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ICA orders India to stop work on Kishan Ganga Dam

No independent confirmation of this report. We would rather wait for some other source and GOI response to this order

Regardless-- If its a breach of contract it is... If India is in breach then pakistan is dead right, period.
Regardless-- If its a breach of contract it is... If India is in breach then pakistan is dead right, period.

Regardless who is correct or not - the dam is almost completed and GoI is not going to stop it.

Maybe some design modifications may be done, but the dam is going to be completed.
India- Indians, you know and I hope you see it my way. If it's a breach of contract it is( if the international court says so)-- no if and or but's.

You have to hold yaself to standards as you always have. You can't have the moral highground if act like others do...

So, far no neutral source! Only Trash!

Btw....It looks same to me as Pakileaks and how can you people forget this...

India dumped its quest for UNSC :lol:

Everyone was jumping here and there on that news ONLY originated from there media :lol:

This case also looks same to me...btw..waiting for any neutral source till now.:P
Nice to see you breaking the law! These are the great democractic values India should be proud of!
Breaking the law? You guys saying this after squandering billions of dollars in American largesse meant for fighting the WOT to instead buying weapons to be used against India which goes against American law and their various bills? Never mind the billions that have gone into many a deep pocket and funding the Haqqanis!

People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones, what? :azn: You guys ain't the paragons of virtue to be talking of us 'breaking' the law!

India can continue all but permanent works on Kishenganga: ICA


India can “continue with all works” related to the Kishenganga hydro-electric project in Jammu and Kashmir except any permanent work on the riverbed that may inhibit restoration of the river’s full flow, the International Court of Arbitration has said.

In an interim ruling issued on Friday, the court in The Hague, which was approached by Pakistan, said it was necessary to lay down certain interim measures in order to “avoid prejudice to the final solution” of the dispute as provided under the Indus Waters Treaty of 1960.

While proceedings continued at the Court, the ruling said, it “is open to India to continue with all works relating to the Kishenganga Hydro-Electric Project” except “any permanent works on or above the Kishenganga-Neelum riverbed at the Gurez site that may inhibit the restoration of the full flow of that river to its natural channel” after the final verdict.

The ruling, a copy of which has been accessed by PTI, stated that India “could proceed with the construction of the sub-surface foundations” of the dam, “erect temporary cofferdams and operate the by-pass tunnel it has said to have completed”, “temporarily dry out the riverbed of the Kishenganga-Neelum at the Gurez valley” and “excavate the riverbed.”

The court said that, under the current timetable, it intended to give its final verdict “late in 2012 or early in 2013.”

It said: “It follows that it cannot be ‘necessary’ to order a halt of any construction activity on the (Kishenganga project) that will take place after the issuance of the Court’s final Award.”

The interim ruling further said India “may utilise the temporary diversion tunnel it is said to have completed at the Gurez site, and may construct and complete temporary cofferdams to permit the operation of the temporary diversion tunnel.”

The court gave its interim ruling in response to an appeal filed by Pakistan, which alleged India was diverting the flow of the river and violating the Indus Waters Treaty by going ahead with the project.

A statement issued by Pakistan’s presidency late last night highlighted the court’s direction that India should not go ahead with any permanent work that could affect the river flow after the final verdict but did not mention the fact that the court had ruled that India could continue all other works.

The interim ruling further said India and Pakistan should “arrange for periodic joint inspections of the dam site at Gurez in order to monitor” that the court’s directive regarding permanent works was being implemented.

It said the two countries should submit by December 19 a “joint report setting forth the areas of agreement and any points of disagreement that may arise” regarding the implementation of its order.

Pakistan had informed the court in July that India could not divert the route of the Kishenganga-Neelum river under the Indus Waters Treaty.

Pakistan has claimed that the project would rob it of 15 per cent of its share of river waters. It also accused India of trying to divert the river in order to harm Pakistan’s Neelum-Jhelum hydro-electric project.
Let me wait for the official ICA updation. Till then hold your fireworks ;)

But then as I said these does not count. India will again go on appeal and this process will go on till we finish the dam :lol:

What a joke. :pop:
its a temporary stay order and nothing more. soon this porject will restart when the pakistani government is "paid well in kack backs"
India can continue all but permanent works on Kishenganga: ICA


India can “continue with all works” related to the Kishenganga hydro-electric project in Jammu and Kashmir except any permanent work on the riverbed that may inhibit restoration of the river’s full flow, the International Court of Arbitration has said.

In an interim ruling issued on Friday, the court in The Hague, which was approached by Pakistan, said it was necessary to lay down certain interim measures in order to “avoid prejudice to the final solution” of the dispute as provided under the Indus Waters Treaty of 1960.

