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IAF wants 50 swift & sure Sudarshan LGBs from ADE | Scientists at it to get


Jul 6, 2009
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Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: IAF wants 50 swift & sure Sudarshan LGBs from ADE | Scientists at it to get CEP within 3-5 meters





After series of flight trials, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has asked the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), to make 50 laser-guided bombs (LGBs) -- Sudarshan. These dump bombs (Mark 11 N bombs), hitherto part of IAF’s vintage ammunition, is getting a life-extension with ADE’s help, with an improvised range and strike capabilities.
The ADE won the project for developing an LGB seven years back and subsequently successfully demonstrated the capabilities to the IAF during differed flight trials in 2010. It was also dropped from a Jaguar as part of the user trial in Pokhran, the same year. “Our mission was to develop an advanced laser guidance kit for 1000 lb class dumb bombs, so as to improve the accuracy. We demonstrated the same and now the IAF has asked us to make 50 Sudarshans,” ADE director P S Krishnan told Express on Tuesday.
Krishnan says the laser-guidance seeker, fitted on the nose of the LGB, is the most critical desi component onboard. “It’s developed jointly by IIT Delhi and ADE, while BEL is the production agency. The guidance kit directs the bomb towards a target, which has been illuminated by laser energy using a laser designator (LD) system. The laser energy is reflected from the target and detected by the laser seeker unit on the LGB kit. The seeker provides information on the deviation of the laser sport from the centre line of the detector. The control system processes this information and generates suitable deflections on the canard surfaces to effect changes in bomb trajectory thereby guiding the bomb to the target,” he explained the features of the bomb.
Sudarshan has onboard a flight control computer with MEMS-based (microelectromechanical systems) rate gyros. It also has high-precision linear ball-lead-screw actuators (to move the control surface). The four tail fins get deployed during the flight. A next-generation bomb (NG-LGB) studded with new technologies is in the pipeline, but the scientists need to address the problem of rolling of the bomb, after its release. “The range of Sudrashan now is around 9 km, if dropped from a normal altitude, and for the NG-LGB we hope to increase the range to 50 km,” he said.
The IAF wants the circular error probability (CEP) of the LGB between 3 to 5 meters and ADE scientists are now working to achieve the same. Currently the CEP for Sudarshan is within the 10 meters. (CEP is measurement of a weapon’s precision.) In addition to the Jaguars and the Mig-27s, in future Sudarshan can be fitted on to Tejas too.
Great work by IIT Delhi and ADE:cheers:
i just wish they do some on the color scheme of this LGB along with improving its CEP...:laugh:
They should remove the forward fins and redesign the navigation through backward fins, this will eliminate the wobbling during the drop.

Dont you think that Making a 1000 kg Glide bomb
should be more difficult than a LGB like Sudarshan

First of all, the weight doesn't mean anything, since you can put an LGB kit to a 1000KG bomb too. Secondly, we don't know anything about the other bomb other than it's claimed weight and range. There were no pics or videos like after the Sudarshan or recent Nirbhay tests, so you can't say anything credible about it.
But if Saurav Jha is right and Sudarshan failed on accuracy:

It raises even more questions about the success of the new bomb doesn't it?
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First of all, the weight doesn't mean anything, since you can put an LGB kit to a 1000KG bomb too. Secondly, we don't know anything about the other bomb other than it's claimed weight and range. There were no pics or videos like after the Sudarshan or recent Nirbhay tests, so you can't say anything credible about it.
But if Saurav Jha is right and Sudarshan failed on accuracy:

It raises even more questions about the success of the new bomb doesn't it?

So is LGB a success or not
Sudarshan LGB according to Saurav Jha not, the new glide bomb according to DRDO yes. Lets see if we get further confirmations.

Testing is on for this. They are currently working on the data collection instruments/avionics during tests. At-least this is what I heard.
Testing is on for this. They are currently working on the data collection instruments/avionics during tests. At-least this is what I heard.

Well that sounds pretty different to what Mr Jha stated.
Well that sounds pretty different to what Mr Jha stated.

Had spoken to my cousin who is in the ADE. He mentioned a few interesting things. He said the avionics and testing equipment was being tested for the glide bomb. As usual, he clamped up when I asked for more juicy details on what and when and how.
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First of all, the weight doesn't mean anything, since you can put an LGB kit to a 1000KG bomb too. Secondly, we don't know anything about the other bomb other than it's claimed weight and range. There were no pics or videos like after the Sudarshan or recent Nirbhay tests, so you can't say anything credible about it.
But if Saurav Jha is right and Sudarshan failed on accuracy:

It raises even more questions about the success of the new bomb doesn't it?

In any case,the regular LGBs without glide fins are becoming a thing of past............well,more or less.So it's no that big a setback if you ask me as long as they can deliver upon the glide bomb kit.
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