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IAF's SU-30 MKI crashes, one pilot dead

Make up your mind first if you are embarassed or not. You are contradicting your self from earlier post.

So you are telling me that you know the cause or is it just guessing?
You might turn out to be right at the end about the cause but at this point it is speculation.

When the hell did I say I was embarrassed? Read properly before posting.

Whatever the cause is, this is just one crash to add to the long list of crashes. I really don't want to bring out a list of IAF crashes to prove my point.
Please check the link and time on this news. BRF

No, there was no Mig 21 crash...its wrong news.

here is news paper thread which mistakenly describe Su-30 crash as mig21 crash and one pilot dead.

"MiG 21 crashes, pilot dead

Published by: Diksha Gupta
Published: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 at 11:22 IST

Pokharan: An IAF pilot died today after the MiG-21 crashed in Rajamathaai village here on Thursday, morning, sources said.

According to the sources, two IAF pilots were flying the MiG 21 plane that crashed in Rajamathaai village. The pilots tried ejecting using a parachute.

The parachute of one of the pilots did not open which lead to the loss of his life. The other pilot landed safely.

Scores of MiG crashes and pilot deaths have plagued the Air Force in recent years, some of them suspected to be due to technical problems. This comes at a time when the Air Force has been trying hard to reduce them.

Further details are awaited."

MiG 21 crashes, pilot dead :: Samay Live

I guess once they had further details with them they corrected their report.Anyway its better to cross check if the news didnt come from a very reputable source.
Chronological Listing of Indian Air Force, Naval Air Force and related Ejections
very very very long list man world recard of crashes here you go
Date Air Force A'cft Unit / Serial based crashed crew photo seat
11th January 1952
Indian A. F. Hindustan HT-2 trainer crashed from a spin during a test-flight made a maximum weight

31st March 1958
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-212 17 Sqdn MAC during Aerobatics Practice Pilot ejected Palam Flt Lt Harry Bhagat Martin-Baker
31st March 1958
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-216 17 Sqdn MAC during Aerobatics Practice Pilot ejected Palam Flt Lt A B Lamba Martin-Baker
1st June 1958
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa 3 Sqdn Ejected during exercise DNE Fg Offr Sahni S.N.C.A.S.O.
10th April 1959
Indian A. F. Canberra B 106 Sqdn Strayed into Pak SD By F86 BO at Rewal. Both Crew Ejected and were repatriated the next day. India Claimed that the Canberra Was on a Weather Mission Sqn Ldr J C Sen Gupta Martin-Baker
Navigator Flt Lt S N Rampal. Martin-Baker
23rd September 1959
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-251 27 Sqdn Aircraft suffered engine compressor failure. Engine failure Plt Ejected Pilot ejected safely Martin-Baker
24th February 1960
Indian A. F. Gnat IE-1069 AATU Pilot Ejected at 12000 ft - Kanpur Flt Lt Padmanabha Ashoka Folland
19th March 1960
Indian A. F. Gnat IE-1070 23 Sqdn Engine failure Pilot ejected near Kanpur Sqn Ldr S Raghavendran Folland
4th June 1960
Indian A. F. Gnat IE-1063 AATU Engine Flame Out Sqn Ldr A Sudhakaran Late Ejection - killed Folland
19th January 1961
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 Engine flame out after TO from Jamnagar Flt Lt K S S Kalsia - Killed Martin-Baker
17th May 1961
Indian A. F. Toofani(Dassault Ouragon)
IC 870 2 Sqdn
Halwara While doing aerobatics went into a flat spin and the a/c would not recover Took a decision to abandon at 8000ft F/O K C Shekhar ejected around 3000ft - no injuries manual separation
(checking whether M-B or SNCASO)
11th June 1961

Indian Navy Sea Hawk N-161 300 Sqdn Cr in Sea off Brawdy, Isle of Wight Lt A G Jog Martin-Baker
8th September 1961
Indian A. F. Gnat IE-1111 Engine flame, out crashed at Ambala Pilot Flt Lt Thomas Andrew Kenneth Taylor Ejected Folland
1st January 1962
also seen as
12th June 1962
Indian A. F. Gnat HAL Bangalore HAL ProductionTest Pilot Flt Lt Jagat Lowe Folland
15th March 1962
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-359 17 Sqdn MAC with Hunter Poona - Jamnagar Ejected Flt Lt K A Hariharan Martin-Baker
15th March 1962
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 17 Sqdn MAC with Hunter Poona-Jamnagar Flt. Lt. K. S. Vohra ejected Injured Martin-Baker
24th July 1962
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa IA-1313 3 Sqdn Pilot was doing Air Combat training with another Mystere when the aircraft flicked into an inverted spin. Pilot was unable to recover aircraft and had to eject quite close to the ground and survived. Aircraft was from Kalaikunda Flt Lt C S Doraiswami S.N.C.A.S.O.
18th May 1963
Indian A. F. Gnat IE-1108 Folland
21st December 1963
Indian A. F. MiG-21F 28 Sqdn MAC with another Mig 21 F near Ambala. Sqn Ldr Malcolm S Dundas Wollen
21st December 1963
Indian A. F. MiG-21F 28 Sqdn MAC with another Mig 21 F near Ambala. Sqn Ldr Arun Kanti Mukherjee
6th January 1964
Indian Navy Sea Hawk 300 Sqdn Lt D K Yadav Martin-Baker
7th September 1964
Indian A. F. Gnat IN-162 23 Sqdn TO from Santa Cruz - Pilot Ejected 1600 Hrs Folland
20th September 1964
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-345 14 Sqdn Engine flameout - Pt Ejected Date 15-30 Sep Fg Offr K S Sahwney Martin-Baker
2nd January 1965
Indian Navy Sea Hawk S./LT A.D.Bansod ejected Martin-Baker
12th April 1965
India A. F. Gnat Mk.1 E-1204 2 Sqdn Ac overshot runway Flight Lieutenant P. Singh Folland
25th May 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter Flt. Lt. V. Pais ejected Martin-Baker
6th September 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-289 7 Sqn Shot down by F-86 near Halwara Fg Offr Prakash S Pingale ejected Martin-Baker
6th September 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-251 7 Sqn shot down over Halwara, India Fg Offr Adi Rustom Gandhi ejected Martin-Baker
7th September 1965
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa 1 Sqdn Failed to return from raid on Sargodha Sqn Ldr Ajamada B Devayya S.N.C.A.S.O.
7th September 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-330 27 Sqn Booster Pump Failurenear Sargodha Sqn Ldr Onkar Nath . Kackar ejected Martin-Baker
8th September 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 7 Sqn AAA Shotdown ground fire near Lahore. Pt POW Fg Offr Mohinder Vir Singh ejected (POW) Martin-Baker
8th September 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter Pilot ejected Martin-Baker
8th or 10th September 1965
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa 31 Sqdn hit by ground fireAA Fire ejected in enemy territory. Walked back Flg. Off. D. P. Chinoy ejected in Pakistan, escaped to India SNCASO
9th or 11th September 1965
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa 32 Sqdn hit by ground fire Flt. Lt. I. F. Hussain ejected in Pakistan, escaped to India SNCASO
13th September 1965
Indian A. F. Gnat Mk.1 2 Sqn SD by Flt Lt Yusuf Khan, F-86 Flt Lt A N Kale Folland
13th September 1965
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa 8 Sqn AAA Lahore Flt Lt L Sadarangani Lal ejected (POW) SNCASO
14th September 1965
Indian A. F. Gnat IE-1206 Crashed into Ground during egress Sqn Ldr N K Malik - killed Folland
15th September 1965

Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-207 27 Sqdn Birdhit on TO from Halwara - Flt Lt Thapen Kumar "Chau" Chaudhuri ejected successfully but was blown back onto the burning wreckage Martin-Baker
19th September 1965
Indian A. F. Gnat 9 Sqdn Shotdown by F-86 near Lahore Fg Offr Vijay Mayadev Folland
20th September 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 7 Sqdn combat in Taran Taran, Pakistan Shotdown by F-86 near Lahore Flt Lt S. K. Sharma ejected Martin-Baker
21st September 1965
Indian A. F. Canberra B(I) 58 IF-970 5 Sqn Shotdown by F-104. Pilot Flg. Off. M. M. Lowe ejected Martin-Baker
Nav Fg Off K K Kapur Killed
22nd September 1965
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 20 Sqn AAA Lahore Flt. Lt. K. C. Cariappa ejected (POW) Martin-Baker
22nd September 1965
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa IA-1339 3 Sqn Own AAA Lahore Flt Lt P R Ramchandani. Pilot died of wounds SNCASO
29th March 1966
Ind N Sea Hawk Lt. Y. M. Bhide Martin-Baker
27th September 1966
Ind N Sea Hawk Lt. A. Sinha Martin-Baker
1st January 1967
Indian A. F. Gnat ASTE Srinagar Flt Lt A S Lamba Folland
1st June 1967
Indian A. F. Gnat 24 Sqdn Flame out after TO from Kalaikunda Flt Lt P C Prasad Folland
1st August 1967
Indian A. F. HF-24 Marut 10 Sqdn Lost way BO Jamnagar after Fuel went out DNE By error of Navigation could not find airfield ejected Date Not Exact Wg Cdr V Krishnamurthy Martin-Baker
26th October 1967
Indian A. F. Gnat Eng Flame out during practice dogfight pkt Flt Lt Satwant Singh Folland
8th April 1968
Indian A. F. HF-24 Marut ASTE Ejected over Kanpur Flt Lt I J S Sandhu Martin-Baker
1st January 1969
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7U At Bareilly Wg CdrKoko Sen Date Incorre
Flt Lt Bamzai
20th August 1969
Indian Navy Sea Hawk Lt. Kanjilal Martin-Baker
10th January 1970
Indian A. F. HF-24 Marut HAL Industries Cockpit Canopy unlocked during TO. Canopy failed to separate from aircraft failing to arm the ejection seat. Explosive cartridge problem was suggested at the time Gp Capt Suranjan Das was unable to eject Folland
17th January 1970
Indian A. F. Gnat IE-1202 ejected safely after malfunctions Flt Lt K De Folland
1st November 1970

Indian A. F. Hunter 27 Sqdn Birdhit during TO Hindon Ejected Wg Cdr M N Singh Dte Not Exact
19th December 1970
Indian A. F. Hunter T.66 S-575 20 Sqdn flame out on practise go arounds Ejected Hindon AFB at 200' AGL. Sqn Ldr F J Mehta ejected at low level Martin-Baker
Fg Off K K Bakshi ejected at low level Martin-Baker
4th February 1971
Ind N Sea Hawk Lt. M. Bhada Martin-Baker
21st July 1971
Ind N Sea Hawk Lt. T. K. Pal Martin-Baker
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 221 Sqdn SD AA Fire over Tejgaon, Pilot POW. Sqn LdrV Bhutani
4th December 1971

Indian A. F. Hunter F56 14 Sqdn Shot down near Tejgaon by F-86 Sabre. Sqn Ldr K D Mehra ejected. Sustained injuries that grounded him from further flying.
photo via Bharat Mehra
On 13th May 1992 during a simulated 2 vs 1 combat mission Sqn Ldr K D Mehra's son, Fg. Offr. Bharat Mehra, had to eject.
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 14 Sqdn SD near Tejgaon by F-86 Sabre. Flt Lt K C Tremenhere Martin-Baker
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-287 7 Sqdn Dam AAA Fire Ejected at base at Baghdogra Sqn Ldr S K Gupta Martin-Baker
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 101 Sqdn AAA Dam Ejected Tac Supp Ejected Flt Lt Gurdip Singh
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 108 Sqdn AAA Dam Ejected Tac Supp Ejected Flt Lt D R Natu
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 Sqdn222 SA fire 1728 Hrs Ejected in Pak Terr - Suleimanke Flt Lt P N Saxena
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 32 Sqdn AAA Fire 1400 Hours at Shorkot Flt Lt M S Grewal
4th December 1971
Indian A. F Hunter F56a A-479 27 Sqdn Shotdown by F-6 near Mianwali Fg Offr Vidyadhar Chati Martin-Baker
4th December 1971
Indian A. F. HF-24 Marut D-1193 220 Sqdn Shotdown by AA Dharnaro RS Nayachor Flt Lt Pradeep Vinayak Apte
4th December 1971
Indian A. F HF-24 Marut 220 Sqdn Shotdown by AA Flt Lt J L Bharghava Martin-Baker
5th December 1971

Indian A. F. Mystere IVa IA-954 3 Sqdn SD AAA 0715 Hrs Bhawalnagar Flt Lt Aditya Vikram Pethia
5th December 1971
Indian A. F. Hunter F56a A-1014 20 Sqdn SD MirageIIIs Sqn Ldr Jal Manikya Mistry Martin-Baker
5th December 1971
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL C-764 29 Sqdn SD AAA 1530 Hrs Suliemanke Flt Lt Harish Singhji
5th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 B-891 26 Sqdn SD AAA 1555 Hrs Lahore Sqn Ldr Dhirendra Singh Jafa
6th December 1971
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL 4 Sqdn AAA fire damage, ran out of fuel. Gauhati Sqn Ldr Dopey Rao
6th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 B-854 222 Sqdn SD AAA 1025 Hrs Jassar Bridge Dera Baba Nanak Fg Offr K C Kuruvilla
K C Kuruvilla also ejected from IAF Sukhoi's on 24th October 1980, and in 1982. This makes him one of, if not the only person, to have safely ejected three times from an Su-7
6th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 101 Sqdn SD 1225 Hrs. Chamb Flt Lt J K Bhattacharya
6th December 1971
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa Engine Failure over Haveli S.N.C.A.S.O.
7th December 1971
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 14 Sqdn Ran out of fuel at Dum Dum Pilot Ejected Martin-Baker
8th December 1971
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-329 7 Sqdn SD over Hasilpur 120 Hrs0 Wg Cdr B A Coelho Martin-Baker
8th December 1971
Indian A. F. MiG-21 FL No.45 Squadron Pathankot Pakistan AAA in the Chamb area Sqn Ldr Denzil Joseph Keelor VrC. ejected spine was injured KM-1
8th December 1971
Indian A. F. Mystere IVa SD near Haveli Sqn Ldr A V Kamat S.N.C.A.S.O.
9th December 1971
Indian A. F. HF-24 Marut BD-859 10 Sqdn SD AAA Kotri near Hyderabad Martin-Baker
10th December 1971
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-275 14 Sqdn Engine flamed out flying over Hilli region in East Pakistan Martin-Baker
SD Narayanganj Ejected Sqn Ldr R C Sachdeva ejected from the aircraft but was killed Martin-Baker
10th December 1971
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 SD AAA Lal Munir Hat. Pt Ejected Rescued Martin-Baker
10th December 1971
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 26 Sqdn SD AAA Zafarwal Area Flt Lt Dilip Kumar Parulkar VM
12th December 1971
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL 28 Sqdn AAA Dam Ejected on way to Agartala Sqn Ldr K J S Gill
13th December 1971

Indian A. F Mystere IVa IA-1331 3 Squadron shot down by AA fire on a photorecce sortie over the Fazilka area. Sqn Ldr J D Kumar tried to eject but was killed
14th December 1971
Indian A. F. Gnat E-257 18 Sqdn SD by F-86 Srinagar 0750 Hrs Fg Offr Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon
Fg Offr Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon - Ejection on 14 Dec 1971. He was the
first and the only awardee of highest Indian gallantry award - Param Vir
Chakra (PVC), posthumously.
17th December 1971
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL C-716 29 Sqdn SD by F-86 over Pasrur Flt Lt Tejwant Singh
17th December 1971

Indian A. F. Mystere IVa 3 Sqdn engine flame out near Haveli S.N.C.A.S.O.
28th April 1972
Ind N Sea Hawk Lt. V.K.Bhatnagar Martin-Baker
23rd September 1972
Ind N Sea Hawk Lt. S. Mehta Martin-Baker
21st October 1972
IAF Gnat Mk I E-304 No. 21 Squadron Ran out of gas -engine flamed out Flt Lt George K Naliyan
ejected safely near the airfield Folland
1st December 1972

Indian A. F. MiG-21FL 3 Sqdn Bird HIt Pilot nickname was 'Oz' ejected DNE
23rd July 1973
Indian A. F. Hunter F56 BA-324 7 Sqdn Eng Fail during Approach KKD Sofat Ejected Martin-Baker
1st August 1973

Indian A. F. MiG-21FL 3 Sqdn DNE - Bird hit at Hindon, Ejected Sqn Ldr Jasjit Singh VrC
1st June 1974
Indian A. F. MiG-21MF 7 Sqdn Flameout at Chandigarh, Fg Offr Thapa ejected after DNE Date Not Exact
17th December 1974
Ind N Sea Hawk Lt. S. Singh Martin-Baker
25th February 1975
Indian A. F. MiG-21U 3 Sqdn AC caught fire/ Pilots rescued by chopper flown by Sqn Ldr Manjit Singh Sekhon, who was awarded the Shaurya Chakra for the mission.

