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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

Reuters AlertNet - Pakistan says Indian warplanes violated airspace

Pakistan says Indian warplanes violated airspace
13 Dec 2008 20:52:49 GMT
Source: Reuters
(Updates with quotes, background)
ISLAMABAD, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Pakistani air force jets scrambled on Saturday to turn back Indian warplanes that had entered Pakistan's airspace, the Islamabad government said.
Pakistan's information minister said there was no need for alarm and that India had explained the violation was inadvertent.

In New Delhi, an Indian Defence Ministry spokesman said he had no information on the reported incursion.

The violations occurred at a time of heightened tension between the nuclear-armed neighbours following an attack on Mumbai two weeks ago that the Indian government has blamed on militants based in Pakistan.
"We have confirmed it. We have spoken to the Indian airforce and they have said it was inadvertent," Information Minister Sherry Rehman said.

A Pakistani airforce spokesman said one violation took place in the Kashmir sector and one in the Lahore sector.

"Our air force is on alert and it ready to face any eventuality, but we do not expect this to escalate," Rehman said. "There is no need for alarm."

India and Pakistan have fought three wars and went to the brink of a fourth in 2002. They began a peace process in 2004, but India has said that the attacks on Mumbai had put that in jeopardy. (Reporting by Sheree Sardar and Kamran Haider; writing by Simon Cameron-Moore; Editing by Angus MacSwan)
We should be proud that our Air force acted PROFESSIONALLY and handled the threat with a clear head. If the fighters would've been shot down, a WHOLE new level of Blame on Pakistan would've erupted from the fcukheads in the Western/Europe and Media.

Currently, we're one step ahead of them. We have reports of capturing one of their spies and now the Indian Sh ithead of an Airforce, running on curry is acting as an aggressor against Pakistan.

for starters, enough to show around who has shi ts for brains and want new levels of escalation and not Peace.
Pakistan: India violated airspace - Yahoo! News

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Indian aircraft violated Pakistan's airspace Saturday but were chased back over the border by Pakistani fighter jets, an Air Force spokesman here said.

The alleged incident comes amid heightened tensions between the nuclear-armed rivals over last month's deadly attack in Mumbai. India has said the attack, which left more than 170 people dead, had roots in Pakistan.

Pakistan Air Commodore Himayun Viqar said the Indian aircraft crossed over the border some one to three miles (two to four kilometers) in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir and over the eastern city of Lahore.

He would not say how many Indian aircraft were involved or give the exact time but said that Pakistani jets responded, forcing the Indian aircraft to turn back.

Attempts to get Indian comment were not immediately successful early Sunday morning.
However, in a statement, Pakistan Information Minister Sherry Rehman said the Indian Air Force had told Pakistan the incursion was "inadvertent."

"Our forces are on alert," Rehman said, adding, "There is no need for undue alarm.
The Indians claim that it was an inadvertent incursion.... :crazy:
Surely they don't think ANYBODY buys that kind of crap:cheesy:

Its obviosly an act of aggression, which should not be tolerated. If the Indians wanna play, we are THE Game!!


ALLAH HOO!!:pakistan:
Now this shameless coward act clearly indicates that Pakistan wants PEACE that India obviously don't.But it also shows that either Indian Government is duped by her overconfident millitary forces or the IAF who dared to enter Pakistani territory seemingly ignorant of PAF 's strength and our gallant warriors.
Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict

KARACHI, December 13: Responding to the violation of Pakistan air space by Indian jet planes on Saturday, the defense analyst professor Hassan Askari said Sunday violation of Pakistan air space by Indian air force was an attempt to escalate tension between both the countries.

He said that Pakistan defense authorities already feared Indian violation as they termed Indian violation of Pakistan air space, was an attempt to check Pakistan Air Force preparation to defend its air spaces.

Lauding Pakistan Air Force response he said, “India must have got be fitting retaliation”.

He advised the government of Pakistan to raise this issue in United Nations so that the proper action against India could be sought.

Askari termed Pakistan strategy in current circumstances right, keeping in view the tension appeared after Mumbai attack and added that Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi should raise this issue before his Indian counterpart Pernab Mukherji during their meeting scheduled tomorrow.
This means that Zaid Hamid has been right...he said watch out HINDUS WILL ATTACK DURING EID...now we know that the attempt was made while our nation was sleeping and during a time of relative calm.
Now this shameless coward act clearly indicates that Pakistan wants PEACE that India obviously don't.But it also shows that either Indian Government is duped by her overconfident millitary forces or the IAF who dared to enter Pakistani territory seemingly ignorant of PAF 's strength and our gallant warriors.

Time for the army to step in and take control. Such cowardice shouldn't be tolerated for too long. These spineless bunch will sell Pakistan for a nickel at this rate! Let all the democrazy lovers cry. Democracy wont work in Pakistan. We need strong and resolute leadership at a time of tension! Only the army can provide such strong leadership.
may god paf have recording of radar which can show who they do this tommorw we can show whole world these recordings.these indians never accept until we show them tail of shot down jets in kargil and 2001 they beleve when they see crap of there jets
Don't worry guyz, our government might try to hide this, but our army won't, i dont think our generals let this matter go unanswered. Remember the army is not controlled by the government, but insted controlled by the generals.

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