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IDF/AF 2nd Best Air force in the World

From Jane's:

According to one source, US Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornets from the Balkans theater recently engaged in mock combat with Israeli Air Force fighters. The Hornets were armed with AIM-9s, and the Israeli fighters carried Python 3 and Python 4 missiles and Elbit DASH helmet sights. IDR's source describes the results as "more than ugly", the Israelis prevailing in 220 out of 240 engagements.

I have seen Euro fighter HMDS promotional video. It destroyed the object at 6

Thanks for sharing the video, I have seen this about a year or two back... If you watch carefully the lock happens when pilot looks towards left, the enemy seems to be at 7 or 8.....
To face Israeli one has to go near to them. Which Pak., India, China etc cannot do. Even Russians cannot fight easily bcz they are far away and need to go closer to fight
Its removed from Jane's site, but you can read the full article in different places For example here:

Does Israel has a policy that allows soldiers of other nations to come and fight for Israel in wars?

Can you please provide some information of foreign soldiers who fought for Israel in all wars. Thanks.

Forty Killed - Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum

Aiding the Ground Forces - Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum
Pictorial History: Aiding the Ground Forces - Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum

An English Speaking Air Force - Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum
Pictorial History: Air Force Volunteers - Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum
Overseas Volunteers in the Air Force During the War of Independence | Jewish Virtual Library

The fledgling Israel Air Force (IAF) of 1948 was unique in the annals of modern history in that it was born in battle, and that most of its aircrew and technical personnel were overseas volunteers -- Machal -- rather than Israeli. The reason for this unprecedented anomaly, the Israelis a minority in their own Air Force, was that Britain, ruler of Palestine prior to May 15, 1948, did not accept Palestinian Jews for RAF aircrew training until 1943 - almost four years into World War II, and then only grudgingly. As a result, fewer than 25 had qualified as RAF pilots by the time the war ended, and only a few had acquired other aircrew trades.

There were overseas volunteers involved, albeit not many, as early as November 1947, when the Haganah set up its Sherut Avir (Air Service). Their numbers had increased considerably by May 15, 1948, when the State of Israel was proclaimed and Sherut Avir became the IAF.

Most of the IAF's fliers over the entire War of Independence period, some 70 percent, were overseas volunteers from 15 different countries. They served with distinction as pilots, navigators, radio operators, bombardiers, air gunners, aerial photographers, and bomb-chuckers, without rank or uniform. Of the 205 WW2 pilots in the IAF over the same period, 181 were Machal.
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The Story of Aliyah Bet & Machal - Aliyah Bet & Machal Virtual Museum

Clandestine recruitment was conducted in five or six major American and Canadian cities. Altogether about 1,000 Americans and Canadians served in all branches of Israel's armed forces, becoming part of the 3,500 overseas volunteers from more than 40 countries. About half of the Americans and Canadians served in the air force – Israel’s greatest need, since only a handful of Palestinians had military flying experience. The remainder were scattered throughout the army, providing experience in naval warfare, artillery, intelligence, tactics, medicine, nursing, armor and numerous other military specialties in which Israelis were lacking. It is generally believed that the American planes and pilots that brought military supplies from Czechoslovakia, and American and Canadian flying crews in the air force provided the critical difference between victory and defeat in the fight for independence in 1948-49.

Among the dead or missing in action when the War of Independence ended in March 1949 were 40 Americans and Canadians. For the survivors, their contribution to the successful war for Jewish independence gave them a unique bond for the rest of their lives with their fellow Jews and the state of Israel.

Photos of “lone soldiers” of Israeli Infantry : theBRIGADE

They call us lone soldiers because we have no families here in Israel and we left our friends, families, colleges and universities, our entire lives behind to volunteer for the Israeli infantry to do our part in working toward peace in the Middle East. Quite a few of us are marines in the same battalion but the others serve with the combat engineers(EOD), the Nahal Brigade(valley fighters) and the Golani Brigade(mountain specialists). Each of us has our own specialty from sharpshooters, light and heavy machine gunners to riot control, EOD and scout snipers. All in all we felt coming here as lone soldiers would give the opportunity to experience the conflict first hand and give our own brands of asswhoopin to the terrorist threatening the peace process that the good people of the Middle East strive for. We work along side Palestinian security forces and American troops to safeguard the rights of all faiths that call this unbelievable place home and also those that come to visit some of the holiest places in the Abrahamic religions so they can feel safe even when they’re so far from home.
From all of us infantrymen and women in the IDF and especially us lone soldiers from all over the globe, “KCCO everywhere especially here in Israel, don’t worry we got ya!”

Michael Levin: A Fallen Soldier in Israel | United with Israel

Michael Levin, a 22-year-old American, was among the thousands of heroes who gave their lives for the Jewish State. The People of Israel remember him forever.

In July 2006, a sequence of events led to the capture of two IDF soldiers by Hezbollah terrorists, and eventually to the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War. Across Israel, young men and women prepared to defend their country and enter into Lebanon. Thousands of miles away, in Pennsylvania, Michael Levin was also preparing for the war.

My intention is not to refuse the existence of Israel. Israel and Palestine both should exist and have peace. What I am asking is how many American soldiers served in Israel Arab wars? Looks like in all the wars of Israel American soldiers or Americans were fighting along side Israel Army, Navy and Airforce.
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