1st April 1975

Indian A. F. MiG-21FL 28 Sqdn Eng Flame out Bird Hit on TO Tezpur Flt Lt Partha Das Gupta VrC ejected but killed Type-77 ejection seat had a minimum ejection height of 110
4th March 1976
Indian Navy Sea Hawk IN-241 300 Sqdn Rolled off deck of INS Vikrant. Pt Ejected U/W Cdr P A Debrass Martin-Baker
10th June 1976
Indian A. F. Iskra TS-11 W-1762 FTW failed to recover from spin Sqn Ldr J. Thomas Ejected
10th June 1976
Indian A. F. Hunter T66 OCU Khalid Martin-Baker
Arun Martin-Baker
11th November 1976
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 Practice flypast/Ejected over Ambala. Engine Flameout Aircraft crashed in Ambala Cantonment area. Flt Lt Gehlot Date Not Exact
26th March 1979
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL C-761 30 Sqn, Indian Air Force fire in the engine Flight Lieutenant Ashok D Chhibbar safely KM-1
7th June 1979
Ind N Kiran Lt. Cdr. S.P.Singh Martin-Baker
Lt. M. S. Mamik Martin-Baker
22nd September 1979 Ind AF Marut Sqn. Ldr. S.C. Batra
25th January 1980

Indian A. F. Unidentified Midnapore 30 km at Salbani Pt BO
24th October 1980

Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 Bird Hit aircraft then crashed in Delhi Fg Offr K C Kuruvilla
K C Kuruvilla also ejected from IAF Sukhoi's on 6th December 1971, and in 1982. This makes him one of, if not the only person, to have safely ejected three times from an Su-7
1982 - exact date needed

Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 B-854 222 Sqdn Bird Hit aircraft then crashed in Delhi Fg Offr K C Kuruvilla
K C Kuruvilla also ejected from IAF Sukhoi's on 6th December 1971, and 24th October 1980. This makes him one of, if not the only person, to have safely ejected three times from an Su-7
10th February 1982
Indian A. F. HF-24 Marut Flg. Off. S. Mohan Martin-Baker
22nd April 1982
RAF Jet Provost T4 XP564 1TWU Throttle linkage failed. Crashed near Nant‑Y‑Moch Reservoir
Flight Lieutenant D M McIntyre ejected
Commander Arun Prakash ejected
Commander Prakash also had baled out of Vampire FB 52 in 1967
5th May 1982
Indian A. F. HF-24 Marut Jodhpur Basani Indl Area Pt BO Sqn. Ldr. S. N. Garg Martin-Baker
1st June 1982
Indian A. F. MiG-21 DNE Ejected after Engine fire Gp CaptK N Pillai
9th August 1982
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 IN-056 551 Sqdn Cr in sea after TO from Dabolim Lt M K Mishra Martin-Baker
29th October 1982

Indian A. F. MiG-21U U-553 7 Sqdn Bird Hit after TO from Knpur to Flt Lt R M Arora
KKD Sandy Ejected
15th November 1982
Indian A. F. Sukhoi-7 Cr Manmad after TO from Lohegan Pt BO Flt Lt Ravish Malhotra
1st June 1984
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Flt Lt Stephen
Flt Cdt Shankar Krishnamurthy Date not exact - only year is confirmed as 1984
1st September 1984
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA From Dundigal DNE Flt Cdt Vinod Sivaraman Date not exact - only year is confirmed as 1984
20th October 1984
Indian A. F. Kiran P.O N.Singh
1st December 1984

Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 FTW Jamnagar range during Armament Practice Plt Offr O M Nirmal Kumar Martin-Baker
26th February 1986
Indian A. F. Ajeet 2 Sqdn Engine Flameout DDK Range Air Cmde T K Sen Martin-Baker
22nd August 1986
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Cr Bijleepore Vill Flt Lt V S Sidgar Martin-Baker
Flt Cdt KS Rao Martin-Baker
9th January 1987
Indian A. F. Ajeet 2 Sqdn DNE Ac Rolling to right on finals -Ejt KKD Fg OffrR Radhish Martin-Baker
4th June 1987
Indian A. F. Unidentified Asohi Vill Kutch dist pt BO
1st November 1987
Ind AF Kiran Cadet V. Saxena Martin-Baker
Sqn. Ldr. A. J. S. Sandhu Martin-Baker
1st March 1988
Indian A. F. Ajeet 2 Sqdn Engine Flamed out Fg Offr T J A Khan Martin-Baker
5th April 1988

Indian A. F. Hunter Cr Asnabani Vill Midnapore dist Wg Cdr Daljit Singh Minhas ejected at low level - parachute did not open - killed Martin-Baker
27 June 1988
Indian Navy Sea Harrier T.61 IN-652 300 Sqdn Chengalpattu dist ejected Martin-Baker
ejected Martin-Baker
30th August 1988
Indian A. F. Unidentified Kalaikonda Midnapore Pt Killed after BO
24th September 1988
Indian A. F. MiG-21 HAL Cr in field Pimplegaon 100 km fm Nasik Wg Cdr Rakesh Sharma AC
27th September 1988
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Narsapore Pt BO Flt Cdt V S N Murthy Martin-Baker
1st November 1988
Indian A. F. MiG-23UM Bhatinda Village Pt BO KM-1
5th November 1988

Indian A. F. Unidentified Cr Muzafarnagar to Barriely Pt BO
8th November 1988
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis C-2798 17 Sqdn Cr Delhi Nazafgarh during flypast 4 k on ground Sqn Ldr R Malhotra
2nd December 1988

Indian A. F. MiG-21 Mid air collision 1 k on ground Sqn Ldr H N Manerikar
2nd December 1988
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Mid Air Collison over Chabua Guwahati
MAC over Chabua, Gauhati-on 02 Dec 1988. The aircraft was Hunter, and
not MiG 21, and the other pilot was Sqn Ldr S Dev. Sqn Ldr HN Manerikar lost
his life due to collision.
4th March 1989
Indian A. F. (MiG 21 ?) Technical problems. Attempted a forced landing. Crashed near Jamnager airfield, India pilot ejected
15th April 1989
Indian A. F. Ajeet 2 Sqdn I NAVY Cr L a/c in unpopulated area Got SC Lt Uday Kumar Sondhi Martin-Baker
18th April 1989
Indian A. F. MiG 21 Fishbed Adampur Air Base crashed near Jullunder after an in-flight
fire pilot ejected safely
10th May 1989
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis 3 Sqdn BO Engine flame out at Jaisalmer Wg Cdr R K Ghosh
17th May 1989
Indian A. F. MiG-23 Bodakdev Vill Ahmedabad Sqn Ldr Pradeep Singh KM-1
10th November 1989
Indian A. F. MiG-21 4 km from adampur Kathania Vill Sqn Ldr B V K Reddy
16th November 1989
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Medak dist CAG report says fatality occurred due to non functioning of the newly installed Canopy escape system Martin-Baker
1st March 1990
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Fm Hindon AFB Cr on Meerut Highway 11 Killed KM-1
30th March 1990
Indian A. F. MiG-27M ASTE Ojhar AFB Nasik Cr after TO Gp Capt A V Avlekar KM-1
9th April 1990
Indian A. F. Unidentified Kagachia Vill Midnapore fm Kalaikonda 3 k on gd
24th May 1990
Indian A. F. Unidentified Jamnagar AFB Tathia vill
1st August 1990
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 16 Sqdn MAC with Jag Gorakhpur Martin-Baker
1st August 1990
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 16 Sqdn MAC with Jag Gorakhpur Martin-Baker
1st December 1990

Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Cr 5 km fm Narsapur Flt Cdt Gurpreet Singh Martin-Baker
28 December 1990
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Tezpur Cr Rota Darrang dist
10th January 1991
Indian A. F. Canberra Cr Bhaderakhera Vill Sqn Ldr Subhash Mohan killed Martin-Baker
Wg Cdr Rao also killed Martin-Baker
1st March 1991
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis 4 Sqdn DNE - Hit hill on approach at Jaisalmer Fg Offr Sikka
19th July 1991
Indian A. F. MiG-21 8 Sqdn Cr after TO frm Baghdogra Plt OffrR Ahmed
7th August 1991
Indian A. F. MiG-21 From Ambala Fg OffrS S Rana
10th August 1991
Indian A. F. Hunter 20 Cr in Midnapore Dist fm Kalaikonda Martin-Baker
25th August 1991
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 16 Sqdn Gorakhpur AFB Pilot Killed Check Pilot and report Fg Offr Rana Martin-Baker
10th September 1991
Indian A. F. MiG-27M 2 Sqdn Pilot blacked out during aerobatics. Aircraft went into spin. Ejected in Spin. TO from KKD Fg Offr H R S Sarma KM-1
3rd April 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN 221 Sqdn Engine flame out after firing of cannon. Pukdari Vill Pali dist Jodhpr AFS pt bo Sqn Ldr Dhananjay Khote KM-1
23rd April 1992
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 FIS Tambaram AFS Cr thiroppur Pts BO ejected Martin-Baker
ejected Martin-Baker
26th April 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Simolodenga N Lakhimpur Pt BO
29 April 1992
Indian A. F. Unidentified Chegalpatt Dist Alandur
13th May 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Bis Mathania Vill near Jodhpur AFS while in a simulated 2 vs 1 combat mission Fg. Offr. Bharat Mehra hit his head during seat separation and knocked unconscious. KM-1M
On 4th December 1971 during the Indo-Pakistan War Fg. Offr. Mehra's father, Sqn Ldr K D Mehra, ejected.
4th June 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-21 cr rahibal morigaon dist fm tezpur AFS
9th June 1992
Indian Navy Sea Harrier IN-619 300 Sqdn Martin-Baker
21st July 1992

