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IAF Plans For 125 AMCAs

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Give a reputable source katuwe, not some chhapri defence sites. Your laughing won’t change the fact that you still need to be dependent on 3rd psrty. America blocked your T-129s because you were unable to make it on your own.

In April 2010, the Indian Air Force Chief of Air Staff issued the Air Staff requirements (ASR) for the AMCA, which placed the aircraft in the 25-ton category. Only then development started but Katuwe won’t understand, and rest of your comments are just painful smile. Just keep it with you.
Hope you found a bottle of burnol after reading facts 🤣 @Windjammer has posted reality of modigenous Teju up in the thread its not even 30% modigenous tho 🤣

And we have allies who we can rally on... T129 got sanctioned so Turkey developed whole engine for us... engine se Kaveri yaad aa gya :rofl:
Hope you found a bottle of burnol after reading facts 🤣 @Windjammer has posted reality of modigenous Teju up in the thread its not even 30% modigenous tho 🤣

And we have allies who we can rally on... T129 got sanctioned so Turkey developed whole engine for us... engine se Kaveri yaad aa gya :rofl:
Keep patting your own backs, keep doing it.
Do you know how much it costs to put up a Semi Conductors fab unit? Billions of Dollars and I don’t think even an Indian company is capable of putting up a fab on their own. DRDO and ISRO have FAB units because Government poured money for that. Plus the fact that it producing military grade Semiconductors are much more expensive.

Hahahaha so funny hahahaha 40 Tejas order is 8-10 per year and 83 MK1A was signed last month, production of MK1A will be that of 24 a year and we will manufacture components not assemble it like you guys who keep quoting that 58% Wikipedia gyaan, name even a single Pakistani component which is designed developed and manufactured in Pakistan by Pakistani company i.e. OEM is a Pakistani company...

In 40 Years we achieved high level of indigenisation unlike you assembling JF-17s with Semi Knocked Down kits, And regarding Kiran it has served for more than 56 Years, so? Your Supa Powa PAC can’t even design and develop and manufacture a Trainer aircraft or a Helicopter.

And you think economy doesn’t matter? Like seriously only you are the ones with less than 280 Billion dollar GDP claiming to make Rawalpindigenous 5th generation jadeed tareen ladaka taiyyara, there are 44 countries with hegher GDP than yours but are unable to do R&D due to small Budget.

It is nothing secret that your PAC is hiding, it requires money for making 5th Generation aircrafts with in-house development to an extent of 10 Billion dollars. Your GDP is 276 Billion dollars, plus you don’t have necessary infrastructure for R&D and Production thats why when asked name a single Pakistani thing in JF-17 they start spamming 58% Rawalpindigenous content!
It's unfair.... If you want to challenge... Put down a table of components of fighter plane ...one column for Tejas and other for Jf 17...
Indians will provide Indian inputs and Pakistan will provide Pakistani inputs.
Challenge accepted??!
Keep patting your own backs, keep doing it.
Dont worry atleast we have something to pat our backs about 🤣 unlike modigenous teju of yindustan Aeronautics limited 😆

It's unfair.... If you want to challenge... Put down a table of components of fighter plane ...one column for Tejas and other for Jf 17...
Indians will provide Indian inputs and Pakistan will provide Pakistani inputs.
Challenge accepted??!
Show tejas fanboys this
. .
martial laws happen when people see man in uniform as demigods or are too few /weak to fight back . In India's case its neither, so will never happen

It's unfair.... If you want to challenge... Put down a table of components of fighter plane ...one column for Tejas and other for Jf 17...
Indians will provide Indian inputs and Pakistan will provide Pakistani inputs.
Challenge accepted??!

My simple response to the Indians.....is best explained by abhijit Iyer Mitra.

answers why having a trm factory is not important
Why tejas is as bad as hf -22 marut
and my personal favorite why JF-17 is better and paksitani strategy of building up its defense industry over time is a sound process

i disagree with abhijit that once Sri Lanka has block 3 jf-17s it will no longer be afraid of India

@The Maverick
Ahhhhhh how delusional.... the west is against everything brown , even the Greek, Italians, Mexican, Indians and other Asians are looked down upon.

if you look closely you will see that the west culturally and religiously is closer to Muslims,

the fairer Indians , Pakistani’s , Italians do well here yet the darker have to work harder.

the west is just using india so they can slow down China they do not care how many Indians die in the process. You tell me, do you really believe any of the Quad members will come to India’s aid if say China and pakistan go to war with India. They will cut off India’s supply of parts.


Firstly ............ FORGET your delusional dreams of China fighting india .......WE SAW tha debacle in Ladakh.

As for pakistan based on huge variety of weapons we are acquiring from France USA and Israel and you only answer seemgly being JF17 block 3 i doubt pakistan will achieve much in real war with india .

As for darker or lighter indians i can talk from 4 decades of experience living in uk around white people. Being a typical punjabi jat indian never felt nothing but love from white people be they young old or Female or Male. IT STARTS with my own attitude i respect all my colleagues and freinds and they respect and love me equally. Working for Barclays you would be astonished at the number of indian origin people in Mumbai and London who hold director level jobs in this huge bank ........ Nothing like the bull crap your posting the whites hate all races and less so the lighter skin. . That last remark is hillarious and very shallow . That coming from a beautiful caramel coloured Jat Punjabi like me who loves his skin tone to bits . I can confirm my much darker Bangladeshi collegue Naz Uddiin gets the same love and respect

You guys full of racial undertones ..... At the funniest part your not even white
As for pakistan based on huge variety of weapons we are acquiring from France USA and Israel and you only answer seemgly being JF17 block 3 i doubt pakistan will achieve much in real war with india .
Capability of human resources over machine resources is edge we have always had 😊
Build the plane first, before making such plans. Otherwise, its just pointless bluster.
. .
Firstly ............ FORGET your delusional dreams of China fighting india .......WE SAW tha debacle in Ladakh.

