Mods sorry for the Arabic, i am too lazy to translate this
التاريخ: 23 فبراير 2015
قال مدير المشاريع في شركة نكستر الفرنسية نيكولاس سيلفستر إن الشركة قامت بناء على طلب من القوات المسلحة الإماراتية بتحديث 15 دبابة من طراز لوكليرك كانت الإمارات قد اشترتها من فرنسا خلال الدورة الأولى من معرض الدفاع الدولي آيدكس 1993 ضمن صفقة شملت 436 دبابة قتال وتم تسليم آخر دفعة منها عام 2008 بكافة المواصفات التي حددها الخبراء العسكريون في الدولة.
معرض مثالي
وابلغ سيلفستر «البيان الاقتصادي» أن نكستر قدمت عرضا للقوات المسلحة الإماراتية لبيعها عربة القتال المدرعة الحديثة (في بي سي أي)، كما قدمت عروضا لدول خليجية وأوروبية لكن لم يتم التوصل الى أي اتفاقيات حتى الآن، لافتا الى ان آيدكس هو المعرض المثالي لتسويق المنتجات الدفاعية المتطورة.
ورداً على سؤال عما اذا كانت لوكليرك لا تزال تعتبر من الدبابات المنافسة مع مثيلتها من الدبابات الحديثة بعد أكثر من عشرين سنة من بدء إنتاجها وتسليم صفقة العصر لدولة الإمارات قال مدير المشاريع في نكستر الفرنسية نيكولاس سيلفستر: في البداية كانت لوكليرك تعتبر من دبابات الجيل الثاني تقريبا على الرغم من القدرة القتالية العالية ونظام الحماية والتحكم بقدراتها القتالية من قبل 3 أشخاص فقط والتلقيم الأتوماتيكي بالكامل ومع التحسينات التي ادخلت عليها لاحقا أصبحت تعتبر من أحدث وأفضل الدبابات القتالية في العالم بما تتفوق به مميزات وخاصة مع اضافة نظام إدارة المعركة بي ام أس ثم بعد ذلك نظام سي فور أي للقيادة والسيطرة بالغ التطور.
تحديث الصفقة
وحول طبيعة التحديث الذي أدخلته نكستر على الدبابات الإماراتية الخمس عشرة وعما اذا كان هناك اتفاق على تحديث الصفقة بالكامل قال سيلفستر لقد تم تزويد الدبابة بنظام (أزور) لحماية درعها من الجانبين من القذائف والصواريخ التي تطلق عن الكتف وبالتحديد الأر بي جي بالمواصفات التي حددتها القوات المسلحة الإماراتية وطبقاً لاحتياجاتها، وقد تمت تجربة هذا النظام والمصادقة عليه من قبل وزارة الدفاع الفرنسية اجتياز التجارب الميدانية بنجاح تام وتحت اشراف الجيش الفرنسي.
وفيما يتعلق بتحديث بقية الدبابات التي شملتها الصفقة قال سيلفستر: لقد اختارت القوات المسلحة الإماراتية تجهيز كتيبة واحدة من 14 دبابة ودبابة اضافية كاحتياط، أما بالنسبة للدبابات الأخرى فهناك مناقشات تمت بشأنها والأمر يرجع بطبيعة الحال الى القوات المسلحة الإماراتية ونأمل أن نصل الى ذلك مستقبلا.
ورداً على سؤال عما إذا كانت دول أخرى في المنطقة تتطلع الى صفقات مماثلة من دبابات لوكليرك قال سيلفستر: جرت بطبيعة الحال مناقشات مع بعض الدول لكن لم يتم حتى الآن توقيع اية عقود مع دول اخرى غير الإمارات التي حصلت على 436 دبابة والجيش الفرنسي الذي حصل على ما مجمعه 406 دبابات.
وكشف مدير عام المشاريع في شركة نكستر الفرنسية عن قيام الشركة بتقديم عرض للقوات المسلحة الإماراتية لتزويدها بصفقة من العربة المدرعة الحديثة في بي اس أي ثمانية الدفع والتي صممت لتواكب دبابات لوكليرك في العماليات القتالية كما تم عرضها على القوات المسلحة القطرية ودول أوروبية وان الشركة تنتظر الردود على تلك العروض، لافتا الى ان الجيش الفرنسي قد اشترى 630 عربة قتالية من هذا النوع والتي تتميز بخفة الحركة مع القدرة القتالية العالية في كافة التضاريس من مناطق جبلية وصحراوية وغيرها.
