight with Israel they would but probably would play a minor role like last time. Maybe some Palestinians will come fire rockets with Hezbollah and clash with ground forces but there aren't many.

It's better for Hezbollah to take lead because they know the area well and know how to operate.
No they wouldn't, if they can put up a fight with Israel they would but probably would play a minor role like last time. Maybe some Palestinians will come fire rockets with Hezbollah and clash with ground forces but there aren't many.

It's better for Hezbollah to take lead because they know the area well and know how to operate.
I wish no more war is coming our area had seen lots of blood shed, but alqaeda sooo nuts you can't predict their attitude.
I wish no more war is coming our area had seen lots of blood shed, but alqaeda sooo nuts you can't predict their attitude.

I don't think there will be more war anytime soon...people don't need war it's time to take a break but at one point we need to be for major future wars that will be over resources who knows what future holds.

We need more religious people and society based off religious foundation but educated as well.

Iraq and Gaza is mostly conservative but in Lebanon besides a few people both Shia and Sunni most are liberal.

I hope both sides come to their senses in Iraq and stability gets there. God bless Iraq and all it's people. We really need to put our differences aside.

اللة يحميكون ي اخ
I don't think there will be more war anytime soon...people don't need war it's time to take a break but at one point we need to be for major future wars that will be over resources who knows what future holds.

We need more religious people and society based off religious foundation but educated as well.

Iraq and Gaza is mostly conservative but in Lebanon besides a few people both Shia and Sunni most are liberal.

I hope both sides come to their senses in Iraq and stability gets there. God bless Iraq and all it's people. We really need to put our differences aside.

اللة يحميكون ي اخ
Many thanks, our problem in Iraq is not religion it's political issue some people some where can't accept Iraq with democracy or strong or rich we tried every thing possible but so far no use and the country unfortunately going to war in Falujah. Its our right to administrate our country our economy our life and no one whatsoever can take from us these rights may Allah preserve the lives of the innocent Iraqis.
So Israel makes a simulation and posts it on the Internet, about defeating Hezbollah. Just when I thought it could not get any more lame.

That's when you KNOW they have reached a new low and CANT defeat Hezbollah.
So if you cant defeat them, better to make action movies of how you would supposedly do it.
Gotta remember to look really mean and tough while filming loooooooool :rofl:

But there will probably be another round between the IDF and Hezbollah.
Israel has to get their deterrence back (right now it lies in absolute shackles after the 2006 catastrophy).

In 2006 we killed them at ratio 1-4 and that was bad.

Only because you bombed densely populated civivilian areas (where there were practically no Hezbollah fighers).
The ratio between killed combatants/civilians was 4/1, as over a 1000 Lebanese civilians got killed. Meaning you killed 4 times more civilians than you did Hezbollah fighters.

For Hezbollah the ratio was 1/3, ie Hezbollah killed 3 times as many soldiers as civilians.
I think its safe to say that Israel left with a bloody nose. The bombing of civilian infrastructure is just a further confirmation of that, as desperate loosers resort to such moves.

We know how obsessed you are with them. Its the reason you consistently follow up on and take a certain distinct side in Syrian civil war thread. To have wet dreams and wishes about Hezbollah getting weakened. Dont hold your breath. Hezbollah will always be there to poke your eyes with their nails, you can count on it. ;)
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So Israel makes a simulation and posts it on the Internet, about defeating Hezbollah. Just when I thought it could not get any more lame.
Its not "defeating Hezbollah", its simply a drill.

Its Hezbollah who makes cheesy movies about defeating Israel.

Only because you bombed densely populated civivilian areas (where there were practically no Hezbollah fighers).
The ratio between killed combatants/civilians was 4/1, as over a 1000 Lebanese civilians got killed. Meaning you killed 4 times more civilians than you did Hezbollah fighters.
No, I am talking about killed soldiers. Hezbollah lost 500-600 killed, Israel lost 121.
Many thanks, our problem in Iraq is not religion it's political issue some people some where can't accept Iraq with democracy or strong or rich we tried every thing possible but so far no use and the country unfortunately going to war in Falujah. Its our right to administrate our country our economy our life and no one whatsoever can take from us these rights may Allah preserve the lives of the innocent Iraqis.

I actually think it has more to do with the West since before with Saddam they also didn't want a powerful Iraq. It is all political of course...hopefully something positive occurs this year.
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