Indian A. F. Iskra TS-11 W-1750 FTW Cr vadapary vill Hakimpet AFS Wg Cdr D V Singh
10th September 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-23 Atti vill julundur Adampur AFS Fg Offr V S Dagar KM-1
11th September 1992
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Bidar AFS Cr Nizamabad Dist Martin-Baker
25th September 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis
3 Sqdn
Leh AFB A demonstration low level flight for the press at Leh. Aircraft was taking a turn thru a valley. Crashed during the approach due to a combination of rarefied air and sluggish engine response Flt Lt Ranjit P. Damle ejected on impact. Chute failed to deploy in Rarefied Air. Died of injuries at crash scene
photo : Damle family KM-1
3rd December 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-21 padumari Vill Tezpur Dist
9th December 1992
Indian Navy Sea Harrier IN-612 300 Sqdn Martin-Baker
15th December 1992
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis 4 Sqdn G-LOC during Spin over Uttarlai Fg Offr Kuttappa Date Not Exact
20th March 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-23 Aircraft Canopy detached in flight.Charaj ka dani Jodhpur AFS Flt Lt V S Rawat KM-1
15th April 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-21U 32 Sqdn AOC 32 Wing and OC 32 Sqn flying the MiG. Engine Flamed out in takeoff mode, failure to initiate early ejection resulted in death of both pilots. One of pilots ejected at 10m AGL and died on hitting a rock. Air Cmde Sanjiv Sahai
W/C P G Malvi OC Killed Lndg Jodhpur AFS
27th April 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Rajasansi AFS Amritsar Tyre Burst on Ldg
29th April 1993
Indian A. F. Iskra TS-11 W-1775 FTW Cr Hakimpet near Turkapally Lech Budzisz ejected Civ Tadeusz Czekajlo
2nd May 1993
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Bidar Cr at narayankhed killed. Flt Cdt U B Umrani Martin-Baker
26th June 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Cr bhind Dist on Army Camp 4 K on Gd Fg OffrP Handa
5th August 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Kalaikonda KM-1
25th August 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Cr near Jamnagar
8th September 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN Cr near Halwara, Ludhiana Sqn LdrRavindranath Rajagopal* KM-1
30th September 1993
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Cr near Nalia AFS Kutch
22nd November 1993
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS JS-120 Carried out planned ejection following double hydraulic services Failure and failure of landing gear to come down 12 Km North East of Ambala airfield. Crashed Naraingarh Ambala Dist Pt BO Fg Off Puneet Pareek Martin-Baker
2nd December 1993
Indian A. F. Iskra TS-11 W-1751 FTW Spin recovery failure Hakimpet Civ Miroslaw Golebiowski
Co-P Witold Sar k
15th January 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-27M HashimaraAFS Cr 80km away KM-1
27 January 1994
Indian A. F. Mirage 2000 Maharajpur AFS GWALIOR cr in fld
9th February 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-29 28 Sqdn Tail broke off in a 3.5G maneuver Cr jejuri 45 km from Lohegaon Pt BO Sqn Ldr Ajay Singh ejected safely
14th February 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21 8 Sqdn Baghdogra AF Cr on runway on lndg Plt Offr A Negi
21st February 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL Cr Dekurgaon Central Assam Plt Offr P P Upendra
25th February 1994
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 U-752 AFA Nosegear Collapse during Ldg at AFA acwo Martin-Baker
1st March 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis 37 Sqdn During Exercise Akashdeep in Feb-Mar 94 DNE - caught fire due to fuel leak on runway
10th March 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21 During Exercise Akashdeep in Feb-Mar 94 DNE - Crashed on Runway at Ambala Pilot Killed
15th March 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21 During Exercise Akashdeep in Feb-Mar 94 DNE - Hit a hill over Pathankot - Pilot Killed
17th March 1994
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 U-766 ASTE Cr 11 km from Hosur TN Sqn Ldr R Nambiar Martin-Baker
Sqn Ldr A Sharma BO Martin-Baker
29th March 1994
Indian A. F. MiG 21 Bis Canopy failure at high speed.during Ex Trishul. Crashed at Ambala, India
Sqn Ldr Pawan Arora ejected KM-1
1st June 1994
Indian A. F. Jaguar IT control restriction caused by a card board box placed on the rear cockpit seat. DNE Cr Gorakhpur Martin-Baker
2nd August 1994
Indian Navy Sea Harrier T.61 300 Sqdn INAS Dabolim CdrK M Karnik Martin-Baker
Cdr Rana Killed Martin-Baker
3rd August 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-25R KP-356 102 Sqdn Cr bareilly while landing KM-1
11th August 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis C-2217 systems failure Pilot ejected
19th August 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-27M TS-593 NA engine flame out Kalaikonda AFS Cr Maitigaon Midnapr pilot ejected KM-1
18th October 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21M 101 Sqdn From Sirsa Cr Fg Offr Pankaj Ahluwalia
12th December 1994
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis C-2277 Rolled over on landing and Cat2 Damage.
6th January 1995

Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis C-2251 Flameout after birdhit Pilot Ejected
9th June 1995
Indian A. F. MiG-21 C-1666 pilot ejected
25th June 1995

Indian A. F. Jaguar IS JS-161 Cr while landing at Gorakhpur after Tailchute dep Flt Lt Chauhan Martin-Baker
26th December 1995
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN The two MiGs crashed in Hoshiarpur District. The Collision occurred over Painsra Village nearl Malhapur Police station pilot ejected KM-1
26th December 1995
Indian A. F. MiG-23UM The two MiGs crashed in Hoshiarpur District. The Collision occurred over Painsra Village nearl Malhapur Police station pilot ejected KM-1
pilot ejected KM-1
8th February 1996
Indian Navy Sea Harrier IN-620 300 Sqdn From Goa - missing during night flying over sea Lt Arun Poonia Martin-Baker
16th February 1996
IAF Jaguar IS 167 16 Sqn (Cobras) Flight test after an engine mod. Crashed 10 mins after t/o due to an engine fire at Kurmi Village,Gorakhpur
Flt Lt Navneet Raina
ejected Martin-Baker
13th March 1996
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Crashed in Jalandhar area, Punjab, after it stopped responding to controls due to an engine malfunction soon after takeoff from Adampur air baseFrom Adampur, Cr nr Jalandhar pilot ejected safely
4th April 1996
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL MOFTU Tejpur during landing phase. Wg Cdr N K Rao
The seat-man separation and not take place and the pilot was found dead in the seat in the semi closed capsule

5th June 1996
Indian A. F. MiG-23 unspecified technical fault and began to lose height on the outskirts of Jodhpur Cr Outskirts of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. pilot ejected safely KM-1
18th July 1996
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Engine Failure Cr near Salempur Pt Ejected
13th August 1996
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS JS-167 Cr after TO from Ambala Martin-Baker
9th October 1996
Indian A. F. MiG-21 cr 2 miles (3km) from Zikarpur, Punjab, after the aircraft began to disintegrate following sudden engine failure on approach to land after a combat training exercise pilot ejected safely
17th October 1996
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Cr Noriati Sonitpur Pt Ejected
4th November 1996 Indian Air Force Kiran HJT-16 AFA
Cadet Bismi Devassy
Martin - Baker
21st January 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-29 KB-738 28 Sqdn

Air Cmde C D Chandrasekhar* K-36
29 January 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis 108 km from Pathankot
26th February 1997
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS JT- 066 total electrical failure and engine flame out near Uttarlai airfield. 3.23 M from Uttarlai Tech Defect Flt Lt Puneet K Pareek ejected at 200 feet Martin-Baker
Flt Lt M Panging ejected at 200 feet Martin-Baker
26 Feb 1997 Jaguar JT- 066 Flt Lt PK Pareek and Flt Lt M Panging ejected at 200 feet following total electrical failure and engine flame out near Uttarlai airfield.
9th March 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-23MF 33km from Halwara Human Error KM-1
25th April 1997
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 Bidar Mk 1a Martin-Baker
8th May 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-23MF 26km from Halwara Tech Defect KM-1
9th June 1997