While proceedings continued at the Court, the ruling said, it “is open to India to continue with all works relating to the Kishenganga Hydro-Electric Project” except “any permanent works on or above the Kishenganga-Neelum riverbed at the Gurez site that may inhibit the restoration of the full flow of that river to its natural channel” after the final verdict.

The ruling, a copy of which has been accessed by PTI, stated that India “could proceed with the construction of the sub-surface foundations” of the dam, “erect temporary cofferdams and operate the by-pass tunnel it has said to have completed”, “temporarily dry out the riverbed of the Kishenganga-Neelum at the Gurez valley” and “excavate the riverbed.”

The court said that, under the current timetable, it intended to give its final verdict “late in 2012 or early in 2013.”

It said: “It follows that it cannot be ‘necessary’ to order a halt of any construction activity on the (Kishenganga project) that will take place after the issuance of the Court’s final Award.”

The interim ruling further said India “may utilise the temporary diversion tunnel it is said to have completed at the Gurez site, and may construct and complete temporary cofferdams to permit the operation of the temporary diversion tunnel.”

The court gave its interim ruling in response to an appeal filed by Pakistan, which alleged India was diverting the flow of the river and violating the Indus Waters Treaty by going ahead with the project.

A statement issued by Pakistan’s presidency late last night highlighted the court’s direction that India should not go ahead with any permanent work that could affect the river flow after the final verdict but did not mention the fact that the court had ruled that India could continue all other works.

The interim ruling further said India and Pakistan should “arrange for periodic joint inspections of the dam site at Gurez in order to monitor” that the court’s directive regarding permanent works was being implemented.

It said the two countries should submit by December 19 a “joint report setting forth the areas of agreement and any points of disagreement that may arise” regarding the implementation of its order.

Pakistan had informed the court in July that India could not divert the route of the Kishenganga-Neelum river under the Indus Waters Treaty.

Pakistan has claimed that the project would rob it of 15 per cent of its share of river waters. It also accused India of trying to divert the river in order to harm Pakistan’s Neelum-Jhelum hydro-electric project.

i am sorry can someone sumarize this beating around the bush and explain what the ICJ really said!
India stopped from building Kishanganga Dam

ISLAMABAD - The International Court of Arbitration (ICA) on Saturday issued an interim order, stopping India from going ahead with the controversial project of Kishanganga Dam, reported private TV channels.

Under the ICA order, India will not construct a permanent structure over River Neelum or at the site of Kishanganga, according to a statement issued by Presidential Spokesman of Pakistan. India will not go ahead with building a structure that may affect the flow of water stream, the spokesman said.

He further said that Pakistan had sought from India an undertaking for construction in the light of international law which the latter had rejected. This led Pakistan to go to ICA which has now issued the interim order on the issue.

Pakistan submitted an application in the ICA regarding Indian construction of Kishanganga Dam, blocking Pakistan’s water which, according to government of Pakistan, was an open violation of Indus water Treaty. After observing Islamabad’s complaint, the ICA issued interim order to the Indian government for stopping further construction unless the case resolved.

It was the unanimous decision of ICA panel conducting the case. ICA restricted New Dehli that it could not build any construction at Gurez that block Islamabad’s water. According to the ICA order, separate teams of both the countries would visit the place to resolve the issue. ICA team would also observe the place.

Presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar said Pakistan had submitted the application in the ICA and now India could not build permanent construction of River Neelum.
Regardless-- If its a breach of contract it is... If India is in breach then pakistan is dead right, period.

US has been wrong countless times and still muscled its way out. What do you say for that? If we had a real government, I'd say continue the work on that dam. Any water that's on our side of the border as long as it is not killing anyone of thirst (Which I am sure it is not), is ours to use. No damn body on this planet has the right to tell us what to do in our territory. Who'd stop us? Netherlands? :lol:
Same thing is repeating itself as after the Baglihar verdict. After the verdict Pakistan claimed a win against India and after few months again started questioning the verdict on Baglihar.

Same is happening here, the ruling here is "s open to India to continue with all works relating to the Kishenganga Hydro-Electric Project” except “any permanent works on or above the Kishenganga-Neelum riverbed at the Gurez site that may inhibit the restoration of the full flow of that river to its natural channel."

Construction will continue as it is, and any construction on the river bed will be "temporary". After the final verdict this "temporary" construction if any would allowed to remain as it is if its in favor of India or it would have to be undone if the its in favour of Pakistan.

Pakistan is celebrating over not allowing any "Permanent Construction" but only "Temporary Construction" on the riverbed. The construction per say has not been stopped.


That means the construction will go on whether "Permanent" or "Temporary".

After few days see Pakistan crying again on this interim ruling...............just wait.

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