As for pakistan based on huge variety of weapons we are acquiring from France USA and Israel and you only answer seemgly being JF17 block 3 i doubt pakistan will achieve much in real war with india .

As for darker or lighter indians i can talk from 4 decades of experience living in uk around white people. Being a typical punjabi jat indian never felt nothing but love from white people be they young old or Female or Male. IT STARTS with my own attitude i respect all my colleagues and freinds and they respect and love me equally. Working for Barclays you would be astonished at the number of indian origin people in Mumbai and London who hold director level jobs in this huge bank ........ Nothing like the bull crap your posting the whites hate all races and less so the lighter skin. . That last remark is hillarious and very shallow . That coming from a beautiful caramel coloured Jat Punjabi like me who loves his skin tone to bits . I can confirm my much darker Bangladeshi collegue Naz Uddiin gets the same love and respect

You guys full of racial undertones ..... At the funniest part your not even white
Okay happy for you to be delusional mav, are you saying that BRitish national party in the UK does not think that Chinese are better than Indians .....

are you saying trump was not racist

or are you saying Nigel farage is not racist

or I still remember this guy on fox say that he was surprised so many tech CEO’s were brown.

come off it mate

you and I live in microcosms we may not see as much of this but on a macro level there is a clear preference. There is a plan to keep us brown folks of South Asia divided. So we don’t grow. As I have said before there is already a superpower in the east the west does not want all of us to grow as our growth will be at there expense

Su30 is more joint ? You mean a jet developed by Russia is jointly developed by a jet developed by PAC and CAC is less jointly developed
What was the technical contribution of Pakistan to the development of JF-17? Aerodynamics, Avionics, fabrication aspects, FBW, integration of the concept? NOPE

Considering your argument it is very clear that Pakistan has no know how in this aspect. When you use word JOINT in the real world you bring a portion of development to the table. You take on a certain share of design and manufacturing to a project.

I will tell you what was Pakistan’s contribution. Pakistan needed a fighter since there was nothing available from established manufacturers. China offered assistance by developing one for Pakistan. Pakistan sent its people over to China to lay down the specifications and QRs. China used its technical know how to develop one and passed on the assembling process to Pakistan.

Use of word JOINT doesn’t mean - one country develops a aircraft based on certain QRs - thereafter finalises the manufacturing process- passes on the know how of the assembling to a second country- second country starts assembling by the supplied material AND starts using word JOINT.

I hope you are able to understand the difference. If it is still not clear then let me know. We will give some other example to make it clear.
What was the technical contribution of Pakistan to the development of JF-17? Aerodynamics, Avionics, fabrication aspects, FBW, integration of the concept? NOPE

Considering your argument it is very clear that Pakistan has no know how in this aspect. When you use word JOINT in the real world you bring a portion of development to the table. You take on a certain share of design and manufacturing to a project.

I will tell you what was Pakistan’s contribution. Pakistan needed a fighter since there was nothing available from established manufacturers. China offered assistance by developing one for Pakistan. Pakistan sent its people over to China to lay down the specifications and QRs. China used its technical know how to develop one and passed on the assembling process to Pakistan.

Use of word JOINT doesn’t mean - one country develops a aircraft based on certain QRs - thereafter finalises the manufacturing process- passes on the know how of the assembling to a second country- second country starts assembling by the supplied material AND starts using word JOINT.

I hope you are able to understand the difference. If it is still not clear then let me know. We will give some other example to make it clear.
We are back to this again, no matter what we say, you would find some BS excuse. So let me put it another way ! why tejas, a plane designed for 40 years, is a complete ..... to explain this I will ask the an Indian analyst to help you .........

a slaisee translation of all the facts that abhijit articulated is that, In a modern world no one tries to build their own plane alone. they design and integrate components from a global supply chain. that Is exactly what Pakistan did . 150+ examples are available for anyone to test.

the cherry on top was when the jf-17 conducted successfully air strikes against Indian military facilities in broad daylight. No su-30 tried to shoot , even one down .......

In a modern world no one tries to build their own plane alone. they design and integrate components from a global supply chain.
Yes that is 100% correct.
But in the same modern world no one calls an aircraft designed and developed by another nation as JOINT. Pakistan may be making it now with Chinese assistance in material and know how but had no contribution to its development.
You have very rightly used the words DESGN and INTEGRATE and that is where Pakistan’s contribution is in question.

It appears that Pakistan calls it JOINt due to the fact it has been manufacturing it with Chinese supplied components, designs and material.

There is no denying though that JF program is quite good considering the options available to Pakistan and its financial position.
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Yes that is 100% correct.
But in the same modern world no one calls an aircraft designed and developed by another nation as JOINT. Pakistan may be making it now with Chinese assistance in material and know how but had no contribution to its development.
You have very rightly used the words DESGN and INTEGRATE and that is where Pakistan’s contribution is in question.

It appears that Pakistan calls it JOINt due to the fact it has been manufacturing it with Chinese supplied components, designs and material.

There is no denying though that JF program is quite good considering the options available to Pakistan.
Wow, wow , wow so you know who designed the plane...... how much work was done by PAF engineers to develop this aircraft, how the wing segments were designed and redesigned by Paksitani Air Force engineers . How the tail and parts of fuselage were designed. Who helped write the code in c language for the various avionics. I personally know a few of those folks!

we have videos for pac kamra where they are building the wings, fuselage etc. we also saw the weapons integration lab , you can’t really integrate weapons systems without access To the avionics code!

dude just because dRDO is unable to make planes , why do your think the rest of the world is similarly incompetent? Watch abhijit’s video he is a racist rss person, yet he is sorta right here.

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