I am very sorry to have caused 'confusion'; why that happened is confusing.
Let me quickly recap.: there was some very brief discussion about the macroeconomic facts, and one post, by
@T90TankGuy, referred to a range of opinions held by government functionaries that all pointed in the same, rather dismal direction. As far as I could understand, he was not hinting at any access to secret information not known to the rest of us, he was referring to the general idea among responsible segments of government regarding the state of the economy and the direction it was heading.
Your assumption, that he was citing an insider view, does not seem particularly well-founded. He was merely refuting an implicit slur that he knew nothing about the situation. This is not to be confused with claiming an insider view.
My response to your post - two posts, as it is, but taking them together as a composite - was that we might as well ignore the hints and allusions about official positions and come to the point. Was there anything about the economic situation that made your view stand apart from others? Was there, to make things very clear, any ameliorative circumstance that you saw? If not, and I believe not, what are you objecting to, and why do you return repeatedly to some member stating that he is a very important person? Shades of Professor Jowett and his most important pupil!
If we are, after all, on the same plane of logic, can we just agree that Modi and his More-Or-Lesses are blowing it out of their collective backside - a rather entertaining envisioning - and go to bed?
Unless you have something to say of great consequence that has not been properly dealt with; my punctuation, for instance?
Ah, thank you, quite forgot that with the sinking of the economy, ink will be a valuable fluid. Quite right to point it out.
Couldn't agree with you more.
My favourite activity, in these dreary days, is channeling Gagool, from King Solomon's Mines. Understandable, you may agree, considering the numbers rushing from one side of the boat to the other, but clearly, I owe you an apology for ever thinking that you voted for him.
I Never Voted For Him.
Is there a T-Shirt in there?