February 22, 2015
People check out the newly-unveiled Enigma 8x8 armoured all-terrrain vehicle at Idex.
Idex 2015: Emirates Defense Technology puts prototype of 8x8 armoured vehicle on show
The Abu Dhabi-based Emirates Defense Technology (EDT) is targeting sales of its new 8x8 armoured vehicle to armed forces in the UAE and the wider region after trials this summer, said the company’s chief executive, Mohamed Al Suwaidi.
The prototype of Enigma, as the firm’s 8x8 armoured vehicle is called, was unveiled yesterday by Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, at the International Defence and Security Exhibition (Idex), which is taking place in the capital all this week.
EDT – a privately held, Emirati-owned defence contractor and manufacturer – is the first firm to design an 8x8 armoured vehicle in the UAE.
“Obviously our prime focus is the UAE, but from the get-go we have always looked at how it is exportable, how will it meet the requirements of other armies,” said Mr Al Suwaidi. “We are completely open for other markets that would be interested.”
EDT, which financed the vehicle’s production, plans to send the Enigma prototype for summer trials with the UAE military, after which it will start manufacturing the vehicle in the Musaffah industrial area. It took the company two years to build the prototype after it was given the go-ahead from Sheikh Mohammed at Idex two years ago.
The Enigma is designed to be compatible with a variety of weapons systems, including a variant of the M777 howitzer.
“We want to build this vehicle specially for our military, especially for their requirements and build it exactly around what they want, as opposed to something off the shelf being built by someone,” said Mr Al Suwaidi.
This is not the first time that EDT has manufactured armoured vehicles in the UAE. They were the original manufacturers of the NIMR 4x4 and 6x6 armoured vehicles.
The firm is talking to defence companies to manufacture the weapons to be mounted on top of the Enigma.
“You can change the weapon system on top. We have manufacturing licence agreements with different companies to design, develop and manufacture the armour here in the UAE as a UAE product,” said Mr Al Suwaidi, without naming the companies.
The firm, which started off as a military contractor and is currently also a supplier to the UAE military, has big ambitions.
“EDT will have a good mix between both design development and engineering, and trading,” said Mr Al Suwaidi. “Design, development and engineering is going to be our major focus because I believe the future of this country will depend on having a high-tech service/system integrations focus.
“It is a knowledge-based industry and that is what we want to focus on, as opposed to hiring hundreds of labourers to come and manufacture. With innovation and a good-quality product comes profits.”
Idex 2015: Emirates Defense Technology puts prototype of 8x8 armoured vehicle on show | The National
Feb 22 2015
Al Marakeb's USV Sets High Water Mark for Region's Maritime Industry
UAE boat builder showcases world's first unmanned commercial craft at IDEX Dubai - UAE boat builder Al Marakebis drawing the crowds at this year's International Defence Exhibition (IDEX)with a ground-breaking new vessel that is setting a high water mark for the region's maritime industry. The Sharjah-based manufacturer's recently-launched B-7 is a proving to be a major talking point at the show - the world's largest defence exhibition - by being the world's only pilotless vessel with fully capablecommercial as well as military applications.
"IDEX 2015 is the first time we have displayed our versatile B-7 and we have been delighted with the numerous enquiries regarding its multitude of commercial roles, as well those relating to its security applications," said Basel Shuhaiber, Managing Partner, Al Marakeb.
"IDEX is well-established as the world's most important defence exhibition and maritime security is traditionally the role that USVs are associated with. We are very proud to be showcasing the UAE's capabilities by producing the only vessel currently available that successfully straddles both the military and civilian spheres," he added.
IDEX is the first public viewing of the B-7, which undertook successful open water demonstrations at Al Hamra Marina, Ras Al Khaimah, in January this year. The sea trials were the final test in the B-7's evaluation programme and the vessel is now being made available for customers around the world. Al Marakeb is the first boatyard in the region to set up a production line for USVs, with the companytaking the plunge into new waters for pilotless craft in order to capitalise on a growing sector.