Indian A. F. MiG-21M Chursoo village, Pulwama district, South Kashmir, around 0940 hrs following birdstrike Fg Offr Tofkar ejected
21st June 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL 52 Sqdn MACW Mig after TO frm Chabua
21st June 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL 52 Sqdn MACW MiG Chbua Both Pts Killed
2nd September 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL C-992 T-77 Ambala Airfield HE
15th September 1997
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 Bidar Mk1a Human error Martin-Baker
17th September 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Bhuj Airfield Tech Defect
30th September 1997
Indian Navy Sea Harrier IN-611 300 Sqdn About 25 minutes after take-off from Goa/Dabolim at 0755 hours, the pilot, Flt. Lt. Prakash, reported a technical problem but there was then no further contact with the aircraft Lt TSS Prakash* Martin-Baker
9th October 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN 220 Sqdn 32km from Halwara KM-1
10th November 1997
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Cr Alipurdaur West Bengal Pilot ejected KM-1
21st January 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-21M Cr outside Sirsa Engine Failure
21st March 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Cr near Chandigarh - MoD statement in LS
26th March 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Cr near Jaisalmer/Suratgarh MoD statement in LS KM-1
12th May 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-21M crashed into a shopping mall in the north of the country, killing four bystanders. The pilot ejected in mid-air over the city of Pathankot early on Tuesday after his fighter jet malfunctioned, sending the warplane plunging into a car showroom, the United Press Trust of Indian said. Four shoppers were burned alive in the crash Wg Cdr A K Tewari
23rd May 1998
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 Cr near Bidar MoD statement in LS Martin-Baker
4th June 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Uttarlai Cr sodahkar vill Fg Offr S Nerkar*
24th June 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Cr Suratgarh AF
27 July 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-21 rashed in the Balijan Tea Estate, Dibrugarth district, Assam ejected
14th August 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Cr Harrupia Village Barmer Dist. The Falling Debrs injured a passer by. The Aircraft developed a technical snag soon after take off and caught fire. Fg Offr C G Trivedi
1st October 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN 220 Sqdn Cr after TO from Halwara Flt Lt Augustine KM-1
28 October 1998
Indian A. F. MiG-27M cr in forest 150 km Northwest of Calcutta. Pilot ejected KM-1
23rd November 1998
Indian Navy Sea Harrier 300 Sqdn Cr in Indian Ocean Pt bo Pilot rescued by British Boater in Indian Ocean Martin-Baker
2nd February 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN 220 Sqdn TO fr Halwara , Cr Samana Sub Division Fg Offr T R Sahu suffered only minor injuries after getting stuck in a eucalyptus tree after he ejected from the plane KM-1
16th February 1999
Indian A. F. Jaguar IM Pune Airfield, Overshot barrier on runway Flt Lt Agarwal Martin-Baker
15th March 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21U Dibrugarh, Assam Pilot ejected
Pilot ejected
16th March 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Nalia AFB Cr Kotadi Mahadevpura Vill Fg OffrKuldip Singh
26th March 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN Cr Halwara TD KM-1
26th March 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Tolewala Bridge Sangrur Fg Offr R Gupta
7th April 1999

Indian A. F. MiG-21 Rajasansi AB Bird Hit Fg Offr R D Singh
13th April 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21M Rania Mandi, Sirsa AFB Pilot ejected
13th May 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Nal
27th May 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-27M 9 Sqdn air strike against the Islamic forces- near Indian and Pakistani-administered Kashmir
Engine Flame out Kargil Sector Pt Ejected Flight Lieutenant Nachiketa Rao ejected and captured by Pakistani Forces - POW
Released from captivity on 4th June 1999
27th May 1999 Indian Air Force MiG-21M C-1539 17 Sqdn air strike against the Islamic forces- near Kargil - Indian and Pakistani-administered Kashmir
SD by Pak Army Anza Missile in Kargil Ops Sqn. Ldr. Ajay Ahuja ejected and broke his left knee during the fall - killed on ground
Body returned
19th June 1999

Indian A. F. MiG-21 Near Barmer, Eng failure due to Bird Strike pilot not found
30th June 1999
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS Changera and Killaur Villages, Patiala Dist, Flt LtModak Martin-Baker
2nd July 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Cr returning from Pokran firing range in Rajasthan Flt Lt Deepak Sharma*
18th August 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Srinagar AFB Take Off from Srinagar AFB No.2 in a two aircraft take off. Pilot was too close to No.1 and lost control in the slipstream and crashed after take off. ATC called out for him to eject. No1 in the formation responded to the wrong call and ejected Fg Offr G S Dhindsar
18th August 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Srinagar AFB. Take Off from Srinagar AFB No.1 in a two aircraft take off. Responded to a misguided 'Eject' Call given by the ATC to Fg Offr Dhindsar who was the No.2 Flt Lt K S Deswal
13th September 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Cr while Landing at Uttarlai Pt Ejected
20th September 1999
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 16 Sqdn Gorakhpur Cr after TO Pt Ejected Martin-Baker
1st October 1999
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 AFA Bidar AFS Cr Ekalara Tanda Village Flt Cdt Kiran Gangotri Martin-Baker
14th October 1999
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 FTW Hakimpet, Jagdevpur Medak Fg Offr C Marathe* Martin-Baker
7th November 1999
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 16 Sqdn Chiduapur Vill Gorakhpur Dist Pt Ejected Martin-Baker
8th December 1999
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 NAVY INS Dega, Cr Vzg Rly Lines Lt Cdr Sanjay Chitnis Martin-Baker
15th December 1999
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL Tezpur Pt Ejected. No Casualities on Ground Sqn Ldr Gurcharan Arora
4th January 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Cr near Chandigarh Fg Offr A Saini*
10th January 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Chandan Village, Jaisalmer Flt Lt V Singh* KM-1
14th March 2000
Indian A. F. Iskra TS-11 W-1742 FTW Tumkunta Village, from Hakimpet Sqn Ldr Vishal Mehta*
Fg Off KH Singh ejected
25th March 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-23UM Cr Kargil Sector, ejected KM-1
ejected KM-1
25th April 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN Bhirdhar vill,Patiala Dist, 0810 Hrs Sqn. Ldr. M Raj Kumar* KM-1
6th May 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Ambala
10th May 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-23 Aitiyan vill, TO fm Halwara 2km Sqn Ldr S S Dalal KM-1
23rd May 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Nimbala vill 32km fm Barmer , TO Uttarlai 07156 Hr Fg Offr A Jetley*
23rd May 2000
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 U-837 AFA Cr Nittor Vill, TO Bidar AFS Both Pts BO Sqn Ldr S Nema ejected Martin-Baker
Navy Cadet ejected Martin-Baker
12th June 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Cr in House Midnapore Dist, Fm KKD Sqn Ldr Joshi KM-1
16th October 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-21U MOFTU MACW MiG Darrang Sonitpur , Assam Dis Fg Offr K N Gupta
16th October 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-21U MOFTU The crash of the fighters, one of them a trainer, took place while four aircraft were involved in a medium level tactical exercises in the Darrang-Sonitpur area of lower Assam. While Fg Off Jot Singh, who was flying the trainer, died after the plane crashed, his . The pilot of the other MiG-21, Fg Off K N Gupta, also ejected from the fighter and was rescued. Fg Offr Jod Singh*
instructor, Sqn Ldr G Kago, bailed out to safety
6th November 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Cr Pathankot AFS, Sqn Ldr Bandhopadhyay bailed out and suffered injuries
15th November 2000
Indian A. F. MiG-27M TO Hashmara Cr 32 km at Jaipalguri at 1850 hours (IST) on Wednesday Sqn Ldr S Badli KM-1
17th January 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Crashed on take off Hashimara COOCH BEHAR Dist Flt Lt Shrivastava ejected suffering serious injuries KM-1
12th March 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN SM-261 TO Halwara Cr Sangrur Dist Sqn Ldr M Vishwas KM-1
27 March 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-21 Cr Dhanga Pir, Nurpur Dist HP Fg Offr S Grover
10th April 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis TO Srinagar, Cr S of Gulmarg Flt Lt P K Arun*
2nd May 2001
also seen as 3rd
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 FIS
Tambaram Crashed near Arignar Anna Zoological Park at Vandhlaur on the outskirts of Chennai shortly after take off Sqn Ldr Sanjay Gaur [Senior Inspector at Tambaram Air Force Base] ejected the aircraft wobbled at an altitude of about 120 feet. But the parachute failed to open properly and he fell outside the zoo. He died on the way to the military hospital Martin-Baker
8th May 2001
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 U-778 AFA Cr Daramanga Vill, RR Dist Pilot Baled out Flt Cdt Shishir Sukant Martin-Baker
8th June 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-21M Cr Kangra Dist, TO from Pathankot The pilot landed in Boojpur village, three km from the crash site, by a parachute and is safe
5th July 2001
Indian A. F. MIG-23UM Cr Thumbali Dani Vill Jodhpur Sqn Ldr Gaikwad
F/O P P Hudda
28 August 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL Cr Dipota Grid Substation Sonitpur Dist Assam Fg Offr A Bansal*
28 August 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN HE(A) RSQ KM-1
17th September 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-21 23 Squadron, Panthers
Suratgarh Air Force Base on an exercise flight crashed soon after taking off from the IAF base in Rajasthan about 1.5 kilometres from Pilibanga Canal Flight Lt. Abhijit Anil Gadgil killed
No ejection KM-1
26th September 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-21M TO Pathankot, Cr Dasuya Sardanand
24th October 2001
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 Unk RSQH Martin-Baker
25th October 2001
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 5 Sqdn The plane was on a "routine sortie" when it crashed in the Ambala sector of Punjab, Flt Lt Romesh Sharma Martin-Baker
27 December 2001
Indian A. F. MiG-21FL Tezpur Rs 1.5Cr Loss
4th January 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-25R 102 Sqdn Ac hit Mech Rwy Swpr landing at Adampur Sqn Ldr Bhullar KM-1
21st February 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN Pathankot Rs 4.6 Cr Loss KM-1
15th March 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-23MF Cr at Uttarlai - Bayatu and Sindhari villages Rakesh Sharma KM-1
4th April 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Cr Jhelu-Gagari vill Jodhpur Dist Sqn LdP K Bundela VM*
26th April 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21M Cr near Sirsa Fg Offr Paul
3rd May 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis C-2797 23 Sqdn Ejected over Jallandhar City - Eight on Ground k Flt Lt S K Nayak
7th June 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Caught fire on TO Srinaga Fg Offr Thakur KM-1
26th June 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN TO from Halwara Flt Lt Bharat Kumar
[killed in an MiG-23BN air crash in Rajasthan on February 7, 2004]
27th June 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Barrackpore Rs 1.5 Cr Loss
15th July 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21U TO from Baghdogra Sqn Ldr R. D. Hem Raj
Flying Officer A K Singh