Al Marakeb's B-7 is expected to capture a significant market share of the nascent but rapidly growing USV industry thanks to itsversatility and fully customisable specifications. Each vessel's final fit-out will be contingent on the client's individual requirements and the mandatory licensing stipulations from the markets where it will be operating. Highly suitable for inshore and ports applications, parties purchasing a B-7 will receive a vessel that in its standard guise is capable of reaching 40+ knots and features a state-of-the-art camera system with motion tracking and geo-locking feature for advanced manoeuvrability.
Anticipated industry sectors for the B-7's scope of operations include Oil & Gas, Ports & Customs, Critical National Infrastructure, Environmental, Marine Biology & Research, Hospitality & Leisure, Waterfront Development and Defence & Security. Al Marakeb says that it aims to build its expertise with unmanned craft in order to provide autonomous technology solutionsthrough a new generation of pilotless craft that will be employed in the areas of tourism, photography, asset surveillance, surveying and the transportation of goods.
"This is definitely an exciting time for the region's maritime sector. We believe that with the successful launch of the B-7, Al Marakeb is now at the vanguard of a new technology that is heralding a new era in nautical activity, not only for the region, but for the world," said Nour Al Sayyed, Director, Al Marakeb. "We have demonstrated with our successful sea trials that a UAE company can be the lead for an exciting new industry that is set to grow exponentially over the coming years," she added.
Al Marakeb has built its reputationwith the production of high-performance, recreational powerboats.Established in 2007, the company has progressively expanded its portfolio of vessels and improved its production capacity to meet the demand for craft that don't require berthing facilities. All Al Marakeb boats can be dry-docked outside customers' homes on trailers and easily transported to launch points, resulting in substantial operational savings that put the craft within reach of a wider range of buyers. Al Marakeb's current range includes its six standard models; Habbar 25, Spartan 25, Theo 27, Dino 31, Triton 35 and the Scylla 35, all of which can be customised with flexible personalisation options.The company's current network extends to the UAE, GCC, regional and international markets.
IDEX 2015 is currently underway at the ADNEC centre in Abu Dhabi. The biannual exhibition attracts over 90,000 visitors and more than 1,100 exhibitors.
Al Marakeb's USV Sets High Water Mark for Region's Maritime Industry - Zawya
This unmanned vessel can go up to 40 knots
A UAE-based company is set to unveil a futuristic-looking unmanned boat that will become the first privately produced vehicle of its kind in the GCC.
The seven-metre long B-7 Unmanned Surface Vessel " or USV " can be used for a wide array of purposes, ranging from surveying the ocean floor, military surveillance and reconnaissance missions or towing sonar systems. The B-7 will make its public debut next week at the International Defence Exhibition (Idex) in Abu Dhabi.
Basel Shuhaiber, founder of Al Marakeb boat manufacturing company, told Khaleej Times that it occurred to the design team early on that the design could be easily re-tasked for military applications. 'Our first idea was to survey the ocean floor to find things on the seabed,' he explained. 'Once we arrived at the concept of removing people from on board, we came to a realisation.' 'There are many reasons the military would want to remove people from vehicles, and cut the long hours they would be on board.' The B-7 can reach a top speed of 40 knots and comes equipped with a variety of sensors, an advanced autopilot system and a sophisticated on-board camera, which can transmit images to aircraft or the vehicle's pilot.
Shuhaiber explained that the B-7 can be theoretically controlled from anywhere. 'The control station can be on land or on another vessel,' he said. 'It can be anywhere in the world. The only thing that would change is the connections used between the control station and the vessel.'
The B-7 can operate in waves up to two metres tall, and its on-board camera comes equipped with high-tech geo-locking technology that allows it to focus on a certain point even during inclement weather, or during high-speed manoeuvres.
'No matter what you do with the boat, the camera will be locked,' Shuhaiber said. 'You can turn the boat left or right, there can be waves, and the camera will keep looking at that point until you tell it not to.'
Shuhaiber proudly noted that the B-7 was designed and produced entirely in Sharjah. 'We're a local company. This was produced, from A to Z, in the UAE.'
Al Marakeb said that orders for the vessel have already been taken, but declined to give more details. Unmanned maritime systems (UMS) are increasingly in demand worldwide as defence budgets and personnel numbers become smaller. One study, by Market Info Group, estimates that the global UMS market will be worth 11 billion by 2020.
This unmanned vessel can go up to 40 knots | MENAFN.COM