9th September 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis C-276? Rajasthan. Flt Lt Rajat Tyagi
9th September 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bison 3 Sqdn Cr. Naggal area near Ambala Sqn Ldr Rajat Nangia
11th October 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21U T69 MOFTU Cr Rangapura Sonitpur dist, assam Pilot ejected
21st October 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis C-2800 on approach to Uttarlai - Night flying Flt Lt Pratap Singh
5th November 2002
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 14 Sqdn Eng Failure near Ambala 5k on ground Flt Lt Vipin Rehani Martin-Baker
26th December 2002
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Cr near Badgam at Srinagar Airfield Fg Offr B K Singh
4th April 2003
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN Cr in Ludhiana 4 k on ground TO Halwara Flt Lt Balwinder Singh Gill KM-1
7th April 2003
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bison TO from Ambala Flt Lt H Garg
7th July 2003
Indian A. F. MiG-23BN Cr 1128 - from Halwara - Mianwala Kalai Flt Lt Nikhil Gupta ejected out safely sustained minor bruises. KM-1
15th July 2003
Indian A. F. MiG-21 crashed in Srinagar
Wing Commander R Rastogi
killed Flight Lieutenant Ganeshan
24th August 2003
Indian Navy Lt Shiraz H Azad Martin-Baker
Sea Harrier FRS 51 IN 615 300 Sqdn Cr in sea near the western state of Goa - tech failure during landing phase
28 November 2003
Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Cr Rajasthan at Nal Fg Offr A Gupta
4th December 2003
Indian A. F. MiG-29 25km from Adampur Sqn Ldr Jawahar Mohammad K-36
7th February 2004
Indian A. F. MiG-23 Jaisalmer Airbase crashed during firepower demonstration manoeuvres over Pokhran Range in Rajasthan Flt Lt Bharat Kumar
[ejected from a MiG-23BN on 26th June 2002 ]
20th February 2004
Indian A. F. MiG-21M C-1635 Cr near Jamnagar 4k on grd Fg Offr G S Ghuman
2nd April 2004
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS MAC bad weather J and K. hit another jag Flt Lt G Oberoi*
7th May 2004
Indian A. F. Jaguar IS 5 Sqdn Cr TO from Ambala Sqn Ldr Tamaskar Martin-Baker
19th May 2004
12.09 pm
Indian A. F. MiG-27 Hasimara Air Force Base Lost in crash on flight to nearby in North Bengal Flight Lieutenant Sinha

23rd September 2004
Indian A. F. Mirage 2000 Tyre dam on TO Sqn Ldr Harser Singh Gill ordered to Eject safely Martin-Baker
12th October 2004
Indian A. F. Mirage 2000TH KT-207 Cr 4.5km from Gwalior - Tech Defect Wg Cdr Venkatesh Martin-Baker
F/L Rangachari
1st November 2004
Indian A. F. MiG-21 C-2084 Cr BikanerCanasaur Fg Offr S Mitra
5th November 2004
Indian A. F. MiG-27M Cr Barielly Rs 20 Cr est loss KM-1

8th November 2004
8:40 p.m
IAF Mirage 2000 IAF Gwalior Engine fire after take-off. Aircraft hit the ground about 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Air Base Flight Lt. Neehar Gururani killed
Initial reports had erroneously stated the pilot had survived
no ejection
17th December 2004
Indian Navy Sea Harrier 300 Sqdn Cr while hoverlanding at Dabolim Lt Mehta Martin-Baker
Tuesday, 4th January 2005
IAF MiG 21bis Type 75, Nal Air Base crashed in a farm at Inda village, 20 km from Bikaner, soon after taking off on a routine sortie from the Nal air base near, Bikaner in Rajasthan Sqn Ldr. S. Kaila, ejected safely KM-1
Friday 7th October 2005
IAF Jaguar Gwalior airbase Routine training mission. Crashed at the Gwalior airfield in Madhya Pradesh Squadron Leader Vishal Gupta ejected safely Martin-Baker
Wednesday 26th October 2005
12:45 h
Indian Air Force MiG-21UTI ? Airforce Systems and Training Establishment(ASTE) Crashed on take - off from Bangalaore Air Port Test pilot Sq. Ldr. K R Murthy, ejected but died in hospital during the evening KM-1
Test Engineer Squadron Leader K D Bhat ejected taken to local hospital KM-1
Tuesday 13th December 2005
11:56 h (IST)
IAF MIG-21 Type 77 Tezpur Air Base On routine flight Crashed into a paddy field in Pithakowa area in Assam Squadron Leader S. Alok [??] Bansal, ejected safely 21 MIG-21s belonging to the Indian Air Force have crashed. Since 2001. The type is being phased out. KM-1
Tuesday 27th December 2005
11:15 hrs (IST)
IAF Kiran Mk-1 Trainer U-73? IAF Systems and Training Establishment (ASTE) Bangalore Took off on a routine training sortie.from HAL Airport. Engine problems. Crashed in the open field, near the BHEL residential layout and gutted by fire. Rajarajeshwarinagar area, Bangalore
Aircraft crashed
Wg. Cdr Raghul Bapat
also reported as

Wg Cdr Rahul Papat

Both crew ejected but sustained minor injuries and taken to Air Force Command Hospital Martin-Baker
co-pilot Sq. Ldr Narayan Deepak Martin-Baker

4th March 2005
IAF Deepak HPT-32 crashed in Hakimpet Flt Cdt Sparsh Rana*
8th March 2005
IAF MiG-21Bis Fg Offr Tushar Chavan*
26th October 2005
IAF MiG-21UM ASTE Sqn Ldr K R Murthy*
13th December 2005
IAF MiG-21 Sqn Ldr Bansal
19th December 2005
IAF Canberra PR57 Sqn Ldr Sanjeev Bedi* 106
27th December 2005
IAF Kiran HJT-16 Wg Cdr Rahul Bapat ASTE
1st February 2005
IAF Chetak
18th February 2005
IAF Cheetah SA-315
22nd May 2005
IAF Mil Mi-8
21st June 2005
IAF Mil Mi-17 Gp Capt Shankar
19th October 2005
IAF Cheetah SA-315
21st February 2005
IN Chetak
6th May 2005
IN Chetak Lt Cdr D Poddar*
17th May 2005
IN Sea Harrier 300
19th August 2005
IN Kamov 28 Lt Cdr O Sherawat*
7th Septemebr 2005
IN Chetak Lt Cdr H S Pannu*
5th December 2005
IN Sea Harrier 551
20th November 2005
HAL Dhruv HAL Wg Cdr Krishna

Tuesday 17th January 2006
11:00 a.m. local
IAF MiG-21 Jamnagar Air Base, Gujarat Experienced an ''engine surge'' during pull-out from a dive crashed near the Sarmat firing range, ten km from near Jamnagar Squadron Leader J P S Bains ejected safely having pointed aircraft into a safe direction KM-1
Saturday 18th March 2006
09:30h Conflicting early reports-
Three plane formation practising formation flight

possibly the tail of one plane hit another during the practice.
Control loss at high speed and low altitude while avoiding college building. Crashed into a toor dal field in Naubad on the outskirts of Bidar, in north Karnataka about 700 km from Bangalore

Awaiting further confirmation of events.
Squadron Leader Shailendra Singh unsuccessful attempt to eject at low level, less than 100 feet - died in crash Martin-Baker

IAF Kiran Mk II ????
'Surya Kiran'
(Rays of the Sun)
aerobatics team Wing Commander Dheeraj Bhatia. unsuccessful attempt to eject at low level,- died in crash Martin-Baker
Tuesday 21st March 2006
3.35 p.m. (local)

IAF MiG-21
101 Sqn
Falcons Crashed in open field 16 km from Uttarlai village in Barmer district, Rajasthan
Sqn. Ldr. P.K. Chikkara died in crash Flight Lieutenant Aniket V. Kolhe died in crash
Thursday 8th June 2006
12.10 p.m
photo MOD India
A MiG-29UB Trainer similar to this was lost - both crew ejected safely During a routine sortie from Bhuj crashed on the uninhabited Pirotan island, 40 km off the coast of Jamnagaran
via jagan photo requested K-36
MiG-29 UB Trainer ??? 28 Squadron
Bhuj Air Force Base, Gujarat

Wing Commander A. Nautiyal - Ejected safely over the sea and rescued - admitted to a local hospital for treatment Squadron Leader N. K. Mahal- Ejected safely over the sea and rescued - admitted to a local hospital for treatment K-36
Thursday 28th September 2006
around 3.20 p.m.

IAF MiG-29 Ambala airbase
India News Media
Possible bird strike. Pilot reported an engine problem while preparing to land crashed in the fields near Sadhopur village about 12 km from the air force base near Ambala city in India's northern state of Haryana Pilot Squadron Leader V. Naik ejected and taken to a military hospital for first-aid K-36
Thursday 19th October 2006
10:15 am
IAF MiG-27

SOURCE: Indian News Media
caught fire and crashed into an open field near Kadamtala village in North Bengal's Jalpaiguri district pilot ejected but injured [fractured ??] his legs - taken to the Hasimara Airbase Hospital K-36
Tuesday 21st November 2006
7.45 pm (IST)
IAF MiG-29 Jamnagar airbase routine night sortie, crashed soon after take off near Jamnagar airbase in the vicinity of Sarmat village pilot ejected some minor injuries taken to the IAF hospital for treatment K-36
3rd March 2007
IAF MiG-21 Bagdogra Air Base Crashed near Kurseong about 30 km from Siliguri Squadron Leader Swapna Shankar Pandey
ejected but parachute did not deploy KM-1

5th April 2007
0850 hrs (IST)
Indian Navy Sea Harrier T.Mk.60 IN651 crashed near Dabholim airport off Goa coast into the Arabian Sea
photo via Tiwary Family Martin-Baker
Commander Vikram Menon, Ejected - rescued
[2nd ejection - see also 25th May 2001]
Lt Commander Saurabh Tiwary, Ejected - His body was recovered nine days after the crash Martin-Baker

Tuesday 8th May 2007 16:00h
IAF MiG-29 Adampur air base, Punjab Crashed on take off on a routine training sortie from the air base in Punjab. No ground casualties pilot Lt. Commander Vikram Chauhan [on attachment from Indian Navy] ejected safely K-36
Tuesday 22nd May 2007
IAF MiG-21
Type-75 Udhampur airbase Crashed in the Basantgarh-Mahore mountains in Reasi district. Pilot and plane wreckage wreckage found in high mountainous reaches of Kathua district, southeast of Jammu Pilot Lakhanpal missing Pilot Squadron Leader P. G. Reddy [Ready] Killed
Tuesday 11th September 2007
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 Hakimpet Air Force Academy Crashed at Air Force Academy on the outskirts of Hyderabad Martin-Baker
Squadron Leader Bhagat
killed Trainee Pilot SC Pathi
killed Martin-Baker
Sunday 9th September 2007
Indian Navy Sea Harrier FRS.Mk.51 300 Sqn
INS Viraat Crashed in the Bay of Bengal following loss of power while preparing to land on carrier Lieutenant Commander A. Jain
ejected Martin-Baker
Friday 26th October 2007
IAF Jaguar Jamnagar airbase in Gujarat Crashed soon after take off ejected safely Martin-Baker
Sunday 18th November 2007
Indian A. F. Kiran HJT-16 Hakimpet Air Force Academy
Hyderabad Technical problem. Crashed at Padamatikesapur village in Warangal district Martin-Baker
Anand Kumar
ejected Syed Malik
ejected sustained serious injuries Martin-Baker
Both crew were initially admitted to a hospital at Jangaon and later air-lifted to a hospital in Hyderabad
Saturday 22nd December 2007
11.50 a.m
Indian A. F. HJT-16 Kiran
Trainer Surya Kiran Kalaikunda airbase Crashed during take off after refueling at Bhubaneswar Airport on way to Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh pilot Wing Commander Rajat Tyagi quickly ejected himself"
It is believed that the pilot was able to get out by himself without using the ejection seat
Monday 24th December 2007
Indian Navy Sea Harrier FRS.Mk.51 IN ??? 300 Sqn
INS Viraat crashed while landing at the Dabolim Naval Air Station in Goa Pilot Cdr Janak Bevli ejected Martin-Baker

Thursday 31st January 2008
IAF MiG-27 Hashimara airbase Routine training exercise. Crashed in the eastern state of West Bengal, Jalpaiguri district Wing Commander Jasbir Singh
ejected safely KM-1

21st February 2008
IAF MiG-21
Type 96 crash near Bhuj in Gujarat
Flight Lieutenant S Agashe
ejected safely KM-1
Tuesday 29th April 2008
IAF Hawk Take off aborted at Bidar airport in Karnataka and slid off runway due to a technical problem. Damage unspecified Martin-Baker Mk.10
Indian pilot escaped without injury British pilot escaped without injury Martin-Baker Mk.10
Some Indian news reports indicate one of the pilots ejected. Confirmation appreciated
Monday 12th May 2008
IAF Deepak HPT-32 Begumpet Air Force Academy, Hyderabad crashed just north of the institution near Medak in Andhra Pradesh Female flying cadet
suffered fatal injuries
Friday 23rd May 2008
IAF MiG-21 Bagdogra air base Technical problems. Caught fire while landing at high speed at West Bengal’s Bagdogra airport, 16 km from Siliguri. Belly landed Pilot ejected KM-1
Monday 1st September 2008
IAF MiG-29 Jamnagar air base crashed about 50 km west of the air base Flight Lieutenant Dheer
ejected K-36
Monday 8th September 2008

Indian A. F. Cessna 152 Begumpet Air Force Academy, Hyderabad Crashed in residential area near Begumpet airport in Hyderabad
Trainee pilot Srinivas
killed in crash Instructor pilot Niraj Jain died on the way to hospital
Wednesday 12th 2008
type 69 Chabua air base Routine training flight. Crashed into a field near Chabua village of Tinsukia district of Assam KM-1
Squadron Leader Swapandeep
[also reported as Supandeep]
ejected safely Flying Officer Nandagopan
[also reported as Nanda]
ejected safely KM-1
Monday 17th November 2008
MiG-23 Hashimara air base in Jalpaiguri district Routine training flight. Crashed in east Hashimara area in West Bengal KM-1
Wg Cdr Sisodia
ejected safely Flt Lt Kartik
ejected safely KM-1
Earlier news reports gave the type as a single seat MiG-27
Wednesday 21st January 2009
IAF HAL HJT-16 Kiran Mk II
'Surya Kiran'
(Rays of the Sun)
aerobatics team
(SKAT) Bidar air force base Crashed during a training session in Bidar, Karnataka Martin-Baker
Wing Commander R. S. Dhaliwal
photo IAF Martin-Baker
Some early reports indicated a second aircraft was involved and that the pilot was seriously injured. It now appears to be misreporting of an aerial vehicle (UAV) that crashed in West Bengal

Wednesday 4th February 2009
Indian A. F. Hindustan Aeronautics
Intermediate Jet Trainer HJT-36 Prototype Trainer
PT2 Belly landed at the HAL airport during preparations for “Aero India 2009” air show Zvezda K36LT zero-zero ejection seat
Squadron Leader Baldev Singh (retd.)
[HAL’s Executive Director - Chief Test Pilot (Fixed Wing)]
NO EJECTION Wing Commander C. Subramaniam
[Indian Air Force fighter pilot on deputation to HAL]
NO EJECTION Zvezda K36LT zero-zero ejection seat

9th December 1971 Indian Airlines Avro HS-748 VT-DXG Crashed into mountainside enroute from Trivandrum to Madurai at Chinnamanur 17 Passengers and 4 Crew members killed.
10 survivors
24th December 1996
Indian A. F. Avro HS-748 Wing fatigue. Crashed near Chennai at Dubagunta at Nellore on a ferry flight to Hyderabad Sqn Ldr Krishanan Pilot killed
Flight Lt. Harita Kaur Deol Co-pilot killed
Air Force Band of the Academy Lost in crash
five air/ ground crew and 17 passengers on board lost their lives
Monday 11th January 1999
Indian A. F. Avro HS-748 Airborne System (CABS)
Bangalore Crashed in Attur village, two km from Arakkonam four crew members all killed
four Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) officials all killed
indian A.F su-30 mki 30 april 2009 one co-poilet killed
indian A.F mig-21 crashed one poilet daed
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When the hell did I say I was embarrassed? Read properly before posting.

Earlier post:
This is really unacceptable. Some heads should roll over this, and frankly this insane crash rate is making the IAF the laughing stock of airforces around the world.

You can read between the lines and judge for your self.

Whatever the cause is, this is just one crash to add to the long list of crashes. I really don't want to bring out a list of IAF crashes to prove my point.

Imran has done that for you. Lots of crashes were related ot soviet era planes and insteas of phasing them out, they kept extending thier lives. Now our piolets are paying for thier lives. If you want to embarass, embarassment should be atGOI for not buyng aircrafts early.
No, there was no Mig 21 crash...its wrong news.

here is news paper thread which mistakenly describe Su-30 crash as mig21 crash and one pilot dead.

"MiG 21 crashes, pilot dead

Published by: Diksha Gupta
Published: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 at 11:22 IST

Pokharan: An IAF pilot died today after the MiG-21 crashed in Rajamathaai village here on Thursday, morning, sources said.

According to the sources, two IAF pilots were flying the MiG 21 plane that crashed in Rajamathaai village. The pilots tried ejecting using a parachute.

The parachute of one of the pilots did not open which lead to the loss of his life. The other pilot landed safely.

Scores of MiG crashes and pilot deaths have plagued the Air Force in recent years, some of them suspected to be due to technical problems. This comes at a time when the Air Force has been trying hard to reduce them.

Further details are awaited."

MiG 21 crashes, pilot dead :: Samay Live

I guess once they had further details with them they corrected their report.Anyway its better to cross check if the news didnt come from a very reputable source.
Sukhoi-30 crashes in Jaisalmer, pilot killed

Jaipur: An Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter plane, Sukhoi-30 MK1, crashed in the Pokharan area of Jaisalmer district on Thursday, killing one of the two pilots. It is for the first time that a Sukhoi, which is a frontline fighter and the country's most advanced combat aircraft, has crashed since its induction into the IAF in 1997.

According to preliminary investigations, the accident occurred due to a technical snag, IAF sources said. A court of enquiry has been ordered, IAF spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel NM Joshi said.

The sources said though both the pilots bailed-out in time, Wing Commander P Narah's parachute did not open. Wing Commander SV Munje managed to make a successful landing.

The fighter plane had taken off from the Lohegaon air base near Pune for routine practice. The pilots completed their target at Chandhana, the IAF practice range at Jaisalmer. The plane crashed on their trip back to Pune at Hariyaser village in the Rajmathai village panchayat of Pokharan sub-division. The remains of the plane scattered over a two-mile radius area. Major portion of the remains fell at Tiku Ram Ki Dhani, sources said.

There was no loss of human life as the aircraft crashed in an uninhabited area. Villagers of nearby areas rushed to the spot and doused the fire.

Air Force officers reached the spot, cordoned off the area and took the pilots to hospital where Narah was declared brought dead.
Sukhoi-30 crashes in Jaisalmer, pilot killed

Jaipur: An Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter plane, Sukhoi-30 MK1, crashed in the Pokharan area of Jaisalmer district on Thursday, killing one of the two pilots. It is for the first time that a Sukhoi, which is a frontline fighter and the country's most advanced combat aircraft, has crashed since its induction into the IAF in 1997.

According to preliminary investigations, the accident occurred due to a technical snag, IAF sources said. A court of enquiry has been ordered, IAF spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel NM Joshi said.

The sources said though both the pilots bailed-out in time, Wing Commander P Narah's parachute did not open. Wing Commander SV Munje managed to make a successful landing.

The fighter plane had taken off from the Lohegaon air base near Pune for routine practice. The pilots completed their target at Chandhana, the IAF practice range at Jaisalmer. The plane crashed on their trip back to Pune at Hariyaser village in the Rajmathai village panchayat of Pokharan sub-division. The remains of the plane scattered over a two-mile radius area. Major portion of the remains fell at Tiku Ram Ki Dhani, sources said.

There was no loss of human life as the aircraft crashed in an uninhabited area. Villagers of nearby areas rushed to the spot and doused the fire.

Air Force officers reached the spot, cordoned off the area and took the pilots to hospital where Narah was declared brought dead.

If u still havent realised ur mistake from my earlier post check out...both plane reported to have crashed near Rajmathai village which is impossible.

There was only one crash of IAF fighter today and its was a Su-30.
If u still havent realised ur mistake from my earlier post check out...both plane reported to have crashed near Rajmathai village which is impossible.

There was only one crash of IAF fighter today and its was a Su-30.
Point taken khajur but I only posted the news at that time.
Once again thanks for correcting me!!!
1 dude being in an defense forum you should know that all armed forces do their best for their men.... So does IAF...
the crash rates of IAF rather reflect Indian political scenario.

2 Indians join armed forces with an compassion to serve their country and not any money making institute

3 you should rather spend your time on Facebook or Orkut.... So Get LOST :wave: :sniper: :guns:

You are a Feisty monk!!!
3 you should rather spend your time on Facebook or Orkut.... So Get LOST :wave: :sniper: :guns:

Nice little shooting shooting icons, those. Save you the trouble of actually typing something of value.
Sad news, R.I.P.

Lets not speculate what we think happened but wait for the official report. It could aswel have been caused by a bird strike...

But its a fact that MKI aswell as the Mig-29 ia suffering from spare shortages hence the Indian efforts to establish a joined controlled spare depot in India. According to my source serviciblity of the MKI is still well below 50% despite almost 100 deliveries....
3 you should rather spend your time on Facebook or Orkut.... So Get LOST :wave: :sniper: :guns:

Since you're new I'll see this one thru the fingers but we certainly don't tollerate personal attacks.
Next time try to kill the message only....

may the winco Pushpendra Singh Nara rest in peace ,he was the navigator for this sortie
Service No 20478 Branch F(P)

No Image Available
Name : PS Nara Rank Wing Commander
Date of Birth:
Date Commissioned Service End No Details

Awards and Decorations
Number of Awards: 1

Vayu Sena Medal (Devotion to Duty)
Wg Cdr PS Nara 20478 F(P) Award Date 26 Jan 09 Announced 26 Jan 09
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The crash with the MKI surprised me a bit as it is a reliable russian aircraft. India will have to get the reason for the crash, there must be something gone wrong with the engine I guess. The second one didn't surpise me, the MiG 21 of IAF hasn't got the name 'flying coffin' for fun.

I think people need to realize that these crashes are an inevitability. They are bound to happen as more hours are flown, with more pilots of diverse backgrounds and as the aircraft and the various components clock hours and the engine and airframe age.
IAF pilot killed in 1st Sukhoi-30 crash

Jaisalmer: A Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter jet of the IAF crashed at Rajmathai village, 170 km from Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer town, on Thursday, killing one of its pilots. This is the first time that a Sukhoi-30 MKI, which was inducted into the IAF in 2002, has crashed.

According to Wing Commander Tarun Kumar Singha, IAF spokesman, the aircraft took off from Pune on a routine exercise with Wing C o m m a n - ders S V Munje and P S Narah. After completing the mission at the Pokhran firing range in Jaisalmer, the plane was returning to Pune when it developed a technical snag and the pilots lost communication with the Air Traffic Control. The pilots tried to divert the plane over an uninhabited area and tried to eject.

While Munje’s parachute functioned roperly, the parachute of Narah did not open and he fell to his death, said Singha. A court of inquiry has been ordered into the incident.
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